Have a Peaceful Mothers Day

Filed in National by on May 10, 2009

This video was sent along to us by one of our faithful readers.  I had no idea how Mothers Day started, but now that I know, I’m sure Hube’s head will explode.



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  1. pandora says:

    Thanks for sharing that. It’s nice to know that Mother’s Day is so much more than a Hallmark card.

    Hmm… what’s the origin of Father’s Day?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Do we really want to know that?

    Great video — thanks for that!

  3. meatball says:

    From Wiki:
    Nine years after the first official Mother’s Day, commercialization of the U.S. holiday became so rampant that Anna Jarvis herself became a major opponent of what the holiday had become and spent all her inheritance and the rest of her life fighting what she saw as an abuse of the celebration.[1]

    Later commercial and other exploitations of the use of Mother’s Day infuriated Anna and she made her criticisms explicitly known throughout her time.[18][1] She criticized the practice of purchasing greeting cards, which she saw as a sign of being too lazy to write a personal letter. She was arrested in 1948 for disturbing the peace while protesting against the commercialization of Mother’s Day, and she finally said that she “wished she would have never started the day because it became so out of control …”.[18]

    Crazy, no?

    The kids and I bought a surf fishing beach permit and the relateds (surf rig, shovel, pvc pipe, etc) for my bride (our childrens mother). Aquaintances thought me crazy, but what could be more peaceful than driving onto the shores of Cape Henlopen and planting a chair in the sun.

  4. Susan Regis Collins says:

    My daughter expressed interest in starting an herb garden. So, for Mother’s Day is sent her all the ‘fixings’ for an herb garden. She called to express her appreciation and love.

  5. Meyer Persow says:

    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone. Mine has been gone for 11 years now, but I still celebrate this day in her memory. She was my best friend, biggest ally and supporter.

  6. jen says:

    Thank you for this reminder. Wonderful video piece. I had known that story a long time ago and had forgotten completely. This gives much more meaning to the day. It is always nice to be remembered and even celebrated in a small way, but, to have mothers speak out in favor of peace and against all conflict would be truly rewarding.