One more reason to love Comcast

Filed in National by on September 7, 2007

Comcast has punished some transgressors by cutting off their Internet service, arguing that excessive downloaders hog Internet capacity and slow down the network for other customers. The company declines to reveal its download limits.

 If I want to download “Anal Plungers III”, “Asian Chicks, Black Dicks VII”, “Grand Cummin Islands” and “Taboo 43” all at the same time, I should be allowed to!

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hiding in the open

Comments (13)

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  1. Disbelief says:

    I was wondering why people complained about the porn download speed. But on the bright side, its quicker than going to the airport bathroom.

  2. miles north says:

    If I want to download “Anal Plungers III”, “Asian Chicks, Black Dicks VII”, “Grand Cummin Islands” and “Taboo 43″ all at the same time, I should be allowed too!

    Links, please.

  3. Chainsaw says:

    If that is the case, Comcast needs to pull their “Slowsky’s” ad campaign.

  4. miles north says:

    If Comcast cuts you off you can just use Mike Protack’s wireless router.

  5. donviti says:

    now that was funny

  6. donviti says:

    who’s mike protack?

  7. jason330 says:

    I can’t wait to see what this post does for our google page rank.

  8. Disbelief says:

    to paraphrase the Simpsons, “You now have the 7th most popular blog not counting porn sites. Counting porn sites, your ranking is 5,0084,276,501,248th.”

  9. Hube says:

    If Comcast cuts you off you can just use Mike Protack’s wireless router

    ROTFLMAO! Awesome …

  10. donviti says:

    the second title is a real one by the way

  11. G Rex says:

    I thought that one sounded familiar, DV. Maybe Comcast should offer abbreviated versions of pornos, cutting out the parts that mostly get fast-forwarded through. Think of all the bandwidth that could be saved!

    Me, I’m still waiting for Fios to reach my development.

  12. Disbelief says:

    Just go onto Dana’s site and run the video of the S.C. queen without sound, while playing porn disco on your stereo. You can keep reloading the video with one hand.

  13. Duffy says:

    I wonder if I’ll get cut off for watching too many cable channels.