The One Good Thing About Michael Newbold Castle

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009

…is that he does not think crazy people should be allowed to purchase guns at gun shows. (Yes A1, I know it is window dressing, but still.)

ALSO…I find it strange that not wanting crazy people to be able to purchase guns at gun shows would put you at odds with wingnuts, but there you have it. It speaks to the state of modern day wingnutia I suppose.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (24)

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  1. I see crazy people everywhere. They don’t even know they are crazy.

  2. Tom S. says:

    So tell me Jason, on an average year, how many crimes are committed with guns bought by crazy people at gun shows?

  3. jason330 says:

    All of them. Straw purchase baby yeah! Crawl back in your cave now biotch.

  4. Tom S. says:

    Jason, do you know what a straw purchase is?

  5. jason330 says:

    Tom S,

    Do you know what “Take a hike asswipe” means?

    How about. “Your ass has been handed to you. BIOTCH!” ?

    How about, “Tom S thinks gun shows should sell guns to everyone.” Can you parse that sentence fuckwad?

  6. Art Downs says:

    How many people who demonize gun shows have ever attended one?

    Just what is the loophole?

    Or is this just a bunch of follow-the-leader?

  7. Art Downs says:

    There seem to be quite a few folks who resort to vulgarity when the facts do not go there way.

    Over the years, I have noticed that the would-be ‘gun grabbers’ run from anything that approximates honest and open debate.

    Perhaps this is a testimony to the weakness of their position.

  8. jason330 says:


    There is nothing more boring than asshole wingnuts claiming that gun show straw purchases are fine and dandy. And that is all I have to say about that.

  9. anonone says:

    But he does think that crazy religious fundamentalists should be in charge of the world’s most powerful military to crusade in other countries and torture and murder thousands and thousands of people.

    As you say, your point is “window dressing.”

  10. Tom S. says:

    “How about, “Tom S thinks gun shows should sell guns to everyone.” Can you parse that sentence fuckwad?”

    Son, you could fill a book with what you don’t know about gun laws.

    “gun show straw purchases”

    Now you’re just making terms up.

    Eliminating the ability of citizens to transfer arms individually would do nothing to eliminate the ability of criminals to instigate straw purchases.

    Don’t preach down to me about things you don’t know a damn about.

  11. when is the bad apple ruins the bunch theory going to take hold in the gun world?

  12. Don’t preach down to me about things you don’t know a damn about.

    says the devout catholic in favor of nuclear bombing other countries

  13. jason330 says:

    Tom has ass utterly and totally handed to him and simply ignores it. In that way he is like the Republican party.

  14. anonone says:

    when is the bad apple ruins the bunch theory going to take hold in the gun world?

    When Michael Jackson performs at a NRA convention.

  15. Tom S. says:

    “when is the bad apple ruins the bunch theory going to take hold in the gun world?”

    Right after it does the same for the freedom from unwarranted search and seizure.

    “Tom has ass utterly and totally handed to him and simply ignores it.”

    “gun show straw purchases”

    I’ll let the record do the talking.

  16. jason330 says:

    What a dummy. He has no idea that he lost this thing three comments ago.

  17. There should be no laws restricting gun rights for law abiding citizens.

    Mike Protack

  18. jason330 says:

    Law abiding citizens need to be able to buy 40 guns a month?

    Protack = FAIL

  19. Tom S. says:

    “What a dummy. He has no idea that he lost this thing three comments ago.”

    I guess I better bow down to your superior knowledge of public policy and stop with my “gun show straw purchases”. No wonder you people can’t write gun legislation.

    “People like these:

    Nice company.”

    Your straw man is looking a little moldy

  20. jason330 says:

    Poor chap. His head is spinning from having his ass so conclusivly kicked.

  21. Tom S. says:

    Yep, just sitting here clinging to my guns and my religion. Confident that even with this much power liberals are not smart enough to understand basic legal terminology.

  22. jason330 says:

    Cartoon birds are flying around your head right now. Admit it.

  23. Tom S. says:

    If you can tell me what a “gun show straw purchase” is they sure will be.