Poll: Final Answer: Who Is Your Least Favorite Visiting Conservative?

Filed in National by on June 4, 2009

You’ve narrowed it down to two. Discuss.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    As evidenced by his comments on Monday or Tuesday to my “It has NO Place” post, you can eventually have a reasonable conversation with David A. You just have to dig through miles of theocon bullshit to get there.

    Mike P. is just a talking point machine.

  2. Rebecca says:

    What Delaware Dem said. David A. still has a few moments when reality intrudes into his thought processes. Protack has been fully assimilated by the borg.

  3. Both are unreadable. Prozac is unreadable on a more frequent basis.

  4. dorian gray says:

    Agree w/ all that. MP is capt. Boilerplate. DA clearly thinks for himself but is a bigger asshole. I saw this is a nil:nil draw.

  5. jason330 says:

    Even though Mike P is my least favorite – I urge everyone to vote for David because I win here might encourage Protack to seek elective office.

  6. Protack is more of a spammer than David. David tries to engage, I think. Protack is a talking points machine, unless he’s hear calling you stupid.

  7. PI says:

    Prtack = DRONE
    Dave = drone

  8. FSP says:

    How can this even be a discussion? One is a polite guy you completely disagree with and one is a complete ass you completely disagree with.

  9. jason330 says:

    Yes. But which style is more annoying?

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    I think the answer may be at a different post–“Smitty’s in-laws”–comin’ for a visit real soon!

  11. MJ says:

    Wow – it looks like Protack might finally win an election.

  12. The race is so close! Do you think David and Mike voted for themselves or for each other?

  13. MJ says:

    Protack will eventually withdraw and throw his support to Bill Lee. Oh wait, that was last year.

  14. jason330 says:

    Polls close at 3:00 so David and Mike better rally the troops.

  15. RSmitty says:

    Protack will eventually withdraw and throw his support to Bill Lee. Oh wait, that was last year.

    Did he throw his support to Lee last year? Not trying to be that “old gum” to Mikey P, but I’m not sure if I can recall him ever really giving his support to any Primary victor, ever, except maybe in 2004, which also happened to be Lee.

  16. LOL–okay Jason it is short notice, but I love come from behind drama.

    At least you are not voting which one of us to send to Gitmo.

  17. liberalgeek says:

    I love come from behind drama

    I’m walking away from the low hanging fruit…

  18. RSmitty says:

    Sheesh, and here I thought the low-hanging fruit was going to be about sending them off to Gitmo…or voting them off the island.

    Geek – get your head out of the gutter…of course, that would mean trying something different! 😛

  19. jason330 says:

    I’m walking away from the low hanging fruit…

    But not really.

  20. RSmitty says:

    Give him some credit, he’s campaigning for the victory.

  21. pandora says:

    LOL! I’m rooting for you, David!

  22. Delaware Dem says:

    UGH! DA knows how to lie like the best of them.

    After all, this is from a site which said Republicans should die …

    Actually, the site didn’t say that. Neither did I. I said we should round them up and shoot them. And then I apologized for it.

    supporting traditional marriage is bigotry ….

    And we never said that. We say that not supporting gay marriage is bigotry. We have never attacked traditional marriage in the slightest.

    pro-lifers should be tortured and sent to Gitmo

    Now he is just blatantly lying. It is your side, David, that kills the opponent in the abortion debate, not ours.

    …and took Memorial Day as an opportunity to blast our soldiers.

    One would have to be a despicable human being to say what Donviti wrote that day was an attack on the soldiers. It was an attack on how we treat soldiers, you theocon idiot.

    With that said, while Anderson is lying scum, he is still better than Protack.

  23. David says:

    http://delawareliberal.net//2009/06/03/food-for-thought/ was just yesterday. You just called President Pro Tem Adams a bigot in another post today. You called me that for supporting the traditional definition of marriage. The Memorial Day post was to say the least provocative and speaks for itself.

    Round them up and shoot them, but not kill them. Okay. You’re apology is not in dispute. I think that you were not serious. It is okay, but my point is a site that would even say something like that is one that I don’t mind being viewed as an opposite counter weight.

    Take the post as tongue in cheek. That is how I take your poll. It is adorable. Besides, you guys know that both our hits go up when we pretend to fight. (Don’t tell anyone)

  24. Delaware Dem says:

    Right, for not supporting gay marriage. You know, David, supporting gay marriage does not mean you oppose heterosexual marriage, or “traditional marriage.” It means you oppose bigotry. It means you support equality.

