Are you sitting down?

Filed in National by on May 8, 2009

You should, because I’m sure if you read this you’d be shocked!

The U.S. government is pouring billions into General Motors in hopes of reviving the domestic economy, but when the automaker completes its restructuring plan, many of the company’s new jobs will be filled by workers overseas.

According to an outline the company has been sharing privately with Washington legislators, the number of cars that GM sells in the United States and builds in Mexico, China and South Korea will roughly double.

(tapping finger against head) I wonder who is going to benefit from their company getting billions and billions…Oh and the Union guys were making $70 an hour so it serves them right.

Buy American! wooohooo

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hiding in the open

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  1. h. says:

    Would you fork over $60,000 for a Chevy Malibu?

    That’s probably what it would cost for the company to continue in it’s current model.

  2. Susan Regis Collins says:

    $140,000.00 per annum for 8 hours a dayof hard, dirty work isn’t all that. It’s just about middle class money.Compare with the figures all those CEO’s got for screwing everyone…probably their mommas too.

    I am shocked about the ‘plan’ to go off shore to assemble GM products and that the government is supporting this. It may be time for a nasty-gram to someone in DC.

  3. meatball says:

    Susan, I would dig ditches for twelve hours a day to earn 140k. Have you ever taken the Boxwood plant tour? Those folks don’t work that hard.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    $70 is a bogus number.

    they lump in the pension costs as a labor cost. In truth, the pension should be separate, as they were supposed to be putting the money away while the retirees were still working.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    And they aren’t making $140K, folks.

    If you read the article closely, some of the jobs will be at plants that already exist making cars that aren’t sold in the US, but will be.

    But for any effort to build new plants, then I do think that we ought to make damn sure that there are no tax breaks for that — tax breaks that I am quite sure are part of the calculus for building these new cars.

  6. rhubard says:

    I propose a bailout for Studebaker.

  7. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Remember folks, it`s all about trickle down, if we can just get rid of that pesky minimum wage law all americans could work for under $4.oo an hour and profits would skyrocket, I`m telling you we will drown in trickle down money. Besides a peasent lifstyle would be a good thing for america, China and india have enjoyed it for years.
    Glad to see you folks buying into that $70 an hour bull, thought that might be too high to gain acceptance.

  8. kavips says:

    American workers benefit more, I saw, if one buys a Toyota or Honda, than they do from buying either GM or Chrysler…