I would like to save some of the you the time

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 5, 2007

I’m having some ongoing dialogue with myself right now and I thought I should share it with you bloggertards that constantly visit and sound like well, sound like bloggertards.

There are no WMD’s in iraq.

Typical Answer

  1. Iraq is the size of california, they could be anywhere
  2. They did have them but he moved them to Syria
  3. He used them against his own people
  4. you are an idiot and don’t know what you are talking about
  5. All those experts are morons, what would they know they obviously hate America
  6. We did find them, Sean Hannity said so, Bush didn’t, but He did, so I believe them
  7. We got rid of Saddam (not really a WMD answer but a typical change the subject tactic)
  8. Would you rather us find out he did have them? (see #7 for type of reply this is)

I could go on, but I would like to gather some other typical distortions and half truths from the audience


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hiding in the open

Comments (15)

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  1. Mike McKain says:

    My favorite “we’re fighting the terrorists there so we don’t have to fight them here at home.” We needed a battleground, so why not Iraq?

    I think the 65,000 – 75,000 dead Iraqis might disagree, but hey, we got rid of Sadaam – he would have killed them anyway, right?

  2. donviti says:

    that is a good one, Mike. Standard reply that doesn’t address the No WMD’s issue, which was the major reason we went into Iraq, tied into the AQ conspiracy of course.

  3. Chris says:

    “I would like to gather some other typical distortions and half truths from the audience”

    Happy to oblige.

    1. Saddam never had WMD’s and never used them on his people.


    2. That Saddam moved his weapons to Syria is just stupid wingnut spin.
    (Though the guy making this claim is Israeli, and I am sure you find all of THEM liars like Syria does)

    How about David Kay. Sure he left the hunt in Iraq because the stockpiles wern’t to be found. That we hear about. But we don’t hear what he said a few days later.


    “you are an idiot and don’t know what you are talking about”

    Apparently nothing untrue about that.

  4. Disbelief says:

    Hate to hijack, but when do we get a clever, snide post on Libby’s induction into the U.S. prison system? He’s got to change his name, though, to something like “Spike”, or “Killer”, or “Condoleza”. I don’t think the way “Scooter” rhymes with “Pooter” bodes well for his anal health over the next two and a half years.

  5. donviti says:

    good stuff chris, all the more reason to go to war, 25 years after he “gassed” his own people.

  6. Chris says:

    “good stuff chris, all the more reason to go to war, 25 years after he “gassed” his own people.”

    As always blowing things out of proportion. I didn’t say gassing his own people 25 years ago was THE reason to go to war, but by the same token you can’t stand there and say “Saddam never had weapons of mass destruction”.

    Of course, I guess you suppose he saw the error of his ways, and in his good conscience, got rid of all of them and the technology for making them. Because, that is just the kind of guy that he was. Probably an environmentalist too.


  7. donviti says:

    you are doing good chris, keep it up.

    I’m not sure where to break up the excuses though.

    1. As always blowing things out of proportion. I didn’t say gassing his own people 25 years ago was THE reason to go to war, but by the same token you can’t stand there and say “Saddam never had weapons of mass destruction”.

    2. I guess you suppose he saw the error of his ways, and in his good conscience, got rid of all of them and the technology for making them. Because, that is just the kind of guy that he was.

    (the old tyrant excuse)

    Yep, He used to have them, so he must have them and we never took care of him through Sanctions, and that pesky Gulf War 1, yep, he still had em for sure.

    give me more chris, MORE!

    my naivity gets the best of me

  8. Chris says:

    “Yep, He used to have them, so he must have them and we never took care of him through Sanctions, and that pesky Gulf War 1, yep, he still had em for sure.”

    PLEASE! We didn’t get rid of his Air Force in the first Gulf War. He hid his planes in Iran. But I am sure we got ALL of the WMD technology. Even the stuff inside the head….. We are that good.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Of course he HAD them, but:

    a) Don Rumsfeld gave them to him.

    b) They degrade over time, so our sanctions were reducing his WMD’s.

    c) They weren’t very important to Poppy.

    d) If the word got out in Iran that they were all useless, Iraq would be called Iran today.

    e) We expelled the weapons inspectors.

  10. donviti says:

    Maybe we should start calling Saddam, Houdini!

    that guy knows how to hide everything.

    liberal geek,

    please play along, I don’t want facts here! they are getting in the way of Chris’ half truths and distortions. Now please, stop with the honesty!

  11. David says:

    I believe I have a simple question that has a YES or NO answer:

    When the Coalition of the Willing invaded Iraq, did Iraq have in its possession WMDs?

  12. anon says:


    Non after 1994. Period.

  13. donviti says:


    seriously man, you can’t site a government web page. For crying out loud, why don’t you just site your own blog?

  14. Chris says:

    “seriously man, you can’t site a government web page. For crying out loud, why don’t you just site your own blog?”

    What he means to say is that you can’t site a government web page with information he doesn’t agree with. If it was a government site that said all of al Qaeda was out of Iraq and we were still fighting, you better believe he would quote the heck out of that.

    The double standards around here are staggering.