Breaking News: Castle to Retire or Run for Senate seat

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009

Heard on WDEL at around 4:35 today Mike Castle stated that being a congressman is really hard work and a lot of people don’t realize how hard it is.

He went on to question the health and age of recent flipper Senator Specter. Commenting on his being 80 soon, Castle wondered if Specter is serving the best interests of the country.

“Is this in the best interest of the country?”

(didn’t Castle have a stroke?)

But the Big news is that he isn’t up to running for Congressman anymore. He sort of poo-poo’d that the campaigning isn’t too hard, but if he runs again it is for the Senate.

He plainly stated that if he runs for office again he is confident he can win. And if he runs for office again it will be for the Senate. If he decides to not run for office again he will retire.

“It is not the campaign as much” he stated regarding the rigors of his job. Being a congressmen is a tough job. “This is a much tougher job then some people realize” Castle said.

“I will either run for the Senate or Retire”

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hiding in the open

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  1. anonone says:

    Did anybody ask him about him switching parties?

  2. Just about how he felt about Specter.

    He expressed his concern for the country and if Specter was doing what was right…because of his age and such…


  3. anonone says:

    I saw Castle about a month ago. He looked fine – a lot better than Specter, actually.

  4. pandora says:

    So… being a Congressman is tough, but being a Senator is easy – like retiring? His choices make no sense.

  5. David says:

    Yes, he was asked in a round about way if he felt welcomed after the Michigan disinvitation of Huntsman as if that local issue has the slightest impact on his life. The host most have gotten talking points from DL.

    The Congressman said that he is working to expand the party and not let become a party where only southern issue positions are accepted. I will refrain from commenting and just report.

  6. jason330 says:

    Castle said he would not run for the Senate if he didn’t think he could give 110% – so he is not running.

    I predict zero statewide Republicans in office after the next election (if you don’t count Carper).

  7. jason330 says:

    He is just talking about the Senate because he is enjoying everyone coming around to kiss his ass.

    What a loser.

  8. David says:

    You are funny. Christine is running for Senate and I am running for House. That is more likely than your scenario. 🙂

    Remember this is the guy that tells us that he is the best we have every two years. When you only get one…. He always gives 110% at least in his mind. I think anyone would have to admit that he is a hard worker.

  9. jason330 says:


    Anyway. I missed most of Carper. I only heard him at the end when he said that his role as a blue dog was to defy the President and push the administration to the right.

    What did he say about the Durbin Amendment?

  10. David says:

    He said that he would have supported it if he were allowed to offer his two amendments. It had nothing to do with campaign fund raising.

  11. David says:

    BTW your scenario is that there are no statewide Republicans. I would file before that happened and I have absolutely no plans to file for any partisan office in 2010. I was just laughing at your joke. I thought it was funny. Too bad I caught you off guard.

  12. yeah, carper. Man of the people. Jason, he basically said that he didn’t vote yes to allow judges to modify loans because he wants bankruptcy to be the LAST choice, not 2nd to last, not the first choice. The last choice.

    He dodged the shot Loudell took at him when he cited Kaufman’s quote about not voting with lobbyists interests.

    Carper is looking out for the people when he wants BK to be the last choice. Amazing

  13. anonone says:

    Carney had a wide open shot for the Senate seat but announced too soon, IMHO.

  14. jason330 says:

    Never wide open. AG Biden in the Senate. Get used to it.

  15. xstryker says:

    The Congressman said that he is working to expand the party and not let become a party where only southern issue positions are accepted.

    He was so good at that as president of the Main Street Republican parade Caucus. LOL! Real hard worker, that Castle… fought really hard as the public face of moderate Republicans. (snicker)

  16. jason330 says:

    Where he was talking about all that hard work, I think he was talking about John’s Boehner.

  17. Unstable Isotope says:

    Why does he think that running for the Senate would be easy? That’s nuts. It’s kind of insulting, too. He acts like he’s owed the Senate or something. Beau Biden will be a formidable candidate because he’ll be able to raise a lot of money, and he has high name recognition.

  18. anonone says:

    Why are all the Dems acting like Biden is owed the Senate seat?

    Beau Biden has no record other than winning the AG election. His name helps and much as hurts.

    Castle has both name and tons of experience. He’ll get a ton of money. He beats Beau walking away.

    Carney should have gone for the Senate. That would have retired Castle and then Beau could have run for the house seat.

  19. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t think Biden is owed the Senate seat. I wish someone would run against him, but I think the fix is in already.

  20. anonone has a valid point. I have no desire to put Beau in the Senate. At least I know Castle will keel over and have one term at best

  21. Don’t fret the GOP will be fine.

  22. PI says:

    I agree with UI. I think the fix is in for Beau to take daddy’s seat. I’m not happy about it. His stint in the AG office has been less than remarkable….almost invisible. He always says he doesn’t even want the senate but daddy wants it for him so….I’d like to see some competition for the seat myself. Four years as a lackluster AG shouldn’t be enough to pin the tail on a US Senate seat.

  23. If Castle makes it to the senate he’d end up like Robert Byrd shaking he way into the grave out of spite. Something about the Senate gives old senators the ability to campaign into their 100’s.

  24. ‘Bulo thinks that the real reason Castle is even considering the Senate seat is (a) b/c he might have a fighting chance, especially against Biden His Time, and (b) this being accountable every two years stuff is getting old. His pal Carper has told him how easy it is to do the banking industry’s bidding (and to get your campaign bankrolled) and then, every six years, to don his Robocandidate costume and FAKE EMPATHY, which has always been Carper’s most underrated skill.

  25. jason330 says:


    He has been in Iraq you know. His unit was activated to deploy to Iraq on October 3, 2008.

    At this point I imagine that Beau is probably more concerned with returning safely to his wife and children than he is with running for office.