GRRRRRR Fuck you Around the Horn Donviti Style

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 16, 2007

Well it has been a while, over a year at least, since I was last asked to do an around the horn. The last time I did it, was over at the gone and forgotten Delawhere. Well A lot of things have happened since then. I have been awarded Delaware’s hottest blogger award. I have made some of you laugh. Some of scratch your heads and most of you wonder what the heck I’m talking about. But what I like most about my time here is that I have been threatened by a few tough guys and called names by mostly juvenille right wing bloggers that must think they are immune to stupidity. Well they aren’t and neither am I.

So it’s payback time bitches Donviti style…. Here is your around the freaking horn.

if you want to visit a real asshole that insults everyone’s intellegince but his own, yet still reads comic books go Here though I can’t imagine why you want too. he reminds me of some grumpy old man that yells at kids to keep off his lawn.

If you want to visit someone a notch below Pube that gets Jason’s respect for God knows why Go here” His comments are on when he wants them to be, he has an echo chamber louder than the DuPont Theatre and he thinks writing a letter asking a bitch slapping, drunk driving, redneck, power abusing politician to quit is some sort of noble act. Yawn.

If you want to have your mind twisted by someone that takes the bible literally but at the same time interprets it the way he wants to go here Be warned though he thinks the earth was built in a day, though not a day as you and I know it, just a day that God knows it to be…uh huh

I have to be honest I don’t go here at all I have tried to but his format is so hard to read I don’t bother. I think he has good things to say, but who the hell knows…

I like this bitch personally She has comments that are spot on. She’s not afraid to mix it up with what’s his name ever. She knows her shit and more people should read her.

Speaking of what’s his name Dana, you are something else, you have an air of pompuosness to you that I find overbearing at times. Your comments are great but, well, what can I say, I don’t get where you come from some times. I think you hurt your brain sometimes coming up with the stuff you spit out.

NOW This guy knows about wind All this talk about wind power has me wondering though, when is Tommy Going to work for that company who’s name escapes me right now and let’s be honest half of De, has never heard of either. Which leads me to a question, was Delmarva Deregulated to create competition?

I like this guy a lot he comes back for more rarely gets to upset and keeps it cool. Personally, I think Duffy gets it, he just takes longer to turn the corner.

A guy that enjoy’s the finer things in life I don’t visit him as often as I should, but recommed you do.

god bless you (is he still around?)

If you want to read long drawn out posts about marriage and parentinggo here They are amusing and very well thought out. Unlike my own posts.

We have a new visitor and if she is as hot as her avatar/picture….I might have found my new blogging wife It wouldn’t be cheating Momma…I swear

I throw him in because he visit like a 1000 times a day

Here again I have some more honesty to espouse Mike is my biggest competition when it comes to being a hot blogger in De Mike, keep up those posts at Five Guys…I feel safer when I see them

and now for a little serentity, calm, relaxing and awesome pictures. The guy rarely has a bad post. I still wish he would take a picture of his odometer with his car doing like 90mph, but oh well safety first…i guess

I hardly wander her to wonder maybe it’s the title…but I’m sure he is valuable in his own mind.

This guy’s name reminds me of a frog for some reason…like a noise a frog makes or something. Weird, but hey, so am I.

I’m saving a favorite shout out for a new asshole I discovered or I guess discovered me. Yes, he is a Republican and no, his 4 year old can’t beat me up. Most likely the little squirt still wets his bed out of fear from his overbearing father that has a temper he can’t control. Though it is good to see he is shaping his children in his own neanderthal like ways. A real carpet bagger to model if I ever saw one. Maybe your brand cuts it in RI, but thank god it doesn’t down here. I never met a real carpet bagger before and well, we are off to a great start thus far paisono. A first class asshole if there ever was one is my first impression. A chest puffing Army Officer that castigates poor people that join the military for something other than supporting the country. Funny, if the military only could get people to join based on the love of ones country I guess they wouldn’t need signing bonuses, recruiters and well commercials, dragracing cars…you get the point…GRRRRR I’m a tough guy…Hey JOHN FUCK YOU ASSHOLE, WITH ANY LUCK YOU WILL NEVER GET FUCKING ELECTED TO ANYTHING IN THIS STATE. WE DON’T NEED YOUR KIND HERE WOP. If anything we need the exact opposite of some body like you. So go fuck yourself and learn again what it means to be an American AND A VETERAN, ASSHOLE.

