Teaching brown people. More Noble than killing them.

Filed in National by on October 11, 2007

If the war in Iraq is so noble, why aren’t you and your sister serving our country there?Donald Pence, San Francisco
I understand that point, but there are many ways to serve our country, and I think my skills are better suited for teaching and representing the U.S. in Latin America through UNICEF. I respect the men and women of our country who are over there fighting. It is an unbelievably selfless thing to do. But if people really thought about it, they would know it’s not even a practical question.

Jenna Bush

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hiding in the open

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  1. DonV

    Respectfully, the question is not why she isn’t serving but I do think you can point to Congress who in 1970 had 70% veterans and today is 28% with almost none serving.

    The people serving today are as good as they get and having anyone else serve but those who want to and have the ability is what matters.

  2. donviti says:

    did you serve mike?

  3. Anon II says:

    Why are Jenna & Lynn Cheney both out hawking books at this point….I have heard both being interviewed and more babbling nonsense from the ‘silver spoon set’ still does not impress me.

  4. Phantom says:

    While that is true about the fact that an all volunteer military is better than an indentured one there are a few facts missing.
    1. That the decision makers and thier influencers (ie corporate heads, the wealthy, etc.) experience the least amount of sacrifice and pain since they are the least dependent on utilizing the military career path to achieve success or wealth. Therefore the consequences of utilizing the military are not as poignant to them as they are to those who have family and friends serving. It used to be that serving was and honor and a tradition but giving the everchanging world order that seemed to be dying out. During times of relative peace and stability this isn’t a significant issue but when we are in a war it becomes significant.
    That is why the draft in Vietnam was so powerful. Because it excluded class and forced everyone to accept the consequences of war, just like all the other wars our nation had been through previously.
    2. The rest of the country is not involved in activities to support the war or sacrifice for the war but rather just to keep the economy humming along while troops die in a useless and unjustified conflict.

    Therefore, her argument seems valid that she may do more good teaching but the fact is that for our military she would have done significantly better by serving and then passing the consequences on to DADDY so that he could see what crimes he committed by entering into this war.

  5. Don V,

    Yes I did for 10 years 4 months and six days
    US Marine Officer and 1 year in the reserves. I left as an 0-4.

    I still don’t care if Jenna Bush serves in any way. I want the best trained and most motivated to be in the military.

  6. xstryker says:

    Gonna have to agree with Protack here… I wouldn’t want the Bush twins in our military, they’d be worse than useless there. Education is without a doubt more important than war, because it is constructive rather than destructive.

    But quite frankly, I hope they send her someplace dangerous, just so she understands what its like to have your life placed in jeopardy while serving. At least she’ll know her risk is justified by her accomplishments (assuming she serves more competently than her father).

    Note: Do not misinterpret this as “I hope she dies” because that is not what I am saying.