Breaking: Walgreen’s & State of Delaware Reopen Negotiations

Filed in Delaware by on July 3, 2009

According to sources, Walgreen’s and the State of Delaware have agreed to reopen negotiations on reimbursement of brand-name medications through the State Medicaid program. Walgreen’s has agreed to extend its participation in the program until at least August 6, pending resolution of negotiations. The previous ‘drop-dead’ date had been July 6. 

Walgreen’s pharmacists are now informing Medicaid patients that they don’t have to transfer their scrips by Monday. 

El Somnambulo will try to flesh out the story, but his sources on this are solid.


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  1. This is good news!

  2. Mark H says:

    Considering Medicaid recipients got their notices last week to get their prescriptions out of Walgreens, they may still take a bit of a hit.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    I have something to confess. I went to Happy Harry’s/Walgreens today on Philadelphia Pike (the nice one by Season’s Pizza). I required aspirin. Trying to decipher Palin’s reason for leaving office gave me a headache.

    So I was back near the prescription section, and I could hear a pharmacist talking with a customer on the phone about Walgreens dropping Medicaid. Trying to convince him or her to stay because of their outstanding customer service, from what I can gather.

    I guess they must be hurting.

  4. AnnieMack says:

    The Walgreens in Community Plaza is a ghost town. Outstanding customer service is a joke. Maybe now that their customer base has been reduced they’ll be able to fill an Rx correctly the first time.