    Indeed, since gay marriage has been recognized in several states, and since thousands of homosexuals have married, the apocalpyse has not occurred. And not one heterosexual marriage has ended because a homosexual one began.

    With that said, I realized your post was all in good fun, as is this poll, but I still had to respond.

  25. I incorporated your corrections in an update.

  26. I hear if 7 states adopt it the anti-christ will emerge.
    Don’t be so sure.

  27. liberalgeek says:

    It is like saying that people who want equal rights for African Americans are Caucasian haters.

    Get it?

  28. Delaware Dem says:

    hahahaha. David made a funny. I thought you thought the anti-Christ was Obama.

  29. anonone says:


    Would you feel it acceptable for the government to discriminate against whole classes of tax-paying citizens because some view their religious beliefs were “non-traditional”?

    If not, why do you think it is right for the government to discriminate against whole classes of tax-paying citizens because some, like yourself, view who they want to marry as “non-traditional”? Isn’t every human being endowed with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

    As you think about this, remember that the superiority of the white race over other races was the “traditional” belief used to justify slavery and discrimination.

    “Traditional” does not make something moral or right. Slavery was once viewed as moral and justified by the traditional views of racial superiority.

    People who would deny other people equal rights under the law because they view the “others” as “non-traditional” and less-than-equal as people are bigots, plain and simple.

    Since you’re a Christian, you might read the parable of the good Samaritan again to understand the revolutionary-at-the-time idea that Jesus was expressing when he said “Love your neighbor as yourself.” At the time, the Samaritans were hated by the Jews, yet here was Jesus saying that this was wrong.

    When you learn to “Love your neighbor as yourself” regardless of whether that neighbor is straight or gay, you’ll discover that your heart is much bigger than it is today. And you can’t love your neighbor as yourself when you deny that neighbor the same human rights that you would keep for yourself.

    Heterosexual love is not morally superior than homosexual love. Love is just love.

  30. David says:

    No, it is like saying to have equal rights for African Americans we have to abandon everything the founders did because some of them were slave owners. Marriage is not a civil right, it is a civil institution which developed before government and is the foundation of society.

    You can love whomever you want. You don’t need marriage to do that. Marriage is about families.

    I thought this was suppose to be a fun post. You guys are too serious today.

  31. anonone says:

    Ok, then, I’ll rephrase to use your vernacular:

    You can’t love your neighbor as yourself when you deny that neighbor the same access to a “civil institution” that that you would keep for yourself.

  32. You are not walking in love when you don’t care about the larger society. It is about responsibility. That neighbor is free to marry any willing person of the opposite sex. If you marry someone of the same sex, it is not marriage and not possible except in a vain imagination.

  33. anonone says:


    You’re acting just like the Samaritan-hating Jews that Jesus was preaching against 2000 years ago.

    Furthermore, one could easily re-phrase your statement in the context of the “traditional values” of 50 years ago as “That neighbor is free to marry any willing person of the same race.” You are arguing the same way today.

    David, Jesus’ admonition to “Love your neighbor as yourself” was highly radical and untraditional in his day. It is a sad that one who claims to be his follower cannot follow even this basic admonition.

    You can’t love your neighbor as yourself when you deny that neighbor the same human rights that that you would keep for yourself.

  34. Did you know that interracial marriage was allowed across the country? It was not allowed down south along with other segregation laws. Those laws were passed to take away an accepted arrangement which dates back to the books of Genesis and Exodus. Whether or not interracial marriage is allowed does not affect the structure or function of marriage. Its tradition goes back to very early records. Different tribes and peoples often found marriage bound them together.

    Same Sex marriage has no historical tradition in our culture or for that matter any surviving culture. It is social experimentation.

  35. Thanks for all the distortion. I never said pro-life activists should be tortured. The post was about opposition to those policies, you moron.

  36. MJ says:

    Social experimentation? David, you are really a stupid asshole. Next thing you’ll probably say is that gays and lesbians don’t reproduce, we recruit. Keep on thumping that bible, schmuck.

  37. anonone says:

    The change that Jesus advocated in his time was a social experiment, too. So much so that he was killed for it. The saying is true: Jesus was a liberal fighting conservatives.

    Again, you can’t love your neighbor as yourself when you deny that neighbor the same right to marry the person of their choice that that you would keep for yourself.

  38. anonone says:

    David wrote:

    “Same Sex marriage has no historical tradition in our culture or for that matter any surviving culture.”

    What a silly argument. There are literally hundreds of things, from cell phones to genome mapping, that you could say the same exact same thing about.

  39. jason330 says:

    Genome mapping did in he Greek democracy.