If I forgot you, I don’t give a shit, I got all worked up thinking about the asshole above that ran for state Senator that I don’t care to post something schticky about you.

Oh I do have one more thing. all you fucking morons wanting to get rid of the Estate tax, why don’t you go blow a few more multi millionaires. We already bust our asses so the rich can get richer, why stop there? It boggles my fucking mind how people that will die with less than $5million go around defending something that won’t even affect them. Go make a difference somewhere else for god’s sake, for our sake, hell for your kid’s sake. I have a better idea, go read up on what this country is supposed to be about. If you like transferring wealth so it stays in the hands of the same people over and over again, go move to Europe or something. You are about as UnAmerican as they come in my opinion.

oh I forgot



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hiding in the open

Comments (61)

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Don’t hold back, DV!

    It appears you guys have insulted the sensibilities of Duffy for the last time. Jason’s 9/11 and your Vet Day posts, to her (or is it him?, can’t tell) can have only one purpose: What she/he thinks it is.

    Too bad subtext and irony escapes Duffy’s intellect.

    WOP! 😉 I guess it takes one to know one….

  2. OK…that’s just about the best thing I think I’ll read all day!

    Thank you, Mr. Hotness!

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Vinnie Boombots and Joey Baggadonuts won’t be happy with you using that term.

  4. donviti says:

    fuck those guineas too

  5. Beach Bum says:

    A chest puffing Army Officer that castigates poor people that join the military for something other than supporting the country. Funny, if the military only could get people to join based on the love of ones country I guess they wouldn’t need signing bonuses, recruiters and well commercials, dragracing cars…you get the point…
    Give him hell dude.

  6. John Feroce says:

    Definition of Donviti = Little twirp.

    I would debate you on any topic, any time and donate $100 to charity in your name.

    Don’t worry I’ll leave my four yr old at home, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

    Come on twirp, let’s see what you’re made of.

  7. anon says:

    Written questions and answers on the blog of your choice. My money’s on DV.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    I’m surprised he didn’t go with the “your picture next to the definition in the dictionary” slam.


  9. John Feroce says:

    Sorry, in person only.

    Since DV is trying to paint a picture of somebody I’m not, I want to meet as many people as possible.

    The funny part is, that we (DV and I) have more in common than he can ever imagine. The problem is he didn’t just accept a personal viewpoint (comment) on his post and let it ride. He needed to get all defensive and attempt to get me in an online spat (which I have to say he succeeded).

    Let’s do it for charity. No more name calling, just good old fun.

    Debate: Time and place?

  10. Tyler Nixon says:

    I risk jettisoning any credibility I might have dreamed I had, before the blogs took me into the nether regions of the soul…

    But I have to admit this AHT edition ‘Viti style busted me out with wopping laughing more times than this whole week put together.

    At least I know I won’t burn in hell alone.

    Cheers to all youse Goombah’s.

    – Tricky the Mick Nixon

  11. disbelief says:

    Debate topic: leaves
    Debate rules: Feroce and DV ‘GRRRR’ it up with rakes and wheel barrows. First person to get all the leaves off the lawn wins.
    Prize: firm, sincere handshake.

  12. donviti says:

    sorry Giovannieboy,

    you are the one that lifted this to another level when you said fuck you, said your child could kick my ass then attempted to insult part of my reason for joining the military.

    The only thing I can assume we have in common is a bunch of Uncle’s yelling at each other and over each other on the holidays.

    Yet again your juvenille, “Yeah, but I can kick your ass” colors speak out. Spare me, putz. I stopped fighting and threatening people the day I grew up.

    Which might be the reason you and Burris get along so well is my guess.

  13. delawaredem says:


    It can’t possibly be 1,000 times a day. The day is half over and I have only visited once.

  14. donviti says:

    and gee a politician wanting thinking that he is being painted into something he is not.

    Go to a car dealer and ask a salesman what he thinks of his industry…

  15. donviti says:


    didn’t have anything better to say about your blog 🙂

  16. donviti says:


    i have enough leaves to do, but thanks. Over half are still on the trees. I was thinking about yelling at the treas, cursing at them and just plain trying to scare them into falling off the tree.

    know anyone that can do that for me?

  17. donviti says:


    Is my disdain for silver forked officers showing?

