Updated w/ Video: My Advice for Republicans
Stop pretending you are holier than thou. Stop pretending that your values are better than anyone else. The feeding frenzy we are seeing right now with respect to Sen. Ensign and Gov. Sanford, it is because both are supposed family values conservatives of the religious right, both of whom condemn gay marriage as a threat to traditional marriage, when the only threat to their marriages was themselves.
So, David Anderson and all the holier than thou conservatives out there, do us a favor:
Concentrate on your own lives, your own marriages, your own values. Keep them to yourself.
The family values hypocrisy is what is driving this feeding frenzy. The press loves nothing better than getting a politician doing something he has condemned others for. Indeed, a general rule is that you have no family values if you ditch your children and wife on Father’s Day weekend to be with your Argentine mistress.
Here is a Daily Kos liveblog of the stunning press conference, and below you will find the video. Finally, every time a Republican gets caught in their vile hypocrisy, Fox News pretends that the Republican is a Democrat. Every. Single. Time. They just did it again:
Fox News: We Can’t Admit the Truth Even When Republicans Do.
The Vido:
DD, will they listen? I doubt it. We’ve been trying to tell them this for years. It’s not like liberals love the idea of infidelity but we recognize that it’s human.
Proactive strike:
Do NOT defend this pig…this mother effing pig. Forgiveness comes from his wife and/or children, not from any wonk that comments on blogs. He’s an effing pig!
Thoughts on Stanford right now:
-1) Disgusting hypocritical pig.
-2) He did it over Father’s Day…disgusting, vile, shallow, callous, pathetic hypocritical pig.
Crap, I feel immensely bad for his wife and children right now.
Hey! I can’t edit my comment? no link! Anyway, I meant the pig SANFORD, not the pig Stanford. Apologies to pigs named Stanford.
If you’d like to have a laugh, reread Anderson’s comments from the earlier post. What a complete turd. I personally think he should keep defending Sanford and act like the presser never happened. That would be brilliant.
The bit about his wife being “ok with it”… too fucking funny.
Amen, time to throw the hypocricy to the curb. Just glad that thier shallow, stupid, ignorant beliefs are finally facing the limelight.
Nemski–please a little something from Evita w/ photoshop, or should I call on Kilroy?
Me too. Reading between the lines of Jenny Sanford’s comments over the last few days, it sounded to me that she was angry about something.
I won’t comment further on whether she or his children should forgive him or if she should divorce them, because that is there business, but the Governor of South Carolina has to resign immediately. He literally put the state in peril this weekend because he was horny for some Latin strange.
At least when Bill Clinton got horny, he stayed in his office.
Stanford the Pig sends an “Oink” out to RSmittah!
Bwah ha ha ha!
That’s all I have for now.
Now, the snarkery to lay on this pathetic, soul-less (happy father’s day indeed), cretin:
Sanford’s staff had said the governor was hiking in the Appalachian Trail,…
I guess her name is Appalachian.
HAHAHAHAHA, oh we are going to have fun with this….
Michael Corleone’s first wife in Sicily was called Appolonia. She was not unattactive.
As you should DD–as you should. Let it rip….Let’s began w/ Edie Gormet singing the “Girl from Ixhapwhatever the place”….and I’ll help you from there.
At least it wasn’t with a dude.
“I spent the past five days of my life crying in Argentina,” he said, “so I could come back and cry here.”
I am sure his wife and children feel much better now.
At least it wasn’t with a dude.
I know. Seems to be becoming the trend. They missed the memo.
I’m braced for the rest of the story h. I’ve seen the phenomenal sex change work being done.
I’ll throw in something from “Evita.”
That press conference was positively surreal. No brave family standing with their fallen hero. Apparently his Chief of Staff wasn’t even there, the one who was misled into pushing the Appalachian Trail meme. He called out her name, but she was nowhere to be found.
The family clearly had known for some time, as Sanford talked about his father-in-law confronting him.
The phrase “God’s Law” was invoked at least 5 times, and he apologized to People of Faith. Presumably b/c atheists and non-believers don’t deserve honesty from their lyin’ public officials.
He resigned as the head of the Republican Governor’s Association. With Ensign’s resignation from the Senate leadership last week, does that leave Eric Cantor as Last Man Standing?
He said that he and his wife were ‘technically not separated’ even though he said, and ‘bulo quotes, “I’m up here and she’s down there”.
