And Yet More Mark Sanford-Inspired Music
Good thing Sondheim’s a better lyricist than Sanford is an e-mail correspondent…
Good thing Sondheim’s a better lyricist than Sanford is an e-mail correspondent…
Well Som, since you’re on a roll w/ these musical cameos–don’t you think we’re about due for a “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria” of the famed Sound of Music of course….
Psst–and you know I’m appreciating this request line also…thanks Beasty.
‘Bulo has SOME standards. He draws the line when he risks getting diabetes from the sugar-and- saccharine overload that is “The Sound of Music”.
That show has turned more would-be kid performers into spotlight-hogging 16-year-old neurotics than even “Annie”. Who then grow up to be 23-year-old spotlight-hogging neurotics.
You’re on your own here, JC. Sorry.
Awright, I’ll just have to get Kilroy to workshop Steele, Ensign, and Sanford, all nuns sitting around singing that ditty for you folks. Or should we just scratch it from this summer’s cabaret?