Question of the Night

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009

Who is worse, Cheney or Rumsfeld?

I know it’s probably bad form to link to the same article twice in one day, but the GQ Rumsfeld article is full of interesting tidbits. The article discusses how Rumsfeld could delay decisions he didn’t like and how he would participate in turf wars with other agencies. I think this is an example of the worst one, during Hurricane Katrina Rumsfeld delayed deployment of troops to help with rescue because of turf issues:

a final story of Rumsfeld’s intransigence begins on Wednesday, August 31, 2005. Two days after Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans—and the same day that Bush viewed the damage on a flyover from his Crawford, Texas, retreat back to Washington—a White House advance team toured the devastation in an Air Force helicopter. Noticing that their chopper was outfitted with a search-and-rescue lift, one of the advance men said to the pilot, “We’re not taking you away from grabbing people off of rooftops, are we?”

“No, sir,” said the pilot. He explained that he was from Florida’s Hurlburt Field Air Force base—roughly 200 miles from New Orleans—which contained an entire fleet of search-and-rescue helicopters. “I’m just here because you’re here,” the pilot added. “My whole unit’s sitting back at Hurlburt, wondering why we’re not being used.”

The search-and-rescue helicopters were not being used because Donald Rumsfeld had not yet approved their deployment—even though, as Lieutenant General Russ Honoré, the cigar-chomping commander of Joint Task Force Katrina, would later tell me, “that Wednesday, we needed to evacuate people. The few helicopters we had in there were busy, and we were trying to deploy more.”

The problem was that the Guard deployment (which would eventually reach 15,000 troops) had not arrived—at least not in sufficient numbers, and not where it needed to be. And though much of the chaos was being overstated by the media, the very suggestion of a state of anarchy was enough to dissuade other relief workers from entering the city. Having only recently come to grips with the roiling disaster, Bush convened a meeting in the Situation Room on Friday morning. According to several who were present, the president was agitated. Turning to the man seated at his immediate left, Bush barked, “Rumsfeld, what the hell is going on there? Are you watching what’s on television? Is that the United States of America or some Third World nation I’m watching? What the hell are you doing?”

Rumsfeld replied by trotting out the ongoing National Guard deployments and suggesting that sending active-duty troops would create “unity of command” issues. Visibly impatient, Bush turned away from Rumsfeld and began to direct his inquiries at Lieutenant General Honoré on the video screen. “From then on, it was a Bush-Honoré dialogue,” remembers another participant. “The president cut Rumsfeld to pieces. I just wish it had happened earlier in the week.”

One of the Cheney attack dogs, Liz Cheney appeared on This Week today and did not deny that Dick Cheney ordered torture (with some tortured language). See if you can make any sense of this:

I think that it’s important for us to have all the facts out. And and, the first and most important fact is that the vice president has been absolutely clear that he supported this program, this was an important program, it saved American lives. Now, the way this policy worked internally was once the policy was determined and decided, the CIA, you know, made the judgments about how each individual detainee would be treated. And the Vice President would not substitute his own judgment for the professional judgment of the CIA.

Is she blaming the CIA? So much for the Republican respect for the CIA!

About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (11)

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  1. I still say Cheney, but those new Katrina revelations really make my blood boil.

  2. Agree with the bumpkin from lville. cheney by far. Rummy was his pawn or at best his knight.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    I don’t know.

    In many ways these two are the evil version of Statler and Waldorf, or maybe much smarter version of Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd (from Diamonds are Forever)– it is difficult to imagine that they could have gotten up to so much real horror without each other.

  4. They found their perfect stooge with Bush. Rummy definitely knew how to manipulate Bush, considering those report covers. Cheney was in control from day 1. I’ll bet Rummy was Cheney’s hand-picked guy.

  5. Just one question about LIZ Cheney. How is it that she had such a high security clearance to supposedly enable her to know such highly-classified things about the torture policy? Or did Daddy Warbucks hand her this stuff so that he could hide behind her while she does the talk show circuit?

  6. liberalgeek says:

    She is a former Bush admin State Department official.

  7. ‘Bulo knows that. But, she’s talking about the classified top-secret stuff. Or did being daddy’s daughter automatically qualify her for such a clearance? She’s out speaking with (the veneer of) authority on the news talk shows. It’s not as if more than a tiny handful of people at the State Department were aware of the torture. How is it that she knew?

    ‘Bulo thinks it’s b/c Daddy leaked it to her.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    She was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State For Near Eastern Affairs — a job that is mostly about economic development and democracy promotion and got there in 2005. Why would someone doing this work at the State Department have access to torture data?

  9. I’m sure Liz Cheney really earned that State Department job. Dick Cheney believed that he could classify and declassify documents with a stroke of his pen. I’ll bet he did that for Liz.

    We should investigate Cheney for leaking classified information.

  10. Remember: Dick Cheney is a fourth branch of government, accountable to none of the other branches.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    I read someone over the weekend who thinks that the Liz and Dick Show on the news networks is a desperate plea for their own reality TV show.