Done! I hope he never plays football again.

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 17, 2007

Two co-defendants of Michael Vick say the NFL star helped execute dogs that didn’t fight well, according to federal court documents.


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hiding in the open

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  1. George says:

    He may be able to cut a deal with prosecutors but this level of cruelty will never be forgiven by America’s animal lovers.

    If the NFL ever allows him back, I will never watch another NFL game again and NFL football is about the only thing I ever watch on television.

    Vick is little more than elite scum and he certainly qualifies for an old fashioned whipping. He qualifies for the maximum punishment and then to be completely ostracised be decent society.

    I’m betting that he spends the rest of his life in and out of prison and then gets capped in some crack house.

  2. cin says:

    I’m with George, ONLY I might add something to this, People will forgive a person who murders another human, but for what ever reason when you harm or kill a defenseless creature .. YOU ARE DONE,.

    Just goes to show you all the money in the world and what does this piece of scum choose to do with it..
    I really wish that what goes around comes back to him and he is eaten alive by a pack of dogs.. That would be justice!!

    And these sick pieces of crap are what our kids look up to.
    Sad Sad Sad

  3. John says:

    The NFL needs to keep Vick as far away from the sport as possible. To taint the sport with what he has done could be fatal.

  4. Anne says:

    To all of those comments above, I wish to add that if this piece of garbage doesn’t serve years (not one!) in prison, then there is no such thing as animal justice in this country. For what he has done too helpless animals at his mercy, I hope the other prisoners torture him daily. Throw away the keys and have at him, men….

  5. jason330 says:

    If I was a wingnut, I’d say…

    what you animal rights nazis don’t get is that god put us in charge of dogs. they work for us, not the other way around. if you take away a man’s right to kill a dog how soon until we are locked up for killing rabbitts or even spiders?

    you are just using this extreme case to push a pro-animal agenda that ultimatley wants to turn us all into hindus who can’t step on an ant. well, you can take away my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hand. if you hate america so much why don’t you move to france?

  6. Spadefinger says:

    Right on Jason!

    The world has gone insane. How many dogs are put down at “humane societies” every year? Thousands? Millions? Does anyone care?

    So why is it so bad to fight these dogs? Have you ever seen a dog fight? I don’t mean anything organized, just a plain old back alley dog fight. I have. Many male dogs love it. SO WHAT if making a sport of it is a little cruel. They’re just DOGS.

    This country has gone soft….in the head.

  7. Chris says:

    “If I was a wingnut, I’d say…

    what you animal rights nazis don’t get is that god put us in charge of dogs. they work for us, not the other way around. if you take away a man’s right to kill a dog how soon until we are locked up for killing rabbitts or even spiders?”

    Why don’t you let us handle the positions on the right. You sound even dumber pretending to be a conservative than you do a raving liberal (and I didn’t think that was possible).

    The guy is scum. Plain and simple. He needs to be locked up for a long time.

  8. Chris says:

    Oh, and by the way, if he does get more than a year, I will sit back and count to 10. By the time I reach 8, both Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will have spoken out about the facial motivation of the prosecution. It happens like clockwork. They haven’t been in the news for a few months.

  9. Chris says:

    Can’t type this morning….the RACIAL motivation of the prosectution.

  10. jason330 says:

    Damn your buttons are easy to push. Another triple post!!