In one of the more bizarre explanations of a long-distance romance ‘bulo has ever heard, Sanford said he first met the woman (presumably on http://www.myspouseisanasshole.com) and was essentially ‘ministering’ to her to save her marriage. Then they exchanged e-mails commiserating about their respective troubled marriages, and before you could say “Vaya Con Dios”, they were doin’ the horizontal mambo.
This is just priceless stuff, and it’s well worth watching the entire tawdry enterprise.
And, in the final classic coda, Faux Noise has identified the governor as (D-South Carolina).
Now, if you’ll please excuse ‘bulo, he has some psychedelics he’s been saving for just such an occasion…
This is just about sex, people –nothing to see here, just move on along.
Or at least that was your mantra in 1998.
This one upsets me more than the Ensign one did because there isn’t even the argument that the couple was separated.
On the other hand, it does have the benefit of increasing the likelihood of my preferred ticket — Romney/Jindal 2012!
Gee, h. why don’t you write that “at least it wasn’t with a (fill in the blank)”
It doesn’t make any righter or wronger if it was a “dude.” Hear that, RSmitty?
It only makes a difference to people who think that gays are somehow less than human or less capable of love.
And finally, every time a Republican gets caught in their vile hypocrisy, Fox News pretends that the Republican is a Democrat. Every. Single. Time.
I don’t know. Can you really blame Fox? I mean, they are confused. This is a Republican who cheated on his wife with another WOMAN! That really hasn’t been a very Republican thing to do in the past, until this and last week. I say it was just total reflex to do the following:
Male politician + extramarital affair with another WOMAN = Democrat. See? It’s all so explainable.
Steaksauce – I hear you, but considering all the snark about how cheating Republicans all seem to do it with the same sex, well, it falls along those lines. Trust me, you aren’t going to stop that snark train from rolling here, but most of the people saying it here would never put hetero- or homosexuals in different classes, as you suggested in #21.
LOL Smitty!
The phrase “God’s Law” was invoked at least 5 times, and he apologized to People of Faith. Presumably b/c atheists and non-believers don’t deserve honesty from their lyin’ public officials
Spot on ES.
RwR, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ve always felt that Clinton was an asshole. Also, I believe he should have resigned after going on national TV to say that he didn’t have sex with that woman.
Anyways, u r missing the point of DD’s post, but that probably is ur point.
I think that is exactly what h. was implying. Fill in the blank with any other label and see how it fits.
And most repubs would and DO put straights and gays in different classes.
Give us a day, I mean the guy just confessed. You guys put the country through a year of your impeachment drama with Clinton. We get at least a day.
And this is more than just sex. Clinton never disappeared for five days so as no one in authority knew where he was.
Yeah, Jason….
David Anderson must still have his jaw on the floor. I started laughing hysterically at the news and my first thought was “Anderson just got pwned.”
Question: Does the whole Gaucho Love Affair means that GOPDave won’t show up here any more? He does have a modicum of shame, doesn’t he?
Pozsibly Ted Kennedy who killed a woman or Bill Clinton can comment on the Sanford episode?
If they are busy I think Barney Frank could comment on how a gay prositution ring could happen in his house?
Still, if Sanford had staff lie or used government resources in any way he should resign.
Mike Protack
This story is bringing out the inner snark in bloggers:
Steve Benen:
Pozsibly Ted Kennedy who killed a woman or Bill Clinton can comment on the Sanford episode?
If they are busy I think Barney Frank could comment on how a gay prositution ring could happen in his house?
None of that lessens one freaking iota what Sanford did.
How was that layover in Clueville? Did they take you off of their no-fly list to let you land?
(Don’t defend this with your template-response of your piloting skills – I did not challenge that nor do I care to)
Speaking of peope with no shame — Mike Protack, leader of the Delaware Republucan Party.
Once again Protack misses the point. Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton never told anyone they had better values or morals than anyone else. Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton never condemned others for behaviors that they themselves were doing.
Republicans do that. And until you stop, you will forever be hypocrites.
Indeed, RSmitty, I have deferred on this very site to Protack’s aerospace knowledge (during the Air France disaster). I assume that Protack is a good pilot. It’s politics and policy where he fails.
Read Kavips lately?
Could Sanford = Kavips? 🙂
So having values is a crime but distorting court proceedings by lying under oath and in Kennedy’s case leaving a woman to drown is not. That shows your insanity.
David A. demonstrates why one should never be an apologist unless you’re a spokesperson and do it for a living. David looks pretty darn foolish right now and all I can say is “we told you so.”
What I can’t get over is the complete arrogance of Sanford. Did he think that he could do whatever he wanted and no one would notice? I wonder how many other affairs he’s had.
