Sanford Returns From Secret (Sex/Drug?) Trip to Buenos Aires

Filed in National by on June 24, 2009

Sanford very well may have been in the airport stall next to Larry Craig. Of course, Nate points out the the Mayo Clinic is also in the area.

Everyone relax, it was just a secret trip to Buenos Aires.

Sanford said he was alone on the trip. He declined to give any additional details about what he did other than to say he drove along the coastline.(snip)

But he said he cut his trip short after his chief of staff, Scott English, told him his trip was gaining a lot of media attention and he needed to come back.
When asked why his staff said he was on the Appalachian Trail, Sanford replied, “I don’t know.”

Anyway, it sure is getting tough to write satire about Republicans.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. When you find out where your DNC chairman Governor Kaine went while spending tax money, you can act as if Governor Sanford’s private vacation matters.

  2. Republican David says:

    The 538 speculation tracks my first thought. He knows someone at the Mayo Clinic or sought an opinion for himself. It is a personal/family medical issue that you guys don’t need to be dredging for, which is why his wife had not the slightest concern. She just needed better talking points. There is no conceivable reason this even has legitimate interest.

  3. jason330 says:


    Making pretend that this isn’t fishy does not mean that it is not fishy.

  4. I’m sorry but this has tabloid all over it. A governor disappears for days without telling his staff, his wife or his lt. gov. where he’s going. His staff keeps changing the story.

    It’s the cover-up, silly!

  5. Can you say Mayo Clinic?

    What is fishy is Gov. Kaine stonewalling inquiries into past trips where tax money was spent on security grounds. Is he afraid of time travelers? I missed the post on that. Maybe you are researching it.

  6. Why were you speculating, David? I thought you didn’t care. This is just your normal governor sneaking away for 5 days thing, same old, same old. Move along, nothing to see.

  7. Now Sanford says he was in Buenos Aires. Nothing unusual about that, no siree.

  8. I don’t care, but I do care about the invasion of privacy. When media types are trying to track cell phones that gets my attention. There is something rotten and it isn’t Sanford.

    Maybe he should have used stimulus money to take his family to Broadway.

  9. jason330 says:


    So it was the drug mule thing after all.

  10. Shorter David: “Leave Mark Sanford aloooonnnnne!”

  11. jason330 says:

    Well now that we know I happen to agree with David.

    If Republican Governors need to leave the country to get illegal kinky sex and indulge in serious drugs – then it is their business and we should leave them to it.

  12. Dead story, now I am sure the focus will be on whether or not Kaine is actually doing his job and where he is taking his trips. Gov. Kaine is the Chairman of the DNC after all.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    So, a Republican lied. Tell me David, how does it speak to his family values that he takes a trip to Buenos Aires “alone,” leaving his wife to care for his 4 young sons.

    Your hypocrisy disgusts me.

  14. Dorian Gray says:

    “Which is why his wife had not the slightest concern.” Really? You spoke to her?

    If, if, if it was a private/medical matter ther are many ways it can be professionally handled. So why wasn’t it?

    And if you say the name Kaine and/or link to your fucking dumb website again that really isn’t an anwser you fucking stupid twat.

  15. Geezer says:

    “There is no conceivable reason this even has legitimate interest.”

    Right. Because Republicans never bring up any issue unless it has “legitimate interest.”

    News flash, David: People are interested in whatever they’re interested in. They’re not going to ask your permission first.

  16. I guess that is why there are tabloids. Maybe they should ask me first then they wouldn’t be distracted by trash talk while you guys punish them for living a modern life in the name of energy conservation.

  17. RSmitty says:

    I won’t go into the speculation that others have (I could never do such a thorough job), but a real legitimate question to ask, given the way Sanford handled this …er…jaunt, is: at what point could the state declare job abandonment on the part of Sanford?

    Seriously, he upped and left and told no one (or so that’s apparent). He’s the governor for crying out loud! You sacrafice a decent part of your private life to be a public servant and moreso the further up the chain you ascend! Sorry, but he should really be smacked around for abandoning his duties during this period. The other stuff is just fun. Not to mention it’s winter in Buenos Aires right now. I’ll go for the cozy up (with someone) at the fireplace in the ski lodge.

  18. skippertee says:

    He’s probably on the ‘down low’like Craig.He was likely trolling the Atlanta airport,high on meth,and lost track of the time.Another pervert repube shooting himself in the dick.

  19. If you want to focus on a Governor taking trips away from his job, where is the focus on one who does that more days than he is on it. That is why you don’t want to focus on Kaine. You rather have a fake story than a real one.

    How did he lie? You have no clue if he did. He just made a statement and only one statement. It seems supported by the facts.

    I am not telling you or I don’t know is what everyone told you. Now you say he lied? Wasn’t the problem that they didn’t lie to keep the loons off their back?