  18. John Feroce says:

    Ok DV…don’t say I didn’t reach out for a gentlemanly truce.

  19. donviti says:

    nice try schmuck, after you slap my face. Don’t try to act like you are the nice guy now….

    you have more to lose than I do mr politician

  20. John Feroce says:

    Since you seem to be sincere in your continued punk commentary, Fuck you then!

    Donviti = Delaware’s hottest little twirp.

  21. anon says:

    I think JF is getting it – welcome.

  22. donviti says:


  23. disbelief says:

    JF – you teamed up with the two biggest losers in DE when you jumped into the political o-ring of fire. Gonna’ be a long time living that down.

  24. OK…that’s just about the best thing I think I’ll read all day!

    Thank you, Mr. Hotness!

    ditto that, DV!!


  25. Von Cracker says:

    From JF’s site:

    “I’ll never forget accompanying my father to night school so he could learn English and become a citizen. Unlike many nowadays, my parents became citizens through legal immigration and taking the test as soon as they were eligible.”

    JF appears to like using immigration as a wedge issue. Demonizing immigrants, illegal or not, is not a tactic we need from a leader right now, or in the future for that matter.

  26. delawaredem says:

    Thanks DV. Remind me to kill you later.

  27. John Feroce says:

    Von Cracker – I am an immigrant. Pick another issue.

  28. Von Cracker says:

    Hey – it’s your words. Your bio makes it sound like you were born here and your parents are the ones who immigrated. But nevertheless, the “since I’m one you can’t talk about it” argument is rubbish.

    Is that what you tell your political opponents too?

  29. John Feroce says:

    VC – This is exactly why I wanted to debate DV, because it would have allowed an opportunity to hear more developed positions (including background influences).

    I expect different views on issues based on ones experiences and in my case choosing a political party as well. As we both know, there are also differences among those within a party as well.

    You are absolutely right on the ” since I’m one you can’t talk about it” argument is rubbish. I should have elaborated and said that I feel I would be more qualified to speak on the issue than many having been a naturalized citizen.

  30. Von Cracker says:

    I hear ya, but when people, including pols, talk about how devastating illegal immigration is to our country, it’s inherently about Latinos, not Eastern Euros or even Asians.

    Most of the Red Meat rhetoric is chock-full of specious arguments: such as drain on social services, gov’t resources (which in reality, the wealthier citizens use more), etc., but in reality our country benefits more off of the illegals than they take from us, be it from cheap, hard-working labor or the eventual tax income and other contributions from their naturalized children.

    Personally, I believe that the ones who deride are usually looking for an excuse for their own mediocrity in life.

  31. donviti says:

    when you say pols you don’t mean polacks do you?

    because jon though he may act polish isn’t polish

  32. Von Cracker says:

    Ha! Pols = Politicians

  33. M. Opaliski says:

    Polish jokes, great …

  34. delawaredem says:

    How could we forget Poland?

  35. Brian says:

    We should never forget Poland. Look up the Republic of Both States.

  36. doriangray says:

    I have to admit I am really digging this DV versus Feroce feud. You guys are both clowns, but I’ll support DV because at least he has the correct opinions. Still trying to kill the Estate tax, really? Even Jeffson supoort this idea.

    JF – You’re overdoing the ‘machismo’ as well. This type of carrying on is usually inversely proportional to penis size. The more you do it… you get it. I do like the debate idea though. I say go Oxford style on the steps of Old College in Newark. C’mon, DV, think about it.

  37. Tyler Nixon says:

    We talking Polacks now? I knew that would bring Wojtec Opaliski into the conversation…

    Don’t worry, Matt. Like you, I’m also a pol whose a Pol.

    I think that makes us doubly easy targets.

    – Stosh Nixon

  38. Dana Garrett says:


    Donny Boy won’t debate you publicly unless you wear a mask of a disfigured face. The “best looking blogger in Delaware” only feels adequate when hideousness is his contrast. Superficiality is depth.

    But I’d love to debate you publicly. I’ve been dying to debate someone publicly. I think it’s a pity that we don’t have more public debates in the US.

    How about the question “Was the US justified to invade and occupy Iraq?”

  39. donviti says:

    stanislaw was never a finer name….

  40. donviti says:

    dorian debates first…it was his idea.

    I’m am a clown Dorian…if you look up the italian opera you will find my real name as the main character

  41. Brian says:

    How about the question “Was the US justified to invade and occupy Iraq?”

