Open Thread

Filed in Delaware by on May 5, 2009

Did the Mormons baptize Barack Obama’s mother after her death and without his consent?  This Mormon practice is beyond creepy.

Anyway, this thread’s for you!


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. That post-death baptism thing is really strange. I’ve heard they have done this with Holocaust victims as well.

  2. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    I used to wonder why Russia and China banned all orginized religion. I wonder less and less every day.

  3. it’s a neat thing they do to convert people.

  4. Great article by kos on Specter and the threat of a primary.

    I love this part:

    There are two possibilities:

    1. Arlen plans on flipping on EFCA, and once he does, labor support locks him in the Democratic primary. He just can’t flip too quickly because he would a) look even more unprincipled and craven than he already is, and b) he wouldn’t be making headlines and be the center of attention, which he clearly loves. (He’s making Lieberman really jealous).

    2. Arlen got a deal from the Democrats that they’d clear the primary field for him, and Obama, Rendell, Biden, and the DSCC plan to do everything they can to deliver on that.

    If it’s #1 above, then he’s in good shape. He just needs to flip already. But if it’s #2, we’re going to see the biggest split between the party establishment and the party’s rank and file since the Connecticut 2006 Senate race. Heck, this one will be bigger. And it will be lots of fun — the party bigwigs who think they can deprive the Democratic primary electorate of democracy versus a new net- and grassroots army taking control of their own destiny. I get shivers just thinking about it!

    Me too, kos.

    TPM has been all over this story, too. Apparently a brand, spanking-new poll shows Tom Ridge absolutely crushing Toomey in a primary. That might give Sestak a pause.

    I guess the GOP litmus test really is the stimulus package, since Ridge is pro-choice.

    Also, just out: Specter supports Coleman over Franken. I do think Specter is begging for a primary opponent. Specter’s numbers against Ridge do not look that good, either: 46-43.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Specter is just getting warmed up. Remember how Liebermann kicked us to the curb every chance he got? And we rolled over for it. Well get ready to roll again.

  6. Susan Regis Collins says:

    WTF???? How did these threads get twisted up…I want to comment on the Morman thing.

  7. pandora says:

    Go for it, Susan. This is an Open Thread – anything goes! (well, almost anything. 😉 )

  8. mikeb302000 says:

    I’m still on the Mormon thing too.

    Creepy is right. Whenever I hear of religious practices that are different from the ones I grew up with, I ask myself, what if they’re right. But this converting people after their death without their (in their will maybe) or their relatives’ permission, is too freaky for me.