At The Risk Of Making Joe Happy…

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 3, 2007



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  1. disbelief says:

    Obama looks like that film star who was in Rebel Without a Clue, the one who died young in the car wreck

  2. liberalgeek says:

    James Dean, and it was Rebel Without a Cause. Although I like Giant better…

  3. oh shit
    That is the funniest thing I have seen in a while. Will it play well elsewhere? Could be.

    Edwards came out the best of the opposition. He is my boy. Biden is grounded though.

    My slightly older brother Frank (I have five older brothers) worked for Biden as a fresh-faced high-schooler up in Brandywine Hundred. What had inspired him to go to bat was the fight over the Rollins plan to make the Concord Pike a limited access freeway to his racetrack.

    The community was up in arms and defeated the plan (plot?). Yes that would be Michelle Rollins and her beloved old man John.

    What is it about racetrack owners that makes them grabby. Oh, and on that note. Will the work now being done on 1-95 mysteriously provide the drainage that Rickerman needs in order to open his Builtmore Hotel… it better fucking not. He can afford to pay for his own drainage.