    BTW Knucklehead–uhm D. G., if you are too afraid to go to my website just click the link I left on the other thread to a news story.

  20. RSmitty says:

    If you want to focus on a Governor taking trips away from his job…
    To clarify, my point is that Sanford did this without others’ knowledge, or so the story goes and even he is sticking to that. Other governors, unless you have proof, keep others who need to know in the loop of the itinerary. It is that and that alone, why I say he needs to be smacked around for job abandonment, even if it was for a few days (although intended to be longer). His LG didn’t even freaking know!

  21. anonone says:

    Jason wrote:

    “If Republican Governors need to leave the country to get illegal kinky sex and indulge in serious drugs – then it is their business and we should leave them to it.”

    Because repubs are good at exporting jobs from America.

  22. The last time I checked, he was accessible as evidenced by the fact that his chief of staff knew exactly how to contact him and on week’s vacation after session. If an emergency developed, his Lt. would have been informed by the chief of staff to be acting governor. That is how it works whenever a governor leaves the state.

    Job abandonment is what Kaine does 4 days a week.

  23. anonone says:

    Why’d they lie to the public, David?

  24. jason330 says:


    I think that is the point. If he was “driving down the coast” why lie about it?

    He has made it a story and you can bet someone is currently working their contacts in Buenos Aires to find out what he was really up to.

  25. RSmitty says:

    Dang it, David, this is why we have an image issue. Look at you. Yes, take issue with Kaine if you think he is wrong, but don’t accuse him of abandonment when his travels are LOGGED when they are planned and then taken. HUGE difference in that regard of Kaine vs Sanford!

    The fact that the LG had no idea and ultimately, only, yet MAYBE, a single person knew of his whereabouts stinks. You don’t do that crap as Governor and I think you know that.

    It’s perfectly fine to hold your own accountable, even if your opposition finds joy in it. Holding one’s self accountable (in this case, your own) is a big part in improving.

  26. anonone says:

    Dang it, David, this is why we have an image issue.

    You think that’s it? And you think it is only an image issue? Geez, BigR, you still gotta ways to go until you hit bottom.

    Palin-Sanford 2012!

  27. Geezer says:

    David: For most people (as opposed to political partisans), the story is interesting because it’s a mystery, nothing more. I don’t think most people (except for political partisans) are attacking him so much as puzzling over what’s going on.

  28. We don’t care if Sanford goes on vacation. But going out of the country without even telling your wife is very, very strange.

  29. Von Cracker says:

    “Lot’s of you guys can cut and paste. Maybe you should teach a class”

    And maybe you can take a class on the proper usage of apostrophes, ya think?

    And look at David everyone! With his reliance on false equivalency and shit, you’d think he’s at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to excuses now! How precious!

  30. Von Cracker says:

    un-moderate me, thankyouverymuch.


  31. Mark H says:

    “But going out of the country without even telling your wife is very, very strange.”

    Not in my house hold…If I stayed away, my wife may even buy the plane tickets 🙂

  32. nemski says:

    GOPDave you must be filled with pettiness to come to DL and spout such dribble hour after hour. Please do something else with ur life.

  33. No the reason we have an image problem is that some Republicans won’t keep score. I won’t be one who doesn’t. The Democrats don’t have a problem with Kaine not doing his job. There are a number of local press inquires into various aspects of this. Sanford did nothing wrong with the exception of not turning his state over to Lt. His chief of staff could do that anytime so this is a nonissue. The question is why is there a focus on it? It is for no other reason than to distort and disarm. I won’t play along now or ever.

  34. anonone says:

    David, why did they lie?

    The public, who pays for the Governor’s salary and staff, actually has a right to know where the Governor is and not be flat-out lied to.

    The issues are the lies and the cover-up. And you’re just a huge repub sycophant not to face that.

    Why’d they lie, David?

    And he “he drove along the coastline?”

    According to AP:

    “Trying to make such a drive could frustrate a weekend visitor to Argentina. In Buenos Aires, the Avenida Costanera is the only coastal road, and it’s less than two miles long. Reaching coastal resorts to the south requires a drive of nearly four hours on an inland highway with views of endless cattle ranches. To the north is a river delta of islands reached only by boat.”

    Why’d he lie, David?

  35. anon says:

    Would someone please check the Guv’s passport? What kind of family values does this man have? His wife and children didnt know where he was? Another sex scandal coming? Nothing would surprise me…lets see the passport!

  36. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh why not cut to the chase DL, and bring Mengele into the suspicion….

  37. Perry says:

    Besides, the good Guv skipped out on father’s day!

  38. RSmitty says:

    I can’t do it. Carrying a baton (of unity) is for the weak.

    To put it in corporate, operational terms, if my boss did what Sanford did, he’s speaking to his boss immediately upon his return, if there was a return. If my boss’ cheif-of-staff (assistant) was the only one in the know, then he/she also is in that meeting. Translate that: Sanford and his chief-of-staff have a whole lot of ‘splainin’ to do to the people and should stand up to it, instead of dismissing it.