    Did the bicameral congress approve it as a war? Enough said.

  42. Von Cracker says:

    Nice tangent, fellas!

  43. John Feroce says:


    Of course I would debate.

    I’m on my Treo, but let’s pursue this idea as a monthly event.

    Different topics and participants, maybe even teams.

    You’re question should be first. I’m not ignoring it, but I can’t type a worthy response on my phone.

    I’ll follow up later this weekend.

  44. r smitty says:

    Well, if the Bloggers’ Banquet is still on later in the winter, why not have the first official DE blogger debate then? It’ll at least give the planners a chance to build it. From there, a regular rotation can be planned.

    Just a thought. Plus, I’m dying to meet Mr. HotNotViti in person.

    Whoo-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! >:)

  45. Dana Garrett says:

    “Different topics and participants, maybe even teams.

    You’re question should be first. I’m not ignoring it, but I can’t type a worthy response on my phone.

    I’ll follow up later this weekend.”

    Very cool! A series of organized debates w/ different topics and different participants–great idea! We could even film them and post them on the web.

    We should allow a big chunk of the time for audience questions.

    We could do issue debates–both local & national–candidate debates, debates that consist of a panel asking questions (DE’s bloggers, etc).

    How about a contest to name the debate series?

  46. Tyler Nixon says:

    “stanislaw was never a finer name….”

    Thanks, DV. That was my pop-pop’s name (Stanley) and my confirmation name.

    I think I may have to show up to the next “Getting Liquored Up Liberally” to meet some of you misfits. We can rip each others’ ethnicity in person.

  47. r smitty says:

    How about the “Cohen: Queen Blogger Debate Series?”

    Most definitely snark.

  48. liberalgeek says:

    How about, “Up Yours: The Bloggers Debate Series”

  49. jason330 says:

    Well, if the Bloggers’ Banquet is still on later in the winter, why not have the first official DE blogger debate then?

    Oh shit. That reminds me…Dave give me a ring. we need to get this thing done.

    DV – awesome job. You tricked me into clicking on some worthy blogs.

  50. Dana Garrett says:

    “Up Yours: The Bloggers Debate Series”

    LOL! We may have a winner.

  51. disbelief says:

    The first blog debate topic should be about some aspect of blogging.

    How about, “Does sexual discrimination exist in today’s blog world?”

  52. donviti says:

    look I’m all for a debate, but do we need politicians to do the debating? don’t htey have their own forum to do that?

    perhaps a bloggers/commenters debate would be better suited.

    just an idea, or at least dedicate a portion of the debate to bloggers v bloggers

  53. Dana Garrett says:


    I think we should bring bloggers into the process a lot…they should always be taking a lead in some aspect of the debate…and, yes, sometimes it should be bloggers only.

    I’m just thinking that to raise our profile in the community…to get us taken more seriously…we should provide a forum in which we include these others on ocassion

  54. liberalgeek says:

    Tyler, we’d love to have you come out. Traditionally, we choose a random conservative and beat the tar out of him after we get our drink on. It will be nice to dispense with the randomness… 😉

  55. donviti says:

    I agree Dana, with my looks and your intellect who knows where we could go

  56. disbelief says:

    I’ve got it!

    Robert Redford as the arch-type male liberal; is he as hot as donviti?

    Debate pros and cons.

  57. Dana Garrett says:

    “I agree Dana, with my looks and your intellect who knows where we could go”

    I read a story a long time ago, apparently true. George Bernard Shaw was at a dinner party and some famous attractive actress (name??) said to him across the table, “We should have a baby together. Just imagine how wonderful the child be with your brains and my looks.”

    Shaw responded, “It’s the possibilities that is precisely the problem, Madam. Imagine how awful the child would be with your brains and my looks.”

  58. Tyler Nixon says:

    Awww thank ya, geek. It’s nice to be the center of attention…even in a left wing tag team melee, sprinkled hundred proof jackassery…

    If old ‘330 shows, I’m there.

    Heck, maybe you can have a politician (a wannabe Wilmo Mayor??) turn the tables and moderate the Great Blogger Debate.

    A couple of Jamesons and I’d be primed.

  59. liberalgeek says:

    Perfect. I’ll coax 330 out soon.

  60. ANNON II says:

    Please contact me if you want some assistance in organizing this event….I have experience (and a sense of humor).