Castle Declines Promotion

Filed in National by on June 12, 2009

Mike Castle has turned down a promotion to be the ranking Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee, the Hill reports. Interestingly, Castle cited his upcoming and tortuous decision on whether to run for the Senate or retire as the reason for the demurrer.

“In my discussions with members of the Steering Committee, there were obvious concerns among the members and those in leadership as to whether or not I would continue to run for my current House seat,” Castle said in a statement. “Since I am not ready to announce a final decision on whether to run for the House, the Senate, or anything, and knowing House Republican leaders value continuity in this position, it would be unfair to pursue the Ranking Member post at this point in time.”

For the love of God, Mike, make a decision. You know, playing hard to get only works for so long. Eventually the teaser becomes yesterday’s toast.

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  1. On that I agree. He is back to thinking about running for the house? Come on Mr. Castle, just do like most men and ask your wife what to do. This is getting old.

  2. I don’t think that he would be turning it down unless he was leaning toward running, but I bet he hasn’t been able to clear the field without personal contact. If he doesn’t want a primary when he would be the second candidate, he needs to do the right thing. He needs to go personally to the existing candidate and offer his support for another office. Otherwise he just needs to go back to the house. He can’t keep putting the race on hold. We all ready have a candidate. We don’t need this drama.

  3. jason330 says:

    He has made a decsion: Rocking chair.

  4. jason330 says:

    We all ready have a candidate. We don’t need this drama.

    Bwah ha ha !

    (Pssst…he is talking about Christine O’Whackjob)

  5. This must be a huge ego trip for Castle. He doesn’t sound like someone who’s going to run for office to me. I think he’s going to say “no” to both. He better hurry though, they need time to recruit a candidate to run for both offices.

  6. callerRick says:

    O’Donnell is the Republicans’ version of Mike Miller. Every two years they pop-up like that fresh pimple that would inevitably appear the morning of your high school yearbook picture.

  7. Mr. Castle gave a professional response which was in the best interests of his caucus and himself.

    Mike Protack

  8. cassandra m says:

    For all of those reading at home — Mr. Shallow Bench wouldn’t know:

    1) professionalism
    2)the best interests of any caucus
    3)his own best interests

    if they jumped up and beat the crap out of him.

    Just making sure we have the credibility issues covered.

  9. Mike Protack does more by accident, than you libs will ever do on purpose.

  10. nemski says:

    I really hope O’Neill isn’t talking about flying here.

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL, because flying airplanes is the only issue on which I will even contemplate thinking about listening to Protack on.

  12. cassandra m says:

    Mike Protack does more by accident

    We already knew Mr. Shallow Bench was clueless.

  13. anonone says:

    Mad Mike does politics the same way he flies an airplane – mostly on autopilot.

  14. Mr. Castle gave a professional response which was in the best interests of his caucus and himself.

    Despite the stupid and immature comments by liberals here who seem to hate themselves and every one else the comment stands.

    As for flying, I suspect most of the liberal commenters here are not wise enough to fuel the airplanes let alone operate one.

    The state of Delaware is a wreck thanks to the Democratic party and your anger towards others can’t mask those failures and Obama’s FUBAR economy.

    In the end, Cassandra would have to study to be a moron.

    Mike Protack

  15. mike hunt says:

    Please Mr. Castle, run for the US Senate…otherwise we will have someone like Bill Lee or Jan Ting or Christine O’Donnell or Mike Protack or Tim Smith or Dave Burris or…who the hell would the GOP have???????

    Please Mr. Castle, please!

  16. RSmitty says:

    MP, I sincerely hope you have abandoned all desire in running for any kind of general-elective office. You haven’t left crumbs to use against you, you’ve left an entire smorgasbord!

  17. jason330 says:

    If I’m Mike Castle and Mike Protack is out and about giving me props, I’m thinking “Oh shit!”

  18. Andy says:

    Hey Mr Delaware Republican We do stuff thats alot harder than Flying Airplanes we drive Submarines

  19. mike hunt says:

    Andy 1
    Mr. Delaware Republican 0

  20. cassandra_m says:

    In the end, Cassandra would have to study to be a moron.

    Hey! How’d I miss this?

    Seriously, Mr. Shallow Bench — this is proof that you wouldn’t know professionalism if it walked up to you shaved off your mustache.

    And I’ll defer to your obvious deep knowledge of what it takes to be a moron, since you are a champion specimen.

  21. LOL, Cassandra. I didn’t notice what he said either, probably because I don’t read his comments.

  22. John Manifold says:

    He has made a decsion: Rocking chair.

    Would be nice if Jason were right, but he’s likely not:

  23. Art Downs says:

    Representative Castle might benefit from a primary. He might get some feedback from the electorate and reconsider some of his more foolish positions.

    Regardless of what choice he makes, he will be the superior candidate in the General Election. Democrats can be counted on to nominate someone far worse.