Fios FYI

Filed in National by on June 7, 2009

Verizon FIOS is awesome.  The quality is awesome, the widgets are awesome.  The number of HD Channels is awesome.

Verizon FIOS also sucks.  I called off hours to try and get a DVR box.  It took me 40 minutes to find out I have to call back during normal hours.

The set top boxes are also expensive.  $15 for the DVR HD box, $10 for the HD Box no DVR

On Demand is so-so.  It miffs me b/c you get tons of HD movie channels, but if you want to watch a Movie in HD on the On Demand it isn’t available in HD most of the time, forcing you to need a DVR to record the movies in HD.

Be warned…

It’s still better than comcast and you get the Phillies too!

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hiding in the open

Comments (3)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    They offer Comcast Sportsnet on FIOS? If they do, I may change. The only reason I stay with Comcast is because of that.

  2. Mark H says:

    Viti, I’ll have a post up on adding to your DVR’s storage by Monday. Do you use the SA 8300?

  3. Yes DD they do.

    Mark I have no clue. I don’t have a DVR currently at all. Just an HD set top