Why I’m not voting for Hillary

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 21, 2007

While this opinion may not be shared with anyone else at this blog, I am not voting for Hillary.  I admit though that I MAY have to depending on the alternative, as it stands now there isn’t a chance in hell I vote GOP, an independent ticket is VERY appealing to me and voting for someone with very little ties (as is possible in D.C.) to one of these parties gives me a chubby. 

Several reasons there are, but my number one reason for not voting for Hillary is this:

A Bush or a Clinton has run the office for the past 20 years, now we are going to have another 8 years (potentially) of a Clinton?  i don’t care if she is a woman or not, the woman is pure politician and I don’t see passion to want to serve her country.  It isn’t there.  It is that same politician glazed over look that says to me “I want to win”  There is a distinct difference to me when someone wants to be President and someone wants to win.  Bush wanted to win, I think Clinton wanted to be President.  Not that Clinton was my hero, but it just seems that way to me. 

I’ve always advocated change and the fact that this country wouldn’t discover much change under Hillary should be a no brainer.  The highest office in the land (the Free World) has become a revolving door and just think if Hillary wins; How long will it take Jeb Bush to try for the nomination?  That possibitly may seem remote, but Hillary wasn’t going to run for office 6 years ago either, so she said….

At this point I don’t know who to endorse on the Dem ticket.  I have read a few speeches by Obama and they are very compelling but his lack of experience is a turn off.  Gov Richardson being the only govna’ is also appealling but let’s face it New Mexico is more pouros than Sponge Bob, which shows you how serious he is about certain issues.  Other than that, who the hell else do you vote for?  Dem or Gop, they both disgust me at this point…

 indecision 2008 never had better meaning…

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hiding in the open

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Well, you and I have similar reasons to not support Hillary. I will support her unless she is the nominee. I will not vote for her until election day. The Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton dynasty makes me sick. Does this country have anyone outside of these two families that can get elected?

    Obama is my guy until Gore announces. I want someone with vision and without the kind of establishment support that is Hillary’s calling card. His lack of Senate experience is a bonus. The best credentialed President we have ever had is Nixon. Need I say more?

  2. anon says:

    I’d like to elect Hillary if only to see the look on the wingnuts’ faces when Bill Clinton returns to the White House.

  3. dh says:

    “Gov Richardson being the only govna’ is also appealling but let’s face it Arizona is more pouros than Sponge Bob”

    Bill Richardson is the governor of New Mexico.

    You’ve got some research to do on this subject beyond what you hear in cable news headlines. Richardson doesn’t have the star power that Clinton or Obama have, but he is the Democrats’ most qualified candidate.

  4. Duffy says:

    Hillary will be the nominee and both of you will vote for her. Obama will self-destruct before the primary.

    The GOP won’t put up anyone worth voting for either. The Dobson wing of the GOP will stay home and, God help us all, sHrillary will be president.

  5. jason330 says:

    Both Edwards and Obama are great and one of them will be President.

    But i have a problem with this post. What we need to avoid doing is buying into the GOP spin about any of the Democrats. That’s what happened last time out and look where is got us. A Democratic base that was not fired up to vote for Kerry because on some level they believed the Rovian PR.

    I like the way Dave keeps a positive focus on his blog with regard to Flipp Romney. That is thew way to play it – stay positive about your guy (or gal) and leave the attacks to the other side.

  6. Sheldon says:

    I agree with you that we have had too many Clintons and Bushes running for president. There is no compelling reason to vote for Hillary Clinton, beyond the name.

  7. Don says:

    I agree with you that we have had too many Clintons and Bushes running for president. There is no compelling reason to vote for Hillary Clinton, beyond the name.

  8. donviti says:

    Just keeping it real Jason…


    don’t assume. I didn’t vote for Clinton the first 2 times and I don’t plan on doing it this time.

  9. Rebecca says:

    Duffy, if you are right then there’s no light at the end of the tunnel — just more tunnel. Ick! I watched her on the Today Show this morning and she squirreled away from Iraq in the most insincere manner possible. What a hack!

  10. jason330 says:


    I hear you. I was beating myself up to some extent for not being the Obama booster that I should be.

  11. Mark says:

    Then draft Gore. Interesting Time mag article on his this week. Makes me want him to run even more

  12. anon says:

    If Hillary is the nominee I’ll work and vote for her. Anything else invites another Republican presidency.

    Remember when Bush won Bush v. Gore and we all groaned and thought he would just be regular Republican-President bad, not “subvert the Constitution” bad.

    The country patriotically needs to hand executive power to the Dems in order to sweep out all the Regents U. and “heckuva job” appointees, and to reset the standards for hiring the career employees. If left in place they will complete their coup.

  13. jason330 says:

    What anon said.

  14. donviti says:

    I guess what I’m saying is I just want change and voting for Hillary isn’t goint to change things, they are just going to go back to the way they were in the 90’s.

    I was in the military when Clinton was in office and needless to say the foodstamps I qualified for were disappointing to me on so many levels.

    I don’t see Hillary being any different and for God’s sake this country needs change.

    I realize we have to purge this place of the Regent grads but that is going to happen regardless. As the Right wing is being more insignificant by the day.

    I’m not a dem, I am an independent and I don’t ever see myself sticking to one party.

  15. anon says:

    they are just going to go back to the way they were in the 90’s.

    I’ll take it.

    I was working in the private sector and I thought the ’90s were Camelot.

  16. donviti says:

    I here ya anon, but I guess I don’t want to go back to the “way things were” because as a country we were still broke and headed the wrong way.

    We still were in bed with the Oil Countries, the rich were getting ever richer, the schools were doing terrible, college was getting more and more expensive and the oval office was a revolving door for movie stars and there was a special back door for the corporations.

    I am going to retire in 30 years (god willing) I want real change.

  17. Duffy says:

    DV: What would it take for you to vote for her?

    Which, if any, Republican would get your vote and why?

  18. donviti says:

    Jeb Bush running for office…

    none for 2008. Those guys are too tied into the Moral Majorities pocket. hell look at Castle the “moderate” what a joke.

    the chuck hagel thing is interesting to watch but I have to read up on him only if he goes as an independent though.

  19. donviti says:

    i answered but for some reason it didn’t stick!

    I hate that!

    I won’t vote for her. My conscious will not allow me too. It barely allowed me to vote for Gore in 2000, but I KNEW that Bush was going to be bad, but I never could have guessed this bad.

    Repub? NONE for 2008, but I will never say never.

    Mccain sickens me pandering to falwell
    Romney is more disgusting to me everything about him screams fake

    Guilani is a heck of a guy announcing to his wife he was divorcing her DURING A PRESS BRIEF.

    3 of those retards don’t believe in evolution…

    I mean how could someone vote GOP in 2008?

    I’m an Independent as YOU already know. I have voted for all different kinds of candidates. I’m not party loyal. I will vote for who I think is best.

    which is the problem with our election system, the best person doesn’t win all the time, the one with the most money does.