UPDATED: Crank up the Propaganda Machine

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 23, 2007

UPDATE: h/t to OM for the link to America blog, which does show that Castle is inexplicably included as a “target” for these ads. “Freedom’s Watch” has included Mike Castle in $900,000 Philadelphia market ad buy. These guys must have tons of cash to burn since Castle has voted with Bush 90% of the time on Iraq.
We are heading into the back to school propaganda sale. A new group, Freedom’s Watch, is launching Wednesday with a $15 million, five-week campaign of TV, radio and Web ads featuring military veterans that is aimed at retaining support in Congress for President Bush’s “surge” policy on Iraq.

“There was a large vacuum on the conservative side,” said Bradley A. Blakeman,

I can’t even respond to that…a “vacuum”?


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hiding in the open

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  1. miles north says:

    According to dKos these ads are targeting Republicans who are wavering on their support of the war.

    Guess which Delaware Republican Congressman isn’t on the list of waverers.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    From the article:

    “Freedom’s Watch aims to do for the GOP what the MoveOn political action organizations have done for Democrats.”

    Remember Dave Burris moaning & groaning because MoveOn et al were funding the Iraq War Summer Project. That was unfair. Where is Burris’ protest now against this Repub funded drive staffed by former Bush admin staffers?

    Burris says correctly that he opposed the war in the beginning, but he protests a group that wants to end it. Yet he is dead silent about a group that wants to continue it.

    The war isn’t the issue, apparently. It’s who has a “D” or an “R” after their name.

  3. Burris’ allegiance isn’t to his country, Dana…it’s to party first.

    (And, yes, Dave — that’s some hyperbole there before you get all pissy!) 😉

  4. jason330 says:

    That’s not really hyperbole from where I sit. The “smart” Republicans like Burris and Castle who took a “go along to get along attitude” when it came to Bush are the screw-ups.

    The imbecilic talk radio listening robots like Chris would have been so much whote noise in the background if Burris or Castle ever had the guts to make a real stand against Bush.

  5. Chris says:

    “The imbecilic talk radio listening robots like Chris”

    That’s “The Uber-intelligent talk radio listening thinkers like Chris”.

    You need to practice your typing a little more.

  6. oedipa maas says:

    Aravosis has the list of targets.

    Castle is included in the Philly market according to this.

    It is sort of amazing that they would swift-boat their own guys.

  7. Disbelief says:

    Right after the pro-war ads, show a bomb site triage unit. Ain’t no fucking glory in pointless, horrible death, even though it might be a step above torture. Want to see the glory of the warlords? Show videos of a water-boarding session. I begin to see that those who torture don’t do it for information. Torturers do it because they like it. Who do you fear more? A small group of bomb-slinging radicals (no, not the IRA, the other ones we’re spending billions on), or do you fear those who torture or condone torture?

  8. miles north says:

    What makes them think Castle needs any pressure to continue voting with Bush?

  9. Rebecca says:

    Baffling, but then, so is everything else these people do.