I found another fan that obviously can’t look away at my hotness

Filed in National by on December 3, 2007

From time to time I find myself trolling around the NJ comments area creating some havoc and having fun.  I decided to make a comment about some uppity Delawareans gating their Castles in Bethany to keep out the rif raf from using their beach replenished tax payer sand. Well one commenter wowed me and I thought I would share it with you all. 

2. donviti….mind if I come and take a poo in your first floor loo? After all, boundaries are just artifical things. Clue up, cupcake. These people are private landowners. You are entitled to nothing of theirs unless they agree and you pay for it. Go back to your smug liberal web site. You know, the one where you whine about your ex-wife and give “around the horn” love to people who could care less what you think. Here’s another clue. No one cares about your life. Drown that one during your next wine (whine?) tasting!

Awesome huh? My stunning, witty, intelligent retort you ask?

for someone that cares less you sure know a lot about me

and their reply you ask:

And as for knowing stuff about you…..that’s like a flasher saying “hey, what are you looking at????”I’d be just as happy knowing less about you. You were the one who decided to make that unavoidable.

It doesn’t get better than that.  Like a person looking for porn on the internet and then shockingly being offended.  Typical wing nuttery at it’s finest.  One more please Del Lib fan and another reason to keep this rock hard body in shape!

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hiding in the open

Comments (17)

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Funny stuff!

    That wackjob, New Whatever, sounds like he masterbates to Rush! “All you Liberals….blah, blah”. He completely dismisses the point of public roads and public beaches equals public access.

    Another case of exceptionalism at its worst!

  2. jason330 says:

    Sounds like he is not only a Donviti fan but a Delawareliberal fan. Of course you don’t need to read many posts to pick up on the smug vibe.

  3. disbelief says:

    Years ago the beach sand was replenished in Bethany with the exception of the giant condo complex there. When they said, “Where’s our sand?”, the initial reply was, “You keep everyone off your beach, pay for your own sand.”

    But then some ‘leaning’ was done on the proper officials, and they got their taxpayer funded sand anyway.

  4. Ahoy Polloi says:

    “It doesn’t get better than that. Like a person looking for porn on the internet and then shockingly being offended. Typical wing nuttery at it’s finest.”

    So he should have been expecting your egotistical menstruation when he was reading what should be political discussion?

    I don’t follow. Why should your personal problems be our concern? Or anyone’s besides your ex-wife, daughter, and respective lawyers?

    I have to agree with him. You hung out the dirty laundry. You deserve whatever comments you get. You wanted the attention.

    As for the public beaches, it sounds like anyone can access the sand. They just can’t use the private driveway and parking lot of these homeowners. Case closed. How hard was that?

  5. disbelief says:

    It used to be, in Rehoboth, Bethany, and Fenwick, that beachfront properties ‘owned’ to the high tide mark. That was changed. However, some hotels try to enforce false ownership by having large Sussex County boys tell you that you can’t walk on ‘their’ beach.

  6. donviti says:

    you don’t like it, don’t read it is the message. If you go trolling around and get offended on the internet well that is your own stupid fault.

    also, this is a BLOG! Not a news paper. We have standards god damnit! how dare you imply that my personal life is not news!

  7. donviti says:


    thanks for visiting and commenting too

  8. Ahoy Polloi says:


    No, I don’t think so. The cuteness has worn off.

    You’re not really as catankerous as you would aspire to be. More self loathing I suspect.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    Like youself, Ahoy?

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Damn ‘r’ key!

  11. donviti says:

    i’m still cute in my own head and that is all that matters.

    i thought you wing nuts go for a man that can’t admit faults and is stubborn

  12. Ahoy Polloi says:

    Stubborn ain’t the problem.

    Airing your personal dirty legal laundry on the web….thatsa notso smarta.

    You’re deluding yourself….there’s nothing cute about a pudgy Wilmington wop. Deep down inside, even YOU know that.

    Time for a little honesty…..

  13. donviti says:

    there’s nothing cute about a pudgy Wilmington wop.

    that’s a matter of opinion for starters.

    Your true colors are shining.

    what I do with my dirty laundry serves a purpose. I could care less if you don’t like it. I answer to one person around here. and Mrs Geek rarely tells me what to do.

    if you want honesty you have come to right web site. If I cared what people thought about me I wouldn’t do or say HALF of the things I do. I’m secure with who I am. If i’m 100 lbs overweight or 10. Try projecting some of your own self image concerns on someone else please.


  14. Ahoy Polloi says:

    Now, if that were really true…..you wouldn’t have needed to respond.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    I’m going to beat Mrs. Geek for that joke now… 😉

  16. donviti says:

    I’d prefer a stoning