No shame from GOPDave.
Coming over here and constantly lying as you do shows your insanity.
What’s all the drama about !
“South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says he’s been having an affair with a woman from Argentina and will resign as head of the Republican Governors’ Association.”
He is doing the right thing. What about John Edwards fucking around on his wife and then wanted us to elected him president?
At least Sanford is stepping up without dragging it on. However, still a fucking pig!
Thanks God I went back to the Delaware GOP as the chair of the 19RD. Delaware GOP already hit bottom and I am going to bring it back to life. Protack was just keeping my seat warm as the leader of the Delaware GOP. Thanks Mike!
Well one thing for sure with Delaware Politics closing down after legislative session you won’t have Burris to kick around. Without Delaware Politics DL is going to have to reinvent themselves.
Don’t be so hard on David Anderson because he is a real Christian not a Republican pretending to be one. There is a big difference and David Anderson is a decent person who allows DL to kick him around and disrespect him. You don’t see him stooping to such vulgarity when responding to DL.
“Once again Protack misses the point. Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton never told anyone they had better values or morals than anyone else. Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton never condemned others for behaviors that they themselves were doing.”
By signing DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, Bill Clinton condoned the view that the existence of same sex unions was somehow attacking heterosexual marriages (if you need to be defended, then there must be an attack going on), while at the same time he himself was guilty of attacking his own marriage.
I’m not saying the Clinton campaigned on DOMA, but he refused to stand up against it.
My Take?
The fact that David and Protack continue to bring up Clinton as a way to exculpate Sanford shows that they are utterly morally bankrupt.
“Once again Protack misses the point. Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton never told anyone they had better values or morals than anyone else. ”
But John Kennedy did!
Interesting point about DOMA, Paul. One I had not considered. He signed it as a concession to the GOP Congress, though. Like you said, it is not as if he campaigned on it.
Kilroy… I do not care if David is a real Christian. It is irrelevant and, frankly, unknowable. David’s religion is between himself and God. Not between me and him, or anyone else. He is a real Republican, though, and I will be critical if it is required.
When … re Kennedy?
Which thread was it earlier today in which someone stated we’d never hear a Republican admit error?
Apparently they all think they’re the Pope.
Delaware republican
“Pozsibly Ted Kennedy who killed a woman ”
Wasn’t that his nephew who killed a young girl but not the same one that raped the girl in FL.
Ted didn’t kill Mary-Jo as it was an auto accident on a bridge without rails.
I’m sorry, but isn’t there a statue of limitations on bringing up Ted Kennedy every time a Republican does something offensive? Do Republicans have a Kennedy phrase on their clipboards or on a hot key at the ready just in case their guys get caught, literally, in bed?
How many of you were old enough to read in 1969??? (That’s when it happened, folks)
Hell, you Repubs better be lighting candles and saying novenas for the old, cancer-ridden guy. “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone…..”
Oh no! PM just channeled Joni Mitchell! GAAH!
PM – There are a TON of talking points that should have a statute of limitations on them, but the wonks never seem to get tired of trotting them out. It’s a reason (one of many) why the ranks keep on hemorrhaging!
Someone said Mike and I were trying to defend the Governor. He isn’t defending himself why defend him?
My response was to yours which said it is a greater “crime” to claim values than to commit real crimes like lying under oath and obstructing justice or leaving the scene of an accident while your friend is stuck in a car. That was my complaint. I find that an insane position to take. I always will.
“pave paradise, put up a parking lot” dum, dum, dum.
Lying is more vulgar than obscenity and Anderson lies here all the time.
And shut up with the “a real Christian not a Republican pretending to be one” stuff. Who are you to judge that? Repubs Ensign and Sanford were both held up as “real Christians,” but both turned out to be utter hypocrites as virtually all the leaders of your party are.
John Edwards was roundly condemned for his dishonesty by many Dems, but the difference is that John Edwards wasn’t a village scold like all your republicans leaders are.
Anderson is a theocrat whose idea of what government should be is more like the Iranian theocracy than the American Democracy.
And Mike Protack is still the Leader of the Delaware Republican Party, not you.
From Booman:
There was a bit of a scandal in Maryland when (then) Governor Mandel was involved in a fatal accident on a trip home from a tryst with a paramour. A state cop was driving and the facts came out a bit later. There was a split and the wife stayed in the Governor’s mansion. No big deal.
More recently, (then) Governor Glendening had an affair with a grad student. This appeared to have been his MO. She got a nice state sinecure and they got married about the time the baby was born.
