Filed in National by on June 5, 2009

Why are crazy religious muslim’s scarier than crazy religious christians?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Another Mike says:

    Because we all know crazy religious Christians. They might even be in our own families, and we see that for the most part, they live regular lives. How many of us know crazy religious Muslims?

  2. How many people have been killed by crazy Christian organizations? Tens of thousands have been killed by organized extremist Muslims every year including massacres of millions. 9/11 was not a bunch of crazed Pentecostals. The London Subway was not a bunch of angry Anglicans. Disgruntled Presbyterians did not kill the people in the Indonesian night club. Raging Roman Catholics did not destroy the embassies in Africa.

    Christian led governments did not create Somalia, the Sudan, or Iran.

    The answer is simple. Crazy individuals come in all types, secular, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim. Some of them even kill people. There is not much you can do about that except address public mental health which is a subject http://stoptaxing.wordpress.com/2008/06/07/happiness-is-a-trillion-dollar-issue/.

    What is different is the fact that at this point in history there is an organized theology of violence in a segment of Islam. It is widespread enough to have cost literally millions of lives including at least 8,000 American lives.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Plenty of Christian groups are scary and some of them have a long history of Domestic Terrorism right here in the USA:

    Army of God
    Aryan Nations
    The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA)

    And that’s just off of the top of my head.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Cass, don’t forget the state “militias”, breeding groung for Oklahoma City… They love Jesus very much apparently…

  5. callerRick says:

    How many people have been killed by the KKK, Aryan Nation, et al, in the past fifty years? Try joining the 21st century.

  6. Tom S. says:

    “Why are crazy religious muslim’s scarier than crazy religious christians?”

    Something about a plane and a building…I don’t remember the exact details, it was all so very long ago.

  7. KKK and
    Aryan Nations are not Christian movements. The KKK is not a religious organization nor is it endorsed by the Christian movement. Aryan Nation is out of the secular neo-nazi movement. It has its own creeds. Even the Christian Identity movement (trying to help you out) does not kill people. Caller Rick is basically right. You could take all of the people killed in the last 25 years by the radical rejects and you would have a bad day in Iraq. It doesn’t excuse these people, but it does say that their movements are near death. That is why they aren’t scary.

    The government needs to keep track of them though to insure they don’t pull anything. They used to under Bush, but this administration seems lackadaisical.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    KKK and
    Aryan Nations are not Christian movements. The KKK is not a religious organization nor is it endorsed by the Christian movement. Aryan Nation is out of the secular neo-nazi movement.

    Absolutely wrong. One reason why both groups were historically intolerant of Jews was due to their Christianist roots. Roots that in their minds make them superior to those who don’t believe. Which ought to sound familiar.

  9. edisonkitty says:

    ‘Why are crazy religious muslims scarier than crazy religious christians?’

    They tend to be brown.

  10. Tom S. says:

    “Absolutely wrong. One reason why both groups were historically intolerant of Jews was due to their Christianist roots. ”


  11. Dorian Gray says:

    Fail? Like you’re some fucking arbiter? You a fucking idiot, number one. Number two, Nazis and KKK rely on Christian theology, albeit not mainstream. This is historical fact.

    I can sort of get behind callerRick. Presently the muslim types are outpacing the christian types. But I didn’t know we were keeping score.

  12. Andy says:

    What about the operation rescue nut case that killed the abortion doctor

  13. Tom S. says:

    “Nazis and KKK rely on Christian theology, albeit not mainstream. This is historical fact.”


  14. nemski says:

    If there is one thing Tom S. knows about it is FAIL.

  15. IRA (Irish Republican Army)

  16. callerRick says:

    Don’t forget those insane anti-slavery sentiments of that notorious zealot, John Brown, and the actions of his equally infamous Christian operative, Abraham Lincoln.

  17. Andy says:

    (IRA (Irish Republican Army))

    What about the British Empire??
    We can list numerous examples of lunatic Christians killing under the guise of religion in the end there is not much difference between the two each has its own set of fanatics that only read and misinterpret a portion of their own HOLY BOOKS and decide either you agree with what they think or die
    To answer the original question: “Why are crazy religious muslim’s scarier than crazy religious christians?”
    Its called Bias they are scary because they are different and people are shallow Both suck andshould be dealt with the same because they are the same