General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up and Pre-Game Show: Wednesday, June 24

Filed in National by on June 24, 2009

Most of yesterday’s abbreviated sessions were given over to tributes to Thurman Adams. Sen. Nancy Cook reportedly led a group of about a dozen of Adams’ family onto the House floor (Sen. Venables was also with them). Several shared their memories. When it was all over, the session was adjourned for caucus with the announcement that there would be no working session yesterday. It was much the same on the Senate side.  The News-Journal does the solemn occasion justice here.

While there was little floor action in either chamber, there were a few notable developments. In the House, Sen. Sorenson’s SCR 21 , creating a Teen Dating Violence Task Force, was approved by voice vote. Rep. Marshall’s HB 168, putting an end to minimum mandatory drug sentences for non-violent offenders, was released from the House Judiciary Committee. Here’s hoping it gets on an agenda real soon.  Rep. John Kowalko’s HB 253, which mirrors the bill that Sen. Adams buried in the Senate Executive Committee, was released from the Sunset Committee and has been added to one of today’s House agendas. This much-discussed bill would put an end to the cronyism on the Violent Crimes Compensation Board, and strives to provide the statutory relief to victims as required by law.

The General Assembly also decided to meet both Monday and Tuesday next week. The Monday session is new, and presumably is designed to compensate for yesterday’s lost day.

Also, the unofficial word out of Dover (‘bulo is still highly-skeptical) is that lawmakers are cautiously optimistic that they can actually finalize work on the financial package by July 1. They are now reportedly ‘only’ $300 million apart.

Today’s Senate Action:

Today’s Senate Agenda appears to be identical to yesterday’s. Rather than repeat his pithy observations from yesterday (“Don’t get pithy with me!”), El Somnambulo will simply link to his by-now timeless prose.

There really appears to be little of note on the Senate Committee meeting schedule today, feel free to root around.

Of course, intrigue surrounds what could, but might not, happen with Senate leadership today. Will the Senate officially designate a new Pro-Tem? If not, who will assume the duties of the Pro-Tem even if they don’t have the title? Exactly how will the Senate function?

Today’s House Action:

While similar to yesterday’s agenda, there are at least two changes to today’s agenda. As previously mentioned, HB 253 has been added to the agenda, as has what appears to be a non-controversial bill outlawing one of those ‘designer’ hallucinogens.

By far the most notable of today’s committee meetings is the House Revenue & Finance meeting starting at 11:30. All of the bills in the Governor’s economic package are on the agenda. It should also be pointed out that a second committee hearing is also scheduled for Thursday at noon, presumably to finish up deliberations on the package. Both meetings will take place in the House chamber.

Rep. Keeley has HB 250, which would create incentives for filmmakers to shoot their movies in Delaware, up for consideration in the House Economic Development/Banking/Insurance/Commerce Committee. 

This will not be a full committee day, so expect a marathon session in the House.


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  1. Great work! I expect to see something interesting Tuesday when I go to Dover.

  2. RSmitty says:

    I probably should have put comment here, but the new (not so new) leadership has been selected.

  3. ‘Bulo thanks Smitty for this key update. This makes sense through the end of session. This looks unlikely to be permanent however. For example, you cannot both serve in leadership and as a member of JFC (although the rules were previously ignored for Herman Holloway, Sr. at the end of his career). This will be revisited after the Special Election.