Where was your fake outrage on this video?

Filed in National by on November 12, 2007


bunch of hypocrites

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hiding in the open

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  1. Brian says:

    Hey guys that is too sad for me to watch…

  2. Von Cracker says:

    “No time for politics”

    Me thinks they don’t know what words mean….

    So according for Freedom’s watch (btw – groups with the word ‘Freedom’ in it are now in gutter with those lame ‘Concerned’ ones) we should not use political methods or maneuvers to bring this war of choice, which has morphed into a sectarian civil war, to a logical and the least violent conclusion possible.

    Sounds like ‘Staying the Course’ to me….

  3. Brian says:

    Antiwar veterans who attempted to march in a Veterans Day Parade Saturday in Long Beach were banned by organizers who said the parade is supposed to thank veterans and not serve as a political demonstration. Members of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace and Military Families Speak Out were prevented from joining the annual parade down Atlantic Avenue and restricted to a nearby parking lot, officials said. Organizers said the groups were trying to push a political agenda at an event to honor veterans

  4. Brian says:

    Not only do they not know what the words stay the course really mean they have not read the pentagon’s 100 year war plan, so their kids will be fighting it whether they want it or not.

  5. r smitty says:

    It’s all politics, both ends. It started with politics and it will end with it.

    Just like in another comment I left on another post…

    Per the first amendment, Bush can do it, you can do it.

    Bush is a self-glorifying asshole and…

    Pretty simple.

  6. This man has given a valid point of view shared by many. Where is the hypocrisy? He has earned the right to be heard even if you disagree with the Freedom Watch foundation.

    I never hear outrage when war vets agree with you.

  7. donviti says:

    get on board with some earlier posts and threads david before you open your yap

  8. Von Cracker says:

    “I never hear outrage when war vets agree with you.”

    Do you understand how stupid this sentence sounds?

    Why would anyone, anywhere, be outraged by someone agreeing with their position(s)?

  9. donviti says:


  10. Von Cracker says:

    Bowling pins, DV, bowling pins.

  11. Brian says:

    Hi Dave, I hope I did not offend you, I am not outraged about anything. I want the guys who have been excluded, their point of view to be heard too. They are vets too. But I do not see them on TV videos. No, you know where I met my first Iraqi war vet on a trip to NYC he was living at the Franciscan Mission. I want everyone to get a fair hearing in this one. And I am not going to leave guys like him behind, I owe it to him, it is my duty as a citizen.

  12. me says:

    are you so TOTALLY clueless? well if your wife left you and wanted to move to another state YOU MUST BE! btw, if you’re blogging, you’re not spending time with your kids are you? you got a lot of hate built up, that spews forth here so NO WONDER what your home life must have been like! …

    the man CHOSE to use his injuries to make a statement … plus it was respectful, tasteful and not demeaning!

    YOU sir (and of course i use that term loosely) were not HONORING this man, saying something like THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting your ears blown off or losing a limb, you were like a petulant BABY running through the schoolyard WHINING to the teacher that GEORGE BUSH started a war, GB started a wwwwwaaaaaarrrrrrr ….. teaaaaaaacccccchhhhher, GEORGE BUSH GEORGE BUSH (said with a lisp no doubt) … you are a pussy …

  13. donviti says:

    He did start the war though and didn’t finish either one.

    Operation enduring Freedom. How’s that one going. Shock and Awe…grrrrr, kicking ass!

    go get em sailor. You sound like one tough broad.

    The man chose his injuries to make a statement b/c someone paid him too. It was tasteful? you mean a guy with no legs walking out the front door with somber music playing? Yep, real tasteful.

    why did they even need a legless guy? why couldn’t they just have had Ari Fleischer tell me to support the surge instead of some propaganda bullshit to sell the surge?

    I would expect more from an enlisted person. When did you learn to trust your government? Bootcamp? doesn’t the illusion that daddy knows all wear off a week after you have left your A school?