Deep thought 420

Filed in National by on July 5, 2009

My money is MY F’ING MONEY you lazy non working slimy worthless peices pieces of shit that want to just coast through life and life off the teet teat.

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hiding in the open

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  1. graniaclewbay says:

    I believe you mean TEAT….

  2. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Had ONE too many today ?

  3. Dana says:

    I absolutely agree wityh you Mr Viti!

    Naturally, having gone through a period of unwanted unemployment — which I’m happy to hear has ended — you were writing that sarcastically, but you really need to look at what you said. Most of the writers on this site support President Obama’s crap-and-trade proposal, which will add an average of $770 per year ($64 per month) to a household’s electric bill. There will be tax credits and other benefits to offset much of the added cost, but tax credits come but once a year; as you are still trying to catch up to things that I assume got behind during your unemployment (I remember you writing that your child support did), if crap-and-trade passes, you’ll have to dig just a little deeper to pay for something you already get at a lower rate.

    If President Obama gets some sort of health care reform passed, you know that you’ll be paying more.

    Of course, the state of Delaware is going to have to raise taxes; has the state really eliminated all of the luxury spending?

  4. cassandra_m says:

    And we’ve already been through how off your numbers are for the cap and trade program — but don’t let scare tactics get in the way of real information.

  5. Dana says:

    The numbers for crap-and-trade are the numbers you’ll have to pay every month in your electric bill. Oh, you’ll get tax credits to reduce the yearly costs, dontcha know, but what good does a tax credit that comes in April do when you are trying to pay December’s electric bill? Naturally, I cited my source.

    For more on Democratic honesty when discussing the budget, here’s another one. Here’s hoping that your Democratic governor is more honest than my Democratic governor!

  6. anon says:

    The numbers for crap-and-trade are the numbers you’ll have to pay every month in your electric bill.

    That is the point. Currently our electric bill does not reflect the true cost of generating and consuming that electricity. We are pretending those additional costs don’t exist, and handing them off to our children. Now that’s generational theft.

    Once the price of energy reflects its true cost, then we will be in a better position to decide how much we really need to use, and whether we can find a better way to generate it.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    I cited all of my sources too — including those where you don’t even get how cap and trade works (hint: you’ve got the tax credits all wrong) and the CBO estimates which show an add of less than $150/year for energy bills. Even less if you are very low income. Of course, cap and trade for SO2 emissions didn’t add nearly as much to energy costs as the sky-is-falling types tried to hype.

    But hey — keep it up! There is a real reason why no one listens to you folks anymore and you’ve just demonstrated it in spades.

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    Damnit… listen to Dana. We need to supress costs we don’t want to pay and keep the prices artificially low!!

    (And which side feels a sense of delusional entitlement again?)

  9. callerRick says:

    Cap and trade will have the same effect as the ‘stimulus’…..debt.

    Meanwhile, don’t expect China, India, Russia, Africa and the states of the Caspian region to hinder their economic progress by succumbing to our ‘global warming’ hysteria; they understand that windmills and solar panels won’t cut it, and they’re not going to impoverish themselves just to appease the N.Y. Times editorial page.