Can someone tell me

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 3, 2007

How were the Republicans able to make the CIA leak case into a “partisan witchhunt”? 

 I really don’t understand how a Dem, Rep or Ind can’t grasp that lying underoath and obstructing justice is a crime regardless of what the initial charges are.  It boggles my mind, it just boggles my mind man.  At what point where they able to make a very, very good prosecutor partisan and obsessive.  How were they able to move beyond the charge and say that Armitage was the leaker?  How were they able to get beyond the special prosecutor essentially saying that it stinks all over like the VP’s office did something illegal but he can’t prove it?  How? How? 

 MSM LIBERAL MEDIA MY FUCKING ASS!  If this was a liberal media this fucking executive branch would have never been reelected.


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hiding in the open

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  1. Chris says:

    “I really don’t understand how a Dem, Rep or Ind can’t grasp that lying underoath and obstructing justice is a crime regardless of what the initial charges are.”

    Therein lies the problem. It is a witch hunt because all one needs to do is throw charges against someone in a sensitive position. That individual, in an effort to not jeapordize other sensitive areas is put into a position to either lie or obstruct, then they are brought down on the obstruction charges. The charges are broguht knowing full well that this will be the case. Kind of like the old infamous reporter question, “Hey Senator, yes or no, have you stopped beating your wife?” There is no yes or no answer an innocent individual could rightly give.

    “It boggles my mind, it just boggles my mind man.”

    Many things seem to. Oh, and your assertion that media is not liberal because if it was this administration would not have been reelected has a flaw in the theory. That flaw is that a growing percentage of Americans have recognized the liberal bias and take it with a grain of salt. They also could clearly see that Kerry was not the man for the job. One has to make decisions as president.

  2. donviti says:

    uh huh, a witch hunt by an out of control prosecutor!

  3. oedipa maas says:

    This administration is greatly abetted in their venality by the stupidity of the “he say she say” approach to reporting. All a reporter really has to do is to write down what everyone has to say to get by — never mind that there is no context, and certainly no checking of the facts.

    If I were a reporter listening to this revisionist mess, I would want to hear the answer to this: How does said revisionist explain how the CIA felt it necessary to report to the DOJ that Plame’s status classified in the first place? It was that letter to Ashcroft (as the CIA is obligated to do when these kinds of leaks happen under the Identities Protection Act) that started all of this. Would these revisionists want us to believe that the CIA has no idea who their classified assets are?

    Explain how you would know better than the CIA the state of their assets and then you might have some standing to rewrite history.

  4. donviti says:


    logic defies Bush’s base….

    by the way the I really appreciate your commentary. It is very well thought out and poignant.

    unlike myself 🙂

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Where is this data to support your assertion “…that a growing percentage of Americans have recognized the liberal bias and take it with a grain of salt.” Chris?

    I thought so. Again, say it with me now: “Just because you wish it to be doesn’t make it so!”

    Well, you can look at the declining viewership of the FauxNews programs and come to the opposite conclusion –

    And your justification to forgive perjury and obstruction of justice is just laughable. You’re telling us that you know for certain that there was some sort of “sensitive” information that Libby was protecting, and you know this as fact? What, do you have a mole in the WH? Cheney’s office? The only thing that was sensitive was BushCo’s appearance of culpability for the leak.

    I certainly agree with oedipa’s comment – the traditional media’s to blame, especially the point of allowing already refuted talking points and outright lies (how many times did we here from the right-wing apologists that Plame was not covert?) to be stated over and over again without challenge, all under the guise of “balance”. This might be an indicator of the political leanings of the TM monolith.

  6. G Rex says:

    “The only thing that was sensitive was BushCo’s appearance of culpability for the leak.”

    In your own words, just because you wish it to be doesn’t make it so! And while Valerie Plame had been a covert operative, she had been “in from the cold” and behind a desk long enough that she was no longer protected by the identities act. Just because right-wingers say it doesn’t mean it isn’t so.