Future Secretary of State Drops Out of the Race

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 3, 2008

Joe Biden and Chris Dodd both dropped out of the race tonight.


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  1. No one will choose Sen. Biden as Secretary of State, no one.

  2. Jason O'Neill says:

    Oh what a shame. Joseph “The Human Wind Mill” Biden only got 1% of the vote.

    I guess Iowans got tired of his hot air.

  3. jason330 says:

    The NL gets it wrong. Natch.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Mike P. – Is that really you?

    You have proven to be so politically savvy over the years. I’ll tell you what, I’ll offer a wager. You can determine the odds. I’ll take Biden for VP nominee or Sec of State and you can have the field.

    The list of Democrats who have more foreign policy experience than Biden is a very, very short one. You don’t like the guy, that’s fine. But don’t make asinine statements. Leave that to Donviti.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    Interesting – Sullivan called it a “good national ticket”.


    Perhaps he is a bit more well thought of then you think?

  6. Jason O'Neill says:


    Joe has the intelligence, but his mouth is a huge liability. He is long-winded and this will cost him a coveted seat in any administration.

    He will have to settle for being a U.S. Senator.

  7. Dorian Gray says:

    I certainly can’t argue with the first point. He is quite loquacious. But as far as costing him a cabinet spot, I can’t only quote “the Dude”.

    “That’s just, like… your opinion, man.”

  8. Sagacious Steve says:

    I think Biden would be a strong SOS, and at least in part precisely b/c he deviates from the traditional ‘diplomatic speak’ in which you say nothing and speak in coded language.

    He breaks that mold, and if you believe that we need to restore relationships with countries and regions over which we ran roughshod during the Bush years (I do), I think Biden’s personal touch and foreign policy experience would be just the ticket.

    While I think that his run for President was essentially a combination vanity candidacy and valdedictory, he again showed that he has a firm grasp of foreign affairs. He’s a pro, something sadly lacking in the current administration. I think he’d be on any Democrat’s short list for SOS.

    Oh, and his Senate seat would be a nice consolation prize for whomever loses the Carney/Markell contest (assuming that a Democratic governor is in office to make a temporary appointment).

  9. I never said I did not like Mr. Biden, I do but he is not the choice for Secretary of State. That position requires following orders and taking direction from the President. Sticking to the script.

    The only possible Presidents who would pick him would be someone with no foreign policy experience and Sen Biden would likely not be willing to follow that lead. A more experienced President would not need Sen Biden.

  10. Sagacious Steve says:

    I actually think that an Obama would welcome a sage hand like Biden. And Biden would likely have much more of a hand in crafting foreign policy with someone like Obama than Powell did with Cheney being the de facto policy czar under Bush.

    BTW, I know that neither nomination is anywhere close to being decided, but I think that Obama’s VP choice could well be…Wesley Clark. I think it would reassure those who say Obama lacks foreign policy and defense expertise.