People of all parties screw up and screw around and the idea of a droolfest of schadenfreude is a bit assinine.
You’re right, David. You are not defending, you are deflecting.
The issue is not Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy.
The issue is your party’s constant moralizing and condemnation of those not like them, only to find that you can’t even live up to your own standards.
This is a massive problem for the GOP whether you want to face it or not, because hypocrisy destroys credibility and integrity. And my friendly advice for you, since human beings are human beings and will always sin and make mistakes, is for the Republican Party to stop pretending it is holier than thou in campaigning on family values.
“Anderson is a theocrat whose idea of what government should be is more like the Iranian theocracy than the American Democracy.”
Speaking of liars. Those who yell liar the loudest are often the biggest ones. It goes with the turf.
When you have the courage to believe the truth, you will be on my side. 🙂
Once again for the dense, the difference is Mandel and Glendening never pretended that they had superior family values than Sauerbrey and whatever Republican Mandel faced.
But I do know Sauerbrey did.
I’m sorry but we put up with several years of investigation and an impeachment for an affair. How dare the Republican party, the one I had to listen to for years say “it’s not about the sex it’s about the lying” come here and say it’s none of our business.
I didn’t really care all that much about Clinton’s affair – I figured it was between him and the women in his life. I was very offended about his lying. Republicans, at least start being intellectually honest and stop with the IOKIYAR.
If it’s about the lying – Sanford’s a liar.
If it’s about the sex – Sanford’s an adulterer.
If it’s about abuse of position – Sanford used taxpayer money AND he left the state in a lurch by not informing people he was leaving and not putting the lt. gov. in charge.
I could care less about Sanford’s marriage, but I very much resent holier-than-thou politicians pontificating on the state of everyone else’s marriage.
Ha ha ha, you can count on people with no original thoughts in their brains to talk about Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Barney Frank when they want to deflect from the latest icon of conservative hypocrisy. I’m beginning to think you could replace Mike Protack (and most other conservatives) with a chatbot containing about 10-15 autoresponses.
Right, David – considering that you support theocratic laws, torture by governments, imprisonment of American journalists by dictatorships, and that you always put your political party over your country, my comment is spot on.
Since Anderson raises the specter of sanity….
Quoting Atrios:
Can someone tell me who those giggling young girls were behind Sanford when he was making this serious confession? Why were they there? and who would be so callous to let them be there???
Atrios is quite right.
But it is simply amazing to me that people like Anderson will suit up in their culture warrior armour to try to make themselves into the moral betters of the people whose lives are messy. The Big Clue is that everyone has a messy life and just because you need to feel superior to the rest of the world doesn’t make you immune to all of the mess. It does, however, make you a big fat target of hypocrisy when the family mess finally goes public.
Stop trying to run other people’s lives; stop the moral superiority and you won’t find yourself on the political short end trying to dig up every false equivalency you can find.
Another Party of Ideas FAIL.
“People of all parties screw up and screw around and the idea of a droolfest of schadenfreude is a bit assinine.”
Oh, yeah, Spitzer paid for a hooker and resigned as governor. McWhatever put his lover on the payroll and resigned as governor.
They resigned. Good thing there was no “droolfest of schadenfreude” around those events.
When Sanford admits he left the state without an executive in charge, lied to the people about his whereabouts on purpose, used taxpayer money for his tryst, and resigns, I promise: I’ll stop the drool fest of schadenfreude.
(…assuming, of course, we have the same definition….)
The point, to spell it out for the resident GOP trolls, is that it shouldn’t matter that he had an affair. This has nothing to do with his ability to govern, unless someone is blackmailing him. YOU are the people who have decided to turn “The Scarlet Letter” into a litmus test for governing, and now YOU are the people who must live with the fact that you are hypocritical scum.
What you culture warriors will never get, because you’re not bright enough, is that the ’60s weren’t about changing human behavior — they were about being honest with ourselves about our shortcomings.
You are the Party of Hypocrisy.
“Kilroy… I do not care if David is a real Christian. It is irrelevant and, frankly, unknowable. David’s religion is between himself and God. ”
“So, David Anderson and all the holier than thou conservatives out there, do us a favor:”
My bad, somehow I got holier and Religion tied together. Did you me hole? Meaning David has more holes than conservatives?LOL
“And shut up with the “a real Christian not a Republican pretending to be one” stuff. Who are you to judge that”
What? You’re saying every Republican who claims to be a good christian is one? I forgot , Bush went to war because God told him too!
