Rush Takes The “Obama Is Deliberately Destroying The Economy” Talking Point To New Lows
Not that he’ll be called out for this by Republicans (Sheesh, except for Smitty):
“The [economic] deterioration reflects lower tax revenues and higher costs for bank failures, unemployment benefits and food stamps. But in the Oval Office of the White House none of this is a problem. This is the objective. The objective is unemployment. The objective is more food stamp benefits. The objective is more unemployment benefits. The objective is an expanding welfare state. And the objective is to take the nation’s wealth and return to it to the nation’s quote, ‘rightful owners.’ Think reparations. Think forced reparations here if you want to understand what actually is going on.” [emphasis mine]
Subtle enough for ya?
Kevin Drum replied, “Limbaugh’s message could hardly have been more obvious if he’d donned blackface and performed a soft-shoe in his studio.” Andrew Sullivan added, “I guess no one ever accused Limbaugh of keeping his racism under wraps.”
Ladies and gentlemen… I give you the leader of the Republican Party; the man Cheney has vouched for, and would chose over Colin Powell.
Tags: Rush Limbaugh
Remember, Republican officials apologize to Rush when they step out of Limbaugh’s line.
New lows?
Reparations are one of the drug addict’s favorite ways to demonize black people. He doesn’t have to keep his racism under wraps — it is, afterall, how he gets paid. The 21%ers are delighted, because they think this stupidity is a blow against so-called “Political Correctness” — when the rest of the world wonders when these folks will join the 21st century with the rest of us. Right here, right now, pushing any part of the wedge politics that is the Southern Strategy pretty much aligns you with David Duke. And the strung out fool Rush Limbaugh.
This, in a nutshell, is exactly why Stephen Colbert’s satire is brilliant. The douche bags he’s satirizing (Rush, Bill-O, Hannity) actually says things that their audiences believe are sincere opinions, that when said by Colbert in character, are quite obviously ridiculous and meant as comedy.
Rush just laughs in private… all the way to the bank. Despicable.
This pill-clown is a bloviated jackass that deserves nothing in his life that amounts to success, which is exactly why I think he’s rooted in pure evil. Any- and everyone that has ever had success at the result of real or implied suppression of any group of people has always (at least eventually but always) proven themselves to be nothing but of an evil heart.
He’s a self-absorbed, self-righteous jackass. There’s really not much more to say about him (actually, there is, but then I’d be risking NSFW status).
Fine, I will!
I am sorry that I refrain from saying more about that bloviated, self-congratulating, pill-whoring, race-baiting, class-discriminating, wimp-ass wussy (for hiding in a booth or appearing only among his lemmings), jackass of a mother effing loser so bad that he has to destroy the character of others in the very faint hope to make himself look better, thinks he leads people but leads only his shuffling feet to the ‘fridge or the street pharmacist (online, because he wouldn’t be caught with that ‘element’) or to his illegal-immigrant help for $3/hr to slap her ass.
So, yes, I am sorry. I am sorry Rush for forgetting to mention all that stuff before, you alienating, pompous boob of a jackass.
A1 is going to ask you for reparations now, Smitty.
Hello? Did anyone read the first line of the post?
Not that heβll be called out for this by Republicans (Sheesh, except for Smitty):
I can’t help myself, you know that! The Smitty bashing Rush is as to Rush gulping Oxycotin! It’s an honest addiction of fate!
They worry about it, though. Their worries about credibility on racial issues is what brought us the gift of Michael Steele.
Yes, I think Republican leaders bowing and scraping to Rush is a big, big problem for them. It means they own Rush’s opinions, especially when they don’t repudiate them. Has a Republican leader (what about you Michael Steele) come out with criticism of these remarks?
Rush is a bomb-thrower. Like Smitty, I don’t think he really believes everything he says. He’s a ridiculous clown.
They worry about it, though
They worry about the optics of the thing, they don’t much worry about issues of interest to minority voters and they certainly don’t worry that minority voters might actually take the point of their wedge politics seriously and stay away.
You guys in one breath say Limbaugh is an idiot who knows nothing then you spend hours debating his every word? Limbaugh has a very successful radio show, millions listen because they enjoy it. Change the channel if you do not.
Maybe Limbaugh is not the stupid one but those can’t make up their minds if he is the anti christ or a genius.
Of course when logic fails it is convenient to call the guy a racist. No one cares about race except liberals who still use categories and labels for people.
What a shame. The richest entertainer (Oprah), the most well known sports figure (Tiger) and the President is African American. Get the point? No one cares about race, it is about achievment and who you are as an individual.
Mike Protack
Actually, I don’t think Rush is an intellectual idiot, not at all. Not only do I believe that he is intelligent, but he’s also a master manipulator. As far as the race-baiting I mention, look at his claims that Powell supported Obama for race and nothing else. Yes, Mike, that was a statement. His knowledge of Powell’s support is likely no more than you or I, yet he chose to say his support was race-motivated. What the heck do you call that?
Yes, I do care about race and I will care until the day that racial divisions (which does originate from all sides, btw) no longer exist, or become inconsequential. I also care about gender-, class-, and lifestyle discrimination. Honestly, anyone that thinks that any single one of those does not exist lives in a utopian bubble called pure ignorance.
Hey, how does it feel to be addressed by the old gum under your shoe?
Where, oh where, to begin? First, it doesn’t matter what we think of Limbaugh – we aren’t the ones worshiping at his feet, hanging onto his every word, and allowing him to lead our party – you are.
And as long as you do, we will continue to associate your party with Limbaugh. Don’t think that’s fair? Then someone in your party had better grow a pair and speak up.
And for you to justify Limbaugh’s racist – yes, racist – words means you are a-okay with them. Shall I file this Protack gem away with all the others? Please run for something, Mike.
I certainly took Protack’s words as an endorsement of Rush’s words.
Ok, I think when I write about repubs I need to say “all of them, except for the old gum”.
And pandora: grow a pair???? Is that on UI’s approved list; I forget.
A1 –
OK, steaksauce, have at it.
Same here, UI.
And A1… I have my own list! And as a heterosexual woman I have certain… shall we say, anatomical requirements when it comes to men. π
“Grow a pair” is not on the UI-approved list, A1! I’m sort of ambivalent about the use of balls = brave.