Remember when #208

Filed in National by on May 19, 2009

Remember when we were buying duct tape and tarps to seal our windows and protect us from a dirty bomb?

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hiding in the open

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  1. I remember laughing at them and not doing buying those things. That was so ridiculous, like plastic sheeting and duct tape would protect us from anything but fresh air.

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    Dirty bomb? I thought that was for the nuclear plant spouting?

  3. Rebecca says:

    I’m with you U.I. I watched Tom Ridge on the morning news and was ROTFLMAO. That’s pretty much when I stopped watching the morning news on TV and went 100% with The Times On-Line, The Wa-Po, and the most important source — the blogs. DL and Kos have become my truth sources.