Unstable Isotope
“I could care less about Sanford’s marriage, but I very much resent holier-than-thou politicians pontificating on the state of everyone else’s marriage.”
You said it “politicians” Personally I don’t care who they screw in bed as long as they don’t screw the American people. Wait , we’ve been screwed by Bush and Minner!
Kilroy…. it is a figure of speech. By holier than thou I meant they are pretending they have higher morals than everyone else, when obviously they do not. And I am not the one conflating religion and politics here, they are. And that is why they keep getting into trouble.
You know DD–this gets baited often. It’s not higher, better, rigorous, or right. I am p-o’ed that ANYONE thinks they can break a significant promise to only ONE PERSON, and ONE FAMILY, and not think “hey–if I can’t keep this ONE, why would anyone trust me with a whole state or nation?” Marriage was promised to be loaded w/ temptation–or did I just get a good officiant? That’s why we take the dang vow. You wanna step out–fine–all I ever asked is don’t humiliate me or the kids, cause I’ll have no problem stepping aside and using Donviti’s ex’s attorney. Come clean before the dirty….that’s my grate for all sides. No moral high road and indignation, just a last thread of consideration to get someone through this. Then go…Be a stand alone creep on whatever side, and see who you draw. Cause it won’t be true principled folks on EITHER side. Only time and evidence will restore that TRUST (I did not say VALUES or JUDGEMENT)again. Just the reality of it all DD, thru all these gotcha talking points that destroy relationships bigger than any ol’ party.
Delaware Dem
“And I am not the one conflating religion and politics here, they are. And that is why they keep getting into trouble.”
Religion will always be a tool of politics.
“ I meant they are pretending they have higher morals than everyone else, when obviously they do not”
Come on now, only God knows who is pretending, LOL! Though I flip flop, I do see the good and evil on both sides and if you want to equate moral values with religious values we have sinners all the way around from Dover to Washington.
You’re right Kilroy –
I can’t stand holier-than-thou people pontificating on the state of everyone else’s marriage. You probably don’t know that I grew up in the Bible Belt, where hypocritical holy rollers are very common.
Joanne Christian
“Only time and evidence will restore that TRUST (I did not say VALUES or JUDGEMENT)again. ”
That’s what we been telling Red Clay! LOL
I feel for you UI–the Bible Belt–too tight, too narrow, too heavy–but the one that always got worn!!
Unstable Isotope
“You probably don’t know that I grew up in the Bible Belt, where hypocritical holy rollers are very common.”
So you’re from Texas, LOL ! Me, I was brainwashed by the Catholics but I have a high respect for all religions.
When I lived in a little town called Orange TX, I used to let the Mormon boys in and we would chat. Most of the time I was high on weed. I used to work with a local Reverend a parent in the school distrcit. He use to lay all the God stuff on me and tell me women are to serve man. I looked him in the eye and said I respect your collar but question you as a man. The Pope is not a God and shouldn’t be worshiped like one.
The Bible-belt, isn’t that where the KKK thrive?
The only difference between religion and politics is, one you put your money in a basket and the other in an envelope.
Kentucky, actually.
The Bible-belt, isn’t that where the KKK thrive?
I sometimes joke (halfway) that I was twisted by my childhood. Many years of watching people talk loudly of godliness while dwelling in earthliness have made me a knee-jerk cynic.
Unstable Isotope
“I sometimes joke (halfway) that I was twisted by my childhood”
Could be worst, you could have been brainwashed by the Catholic church. At least the holy-rollers cleansed their souls together in public not in a confessional with someone tell you what God needs.
The American Indians got it right. Cook up some peyote and meet God and Satan all in one night.
The holy-rollers would have field-day with me because God and church are where you two feet stand. God told me, Kilroy I am making you stupid so smart people will have something to gage their intelligence against.
actually, the kkk thrive right next door in maryland.
I remember taking a motorcycle ride into Maryland (’70’s), and in either Hagerstown or Cumberland they were having a parade; the usual stuff, a high school band, a couple of floats, some antique cars…..and a handfull of Klansmen bringing-up the rear. I couldn’t believe my eyes, but nobody seemed to give it a second thought. To the best of my knowledge, that’s the only time I’ve actually seen a Klansman.
I think that may have more likely have been Cumberland, given some things I know about MD and it’s proximity to eastern WVa (old time activity there). Do you recall if you were in a town that appeared to have been put right on a valley floor? If so, that would be Cumberland. Hagerstown isn’t quite a valley spot. Of course, Hagerstown is very close to Antietam (sp?). How symbolic for them to march next to one of the most infamous sites of the Civil War?