    FWIW, I don’t see anyone here calling for his job. They are lampooning the hell out of him, because he absolutely set himself up for it.

  39. Perry says:

    David, stop making excuses for this man.

    At least wait until we have all the facts, instead of making up some!

    So far, even you have to at least candidly admit, this situation is very strange.

    And by the way, attempting to divert to Kaine doesn’t work either!

  40. anonone says:


    Sanford is the chairman of your Republican Governors Association.

    I hope he stays in that job at least until Mike Protack, leader of the Delaware Republican Party, is a member or hell freezes over.

    Whichever comes first.

  41. Geezer says:

    David, everyone knows where Kaine is. And everyone knows where your nose is, too.

  42. delacrat says:

    Why should he not disappear without a word to anyone.

    It’s not as if this would ever put him on a watch or no-fly list.

    If he was a Democrat like Ted Kennedy, now that’s different.

  43. Perry says:

    Smitty: “FWIW, I don’t see anyone here calling for his job. They are lampooning the hell out of him, because he absolutely set himself up for it.”

    He certainly did. His LG was interviewed by Rachel Maddow last night. – He was quite puzzled about the dilemma that Sanford created in the Governor’s office by his unannounced absence and being out of touch.

  44. Of course we know were Kaine is, he is doing party work on the taxpayer dime. That is why he won’t release the records. We actually don’t know were he goes. That is the point of the Richmond Dispatch asking for the records. It is called violating FOIA and stonewalling. That is a much more interesting story.

  45. At best Sanford is just a flake. At worst, well I can’t even begin to guess at what the worst is. The whole story will come out.

  46. Phantom says:

    Is anyone taking bets on the gay versus extramarital affair gambit to explain this absence? Just wondering as if it was medical why wouldn’t his staff know what was going on and have talking points ready? Also, why would a republican governor go to another country for health care when republicans think that the private health care system in the country is fine? Finally, why would your wife not know where you are going unless it is a marriage of convenience (ie kids so no divorce or rethug so no public divorce) and he had to get his kicks somewhere else.

  47. Phantom says:

    If it was a more interesting story than the media would have picked up on it. They don’t care about political affiliation when it comes to scandal. You just want it to equate and it does not but I since you are an idiot that believes anything coming out of Rush’s ass then it is to be expected.

  48. anonone says:

    For the fifth time, David, why did they lie?

    David won’t own up to Sanford’s lies because David lies here all the time.

    In spite of his “politeness” and willingness to sign his name to his comments, clearly Dave is just another republican liar and christianist hypocrite.

    David, why do you lie?

  49. I think David will feel a little dumb defending Sanford when we hear what he was really up to.

  50. nemski says:

    UI, have you ever heard of a Tepublican saying they were wrong? I thought not.

  51. cassandra_m says:

    Here’s the hypocrisy tell for David’s deflections on Tim Kaine — anyone know who Jim Gilmore was?

    He was Gov of Virginia 1998 -2002.

    He was Chairman of the – wait for it!- Republican National Committee 2001 – 2002.

    So what do you think, guys? Was Delusional David this concerned for the Virgina taxpayer when Gilmore was doing double duty?

    And, unlike Gilmore, the DNC is paying for Kaine’s travel and his security detail while on DNC business. Bet the RNC did no such thing.

  52. Geezer says:

    “Of course we know were Kaine is, he is doing party work on the taxpayer dime.”

    I don’t think we know yet whose dime he’s doing it on. If he’s guilty of it, I’m sure he’ll do what your gal Sarah Palin did and pay it back.

    But of course, none of this has any bearing whatsoever on the Sanford story. Changing the topic and making a counter-accusation is one of the most tired tricks in the threadbare conservative bag.

  53. Dorian Gray says:

    Firstly, I am amused that you all are still commenting on this considering there was another massacre in Tehran today.

    Also, I noticed David called me “knucklehead”. How quaint. Insult me like a man you fucking skeletal, pimple-faced piece of shit.

  54. Dorian Gray says:

    Well, now we know:

    2:30 PM … “I’ve been unfaithful to my wife” … “with a dear dear friend from Argentina.”

  55. anonone says:

    I guess Sanford, another family values repub, was off committing adultery on the taxpayers’ dime.


  56. MJ says:

    According to the Washington Post, he admitted to an affair. Guess he and Ensign were students of the same moralists in school. I wonder if the “dear, dear, friend” is named Juan or Pablo.

  57. RSmitty says:

    -1) Disgusting hypocritical pig.
    -2) He did it over Father’s Day…disgusting, vile, shallow, callous, pathetic hypocritical pig.

    Crap, I feel immensely bad for his wife and children right now.