Carper & Castle To Hold Joint Campaign Event Monday

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009

WDEL reports that Tom Carper and Mike Castle will co-host a campaign meet and greet/photo op in historic New Castle on Monday.

Ostensibly to discuss plans for a National Park, Castle and Carper will be photographed with a giant novelty check in the foreground and the New Castle Presbyterian Church in the background.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anonone says:

    At which time Carper is to announce that he is switching to the republican party, saying that he “feels more comfortable there.”

  2. jason330 says:

    Dream on.

    We are stuck with Carper “representing” Delaware in the Senate as a “member” of the Democratic party for as long as he wants to continue the charade.

    I think the best we can hope to do is to nudge him into the D column on an occasional vote.

  3. Bluehen Whisperer says:

    It’s not a campaign event though… I think it’s safe to assume that a national park can be a bi-partisan issue.

  4. jason330 says:

    All of these big check photo ops are campaign events.

  5. Seriously, when is Politician not campaigning? Give me a break.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Anytime a pol is pointing out the new bacon he or she brought home counts as a Campaign Event.


  7. Another Mike says:

    Mmmm, bacon.

  8. Susan Regis Collins says:

    330 in # 2 I want to disagree. The so-called Democratic Party in Delaware could organize a challenge.

    The problem, as I see it, is that once a citizen becomes ‘part of the party’ a fatal fog desends and it’s ‘go along to get along’.

    We will see what happens with the county committees/seats which involve DLers. I predict they will be no different than any persent or past committee/person.

    To wit: we won’t hear howls of outrage from any county committee the next time Carper pulls one of his banker boy circle jerks. Nor for that matter will you hear any dissent regarding members of the GA.

    ……..just one old pols speculation and I would LOVE to be proven wrong–just once before I die.

  9. Bluehen Whisperer says:

    Are pols attention strumpets? Totally… but they ain’t begging for $ or rallying vols to harass people via door knocking/phones… and crazy folks aren’t’ there screaming about how there needs to be a holiday dedicated to Muffins Kitten… ergo; actually a campaign event? meh

  10. jason330 says:

    Carper and Castle simply love these joint campaign events. I expect one every three months or so.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Bluehen Whisperer (awesome name), you will owe us a round of drinks at Drinking Liberally if a picture of this event shows up in campaign lit for either guy. Deal?

  12. anon says:

    Carper’s and Castle’s campaign web sites had more pictures of them together than of the bride and groom at an average wedding.

    I cannot find any picture anywhere of Carper in the same frame with a Democrat.