Houston, We Have a Primary

Filed in National by on May 9, 2009

Call him the Rocket Man. Scott Spencer is launching his campaign for Congress today by launching a 9-foot rocket. The News Journal reports that Spencer says the rocket will blast off Saturday morning a little after 10 A.M.

[Between 5,000 and 7,000 feet is] the altitude range of the 9-foot rocket he’ll send up Saturday in Sussex County to launch his congressional campaign. Spencer has dubbed the rocket Trailblazer. A rail-transit consultant from Wilmington, Spencer plans to run as a Democrat for Delaware’s lone House seat, held by Republican Rep. Mike Castle. Having never run for elected office, Spencer may not have the name recognition of former Lt. Gov. John Carney, whom he’d face in a Democratic primary. But he’s hoping the innovative announcement will give his profile a lift.

Ya think? I just hope this day doesn’t have a tragic ending, with the rocket provoking an international incident.

Liberty Launch Systems of Gaithersburg, Md., will prepare the rocket, perform the launch and handle crowd control and recovery, said Bob Utley, company owner. Utley had to get approval from the Federal Aviation Administration, which will notify Dover Air Force Base. “It’s very safe,” he said.

The launch is just half of Spencer’s plan for Saturday. More free campaign festivities will begin at 4 p.m. at the Wilmington & Western Railroad Greenbank Station. Those who bought tickets will ride the steam-powered train to Hockessin for an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner.

Spencer will still have to grapple with former Lt. Gov. John Carney, who has the backing of the state and national party. Indeed, Carney said he hopes to “work out any primary situation” before it reaches that point, but says he is prepared to win a primary if need be. My advice: don’t try to settle the primary. Debate Scott Spencer and win the primary. I mean this as no offense to Mr. Spencer, but if John Carney, a former Lt. Governor with party backing and national money who came within 2,000 votes of being the next Governor of Delaware, can’t beat Scott Spencer, then there really is a problem.

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  1. anon says:

    Hopefully Spencer will have better luck than NASA.

  2. nemski says:

    Yeah, this sounds like a real bad idea. If it works, everyone is unimpressed, if it fails . . . . well let the jokes ensue.

  3. Susan Regis Collins says:

    On behalf of Scott Spencer, and all other non-party endorsed candidates (in all races), thanks for the vote of confidence.

    Sorry DelDem but you shilling for the establishment and writing about Scott’s possible primary opponet reminds me of the way the Snooze cuts into every challenger’s coverage : w/enthusiastic comments about the incumbent.

    These are the things that make me call it the DE Democrat Party. Spencer’s announcement would have stood on its own.

  4. Let the primary happen. It will make either man a much better candidate in the long run.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    So I take Carney to task for being scared of a primary and still that is not enough for Susan.

    As for a Spencer story standing on its own, that is idiotic. With Carney in the race, Spencer has a narrative that he needs to play: that of the political neophyte underdog. He needs to distinguish himself from Carney, point out why he would be better for Delaware in Congress.

    Susan would have me “forget” that Spencer has a primary opponent, and that is just as ridiculous as the Party Establishment she claims I represent pretending that there will be no primary.

  6. Susan Regis Collins says:

    DD….opinions are like assholes–everyone has one.

  7. John Manifold says:

    I’ll believe there will be a primary when Spencer has paid his filing fee.

  8. zamora says:

    On behalf of Scott Spencer, and all other non-party endorsed candidates (in all races), thanks for the vote of confidence.

    Sorry DelDem but you shilling for the establishment and writing about Scott’s possible primary opponet reminds me of the way the Snooze cuts into every challenger’s coverage : w/enthusiastic comments about the incumbent.

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