They love us! They Really love us!

Filed in National by on July 2, 2007

53683bfe-27f5-11dc-80da-000b5df10621.gifA survey carried out in June by Harris Research for the Financial Times shows that 32 per cent of respondents in five European countries regard the US as a bigger threat than any other state.

That’s right Bobbo!  Not Iran, China or gasp Iraq!  Us, meaning the US. 

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hiding in the open

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  1. Hube says:

    Says the continent that gave us the two most destructive conflicts of the last 100 years! Great!

  2. Von Cracker says:

    They still and always will love us!

    We’re their bastard offspring!

  3. J says:

    Let’s see, they are jealous of the United States, that’s news? Why do you always have to say there’s something wrong with us? What about them? I say the survey tells me that 32% are jealous f!@#$s, who wish they were American.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    And that ladies and gentlemen is a great reason to hate us… Oh and gays are people that couldn’t get dates with the opposite sex. And black people would just love to change their skin color to be white.

    Good show, J.

  5. Chris says:

    Actually they blame us for Global Warming! After all THAT is the greatest threat right?

  6. liberalgeek says:

    No Chris, they hate us for our democracy…

  7. anon says:

    They are envious of our low taxes.

  8. Chris says:

    “No Chris, they hate us for our democracy…”

    Strip away your sarcasm and you would actually be right.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Ha. That is why we cannot win this fight with your people at the helm.

  10. Chris says:

    “Ha. That is why we cannot win this fight with your people at the helm.”

    And why we will be dead with you people at the helm. It is all how you look at it.

  11. donviti says:

    Why do you always have to say there’s something wrong with us?

    because there is man, something seriously wrong with this country. I mean how scary is it that more money has been raised for those running for President than has ever been raised and this early in the game?

    What does that say about our “democracy” what does that say to other countries? What does it say when we say we don’t torture but we ship the “enemy combatants” to Poland to beat them within an inch of their lives? What does it say that we still have gitmo open? What does it say that we went to Iraq on lies?

    Sorry man, there is something wrong with this country.

  12. anon says:

    we will be dead with you people at the helm

    This is extraordinarily offensive and catastrophically stupid.

  13. donviti says:


    meet Chris, he’s in the theatre community, but don’t hold that against him. We hired him to get people fired up. He’s doing a great job, but I’m not sure how much longer he can pretend to be this real.

    It’s a hell of an act though.

    but not the stupid part, that part is real.

  14. Duffy says:


    I hate to break it to you, but it ain’t Poland that’s beating them within an inch of their lives.

    Extraordinary rendition was brought to you by…who was it again? Remind me.

    Usually, it involves sending people either back to their home country or to a country where they’re wanted for criminal activity.

    I also ask one more question:

    Who do you think Europe wants as global hedgemon? The US or China?

  15. donviti says:


    so you are telling me that there wasn’t a “black site” in Poland?

    and I don’t care if Clinton did it too. It is still wrong and it leads to a negative perception world wide.

    You don’t find it interesting that the citizens of Europe are more worried about the US than China and Iran.

    Doesn’t that say something about US?

  16. Chris says:

    “but not the stupid part, that part is real.”

    Yes. You see around here, conservative=stupid. Of course, that is why this site exists, since in the “real” world the opposite is true. But it makes you half-baked libs feel better about yourselves. It is part of my compassionate conservatism to be kind to the politically and intellectually naieve (liberals…in case you missed it).

    And since I know you spent all your money on those little protest signs and noise makers, you don’t have to send me a check this month.

  17. Chris says:

    “we will be dead with you people at the helm

    This is extraordinarily offensive and catastrophically stupid.”

    Offensive possibly. Catastrophically stupid? Frighteningly enough, no.

  18. My response will draw incoming but here goes. The countries who “hate” us are irrelevant. France, Germany, Italy and UK are shadows of what they used to be and will keep sliding down the scale of power while our power will continue to climb.

    For those who say these people are our “allies” let’s be honest. Allies share common interests and more and more we don’t share much with these countries.

    Sad, but when we were providing a nuclear umbrella and coneventional forces at a great expense these countries kept their complaints to a minimum. Now, they feel free to set the terms for what is permissible for a superpower as their power declines.

  19. donviti says:


    I guess I look at it differently. We can’t stand alone in this world for very long. Sure we are a superpower, but I think Italy Dominated for a few hundred years too, GBR had their time in the sun.

    At some point we will need people to stand with us.

    that last thing we need is a global perception that we are worse to deal with than Iran or China.

    this perception will have consequences for us years and years from now.

  20. dh says:

    Europeans hate us?? Really??

    If you did a survey like this in Massachusetts, I can personally guarantee that a group called “Yankees fans” would get over 50%.

  21. Chris says:

    “this perception will have consequences for us years and years from now.”

    …or until the next time they need us to bail them out, either financially, or militarily. Don’t be fooled.

    Like Mike said, it is strictly a matter of common interests. There is no such thing as “friends” on the world political stage.

    If we have a common interest with a country, we work with them. If not, we should not worry what they think of us.