Comment Rescue: Fusion Finished?

Filed in National by on December 13, 2007

Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD Says:
December 13, 2007 at 1:05 pm Reports of fusion’s death have been greatly exaggerated….Wolfgang von Baumgart,State Secretary, IPOD

Call it a hunch, but I take this to mean that KHN is getting an IPOD endorsement. Either that or Wolfgang just takes his sweet time commenting in issues of the day.

My bad. This comment means nothing of the sort. Karen Hartley-Nagle is not looking to do anything other than run and win the Democratic nomination and take the fight to Mike Castle.

Apologies to KHN.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (20)

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  1. Little Red Riding Hood says:

    Have any of you ever seen or met Wolf? He is a total nut job, that recieved less than 5% of the vote when he ran for Sussex County Council 4 years ago. I Can’t believe that you guys even give him the time of day.

  2. jason330 says:

    Never met the guy. I just thought that it was odd that he was commenting on a thread that was about a fortnight old.

  3. disbelief says:

    I never told him what time it was.

  4. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    I was just testing the system and wanted to leave a general historical summary comment in what I mistakingly thought was a cooler, less
    emotional environment.

    It takes a great leap of imagination and/or logical non sequitor to infer an IPOD endorsement or cross-party nomination of any candidate therefrom. Anyway, the art of fusion is still in the developmental stage — in search
    of unified criteria. Implemented correctly, fusion can win an election — if not carefully aforethought, it can make a candidate look silly.

    Given the evolution of recent events, I was too
    busy making complex political decisions and didn’t have the luxury to comment
    instantaneously. { I also find the modern occidental sence of time to be somewhat conceptually limited. Consider the accuracy vs. speed dilemma and compare the range of long- vs. mid- vs. short-term thinking. }

    Little Red Riding Hood needs to get his/her
    election statistics straight. We have an obvious
    and contemptable case of narrow-mindedness, coupled with intolerance, imprecision and disinformation — laughable at best…

    Politics requires a thick skin and nature has amptly endowed me with same. It would be very interesting to see LRRH’s poll numbers. What
    would this sorry excuse for a blog commentator
    have done if it was discovered that his/her best poltical freind apparently committed
    election fraud with his/her signature ???

    I doubt that LRRH has the moral courage or class
    to print a retraction after checking the DEC
    statistics — let alone the ability to write a
    coherant policy statement beyond an insipid propaganda paragraph. Care to debate face-to-face ??? [ I doubt it. ]

    Most likely, LRRH admires Ann Coulter and is
    poorly copycatting her crude tactics.

    Enough of this amusement … Life is too short.

    Bye for now. I’ve got better things to do …


    ( LRRH : like it or not, at least I’ve got the guts to sign my comments… )

  5. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    The spacing on my last comment was horrendous.
    We need a better word processor.

  6. What relates KHN, fusion and Wolfgang’s feeling like he should right the record?

    Two media sources talked about fusion in their item about her candadacy announcement and both included Frank Sims assertion that fusion is dead in the IPOD.
    Wolfgang corrected that assumption.

  7. Liitle Red Riding Hood says:

    Can someone please verify what % Wolf got in his election for S.C.C.?

  8. LIZ ALLEN says:

    Lets be clear! Frank Sims and Tommie Little are dead! Fusion is alive and well. We in IPOD will select only candidates in the future whose platforms and ideas are similiar to ours. Of course, we want Independent candidate running as independent, however if we don’t have a candidate in every race, we MAY decide to choose one from another party that we all agree would be better than another, or is a challenger of an incumbent.

  9. ANNON II says:

    LRR’Hood…re: Wolf…don’t you get it? at least he had the courage to run (against a very strong machine). So, if you haven’t tried it… 2008 is your year…and do not knock those who make the effort.

  10. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    Thanks NANCY and ANNON II. You got it straight.

    The general princple of fusion was previously stated for its own sake. Ergo, any inferance to
    a specific political personality in the original
    context was premature (no entendre indended, but
    some might infer ) as well a logical non sequitor.

    Just as a binary alloy cannot be formed from a
    combination of metallic elements exceeding a 20%
    diifference in atomic diameters, there is a
    maximum acceptable political difference beyond
    which a given fusion candidacy is precluded.
    In light of a greater level of emergence, it is safe to say that the varibles are more complex and dynamic — yet fraught with subjective factors. Herein lies the essence of the problem. Further research is, perforce, required. We need a workable matrix.

    With respect to wasted DNA, Little Red Riding
    Hood should clean up his/her/? own garbage i.e.:
    next time, do a little research before going
    public instead of trying to get someone else to do it. [ By asking someone else, LRRH has admitted to laziness, incompetance or both ] Now, who should not be taken seriously ???
    Such is the flip side of the First Ammendment.
    Politics is a chess game. LRRH is still playing checkers.

    Finally, I never thought that an innocent paraphrase of Mark Twain would stir up such a
    political duststorm. Let’s see what tomorrow

    Also sprach Zarathustra….


  11. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    I wish that I could get this to align correctly.

  12. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    Re: Comment 11 …

    Damn those typos … full speed ahead!

  13. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    *** CORRECTION ***

    That’s Comment 10…

    This again illustrates the speed vs.accuracy

    Q1: What is the optimum acceptable range ???

    Q2: How many are really fed up to the gills with
    Delaware politics as usual and what are you going to do about it ???

  14. Can I have some what Wolf is smokin?!!
    (I jest)

  15. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    Dear Nancy,

    I appreciate your sence of humor, however I assure you that the comments were a product of my natural and unadulterated neurochemistry.
    From the literature, Tetrahydrocannabinol is actually a thought inhibitor. To pardon the pun — I was’t smokin, but my comments were…

  16. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    P.S. :


    You forgot a key preposition in your last comment [ presumably “of” ], but I caught your drift.

  17. Dave says:

    “Can I have some what Wolf is smokin?!!”

    No, Nancy. You’ve clearly had enough.

  18. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    Just who is this “Little Red Riding Hood” anyway,other than a cheap impersonation of
    a Grimm’s Fairy Tales character. Does anyone
    have the right GPS or Gallileo coordinates ???

  19. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    Now, Dave… Be nice. Cut Nancy a break.

  20. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD says:

    Oh, drat! I forgot a question mark in Comment 18. I am my own worst critic. Besides, its fun
    to catch one’s own errors before someone else does.