Irrefutable proof Bush is a liar

Filed in National by on October 5, 2007

White House aides say the president has read 60 books so far this year (2006)

somebody already did the math

Of the twelve books listed, I come up with a total page count of 5,356 pages, including 1,585 pages not available until at least 4/2006 of this year. That is an average page count of 450 pages per book. Multiply by his 60 books so far this year for a total page count of 27,000. 27,000 pages means the President would have to average a little over 115 pages per day. Reading a quick pace of a little over a minute per page, that is two hours a day of reading, and let’s be honest, longer if you want to retain information in these types of books. And this from a man who prides himself in not reading the paper. I don’t buy it.

so you see chrissy, hube, Dave, Don and all you other morons, if the President can lie about this just imagine when he really puts his mind to decieving the public.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Chris says:

    Sorry Donviti, not everyone has to move their lips when the read like you do. It just shows that he is a much better reader than you. Be a man and admit it.

  2. donviti says:

    Once again you don’t read the post.

    I’m not saying I’m fast, I’m not saying he is slow. but if you actually read the post you would find that he would have had to do this everyday.

    you are sad, but I enjoy your comments. They amuse me.

  3. Chris says:

    “but if you actually read the post you would find that he would have had to do this everyday.”

    I did, and quickly too. I don’t see how reading two hours a day would be a problem. Yes, you are extremely busy as president, but there is also some time between appointments, traveling, etc. Besides, you guys are the ones that say Cheney runs everything. If so, this would free Bush to read right?

  4. Phantom says:

    I’ll admit that Cheney runs everything but that is just to allow Bush his four plus weeks of vacation every year.

  5. donviti says:

    uh huh, keep believing chrissy.

    why don’t you read 115 pages a night every night of the week for 6 months and get back to me.

  6. Chris says:

    “why don’t you read 115 pages a night every night of the week for 6 months and get back to me.”

    Before I had kids I used to do just that. Everything from conservative political books, to classics, nautical themed, and even Clive Cussler.

    Put me in the White House where my cooking and cleaning is done for me, kids are chauffered and protected, and all my bills are managed by someone else, I think I could find some time, between vetoing socialistic crap coming from Congress, to read like that again.

  7. donviti says:

    but the president even said being president is hard work. He goes to bed by 9, is up at 5pm and is running a country. Give it up Chrissy.

    beat it troll!

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    Holy shit! This guy Chris is rearing children. Awesome!! Totally awesome!

  9. Duffy says:

    I have four kids under the age of 7 and I read about a hundred pages a night when I read (not every night). Further, his aides credited him with 60 books, not Bush. They very well may be just puffing up their boss. It wouldn’t be the first time.

    Chris: Bush may be busy with affairs of state but he isn’t busy “vetoing socialistic crap” he’s only used the veto 4 times in office.

  10. anon says:

    he’s busy signing deficit budgets and off-budget war expenditures.

  11. Chris says:

    “Chris: Bush may be busy with affairs of state but he isn’t busy “vetoing socialistic crap” he’s only used the veto 4 times in office.”

    I didn’t say he was. I said that is what I would be doing if I was in the White House.
    He needs to work that veto more in my opinion.