Live Blogging the NH Results

Filed in National by on January 8, 2008


Liberalgeek, Donviti and I are going to be here blogging in the comments section so feel free to jump in. It is 8:02 now and on the “R” side it already looks like McCain-mania that means Romney is pretty much done. Right?

In other news, I hear that the Daily Show is back on tonight. I’ll be checking that out.

8:53 Mitt concedes


9:01 Huckabee blames thanks Jesus for 3rd place finish.


9:11 McCain Urges attack on Iran (and claims victory).


9:47 Ron Paul on CSPAN getting cheers for getting rid of the federal reserve system


10:18 John Edwards “Two states down. 48 states left to go.”


10:46 Senator Barack Obama: “I am still fired up and ready to go.”


11:04 Senator Hillary Clinton “Thank you.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (145)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Not only is Andrea Mitchell a horrible reporter she is ugly as hell.

  2. jason330 says:

    daaaaaang. NBC news already projected McCain the Republican winner.

  3. cassandra m says:

    NPR just called it for McCain too.

  4. jason330 says:

    Hey did you get my email?

  5. jason330 says:

    BTW – Mike Chalmers at the NJ did a great job with his coverage of the opening of the legislative term.


  6. jason330 says:

    Ron Paul might beat out Rudy? In your face Fox News!

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Pat Bucaaannon hates Maddow! But not as much as Tweedy loves McCain!!!

  8. cassandra m says:

    Just got your email and replied. Thanks!

  9. jason330 says:


    I must have missed it.

    Ooh….Mitt claiming second place.

  10. jason330 says:

    Mitt looks just like that muppet who did the news reports. ….Guy Smiley.

  11. cassandra m says:

    So are heads exploding over at FSP yet? I can’t look….

  12. cassandra m says:

    The picture of McCain on the Yahoo Home Page is really scary.

  13. jason330 says:

    I’m sure they’ll use some secret formula to prove that Mitt won.

  14. FSP says:

    It’s not over until Romney loses to the same candidate twice, since he’s the only candidate running for the Republican nomination in every state.

  15. FSP says:

    By the way, J, nice show today. You guys broke through the noise. Well done.

  16. cassandra m says:

    And here I was set to accuse you, Jason, of stealing FSP’s Mitwit Mojo with that picture you posted.

  17. Jason O'Neill says:

    Romney is not done, yet. If he loses in Michigan, where he was born, he might be (or very close).

    Super Tuesday (Feb 5) is the date to watch. Approximately twenty contests and ton of delegates. The floor will drop for some on this day.

  18. cassandra m says:

    Just heard Giuliani tell his dozens (it did not sound like many in the room) of supporters that the “race was wide open”. And that he hoped he had lulled his opponents into a false sense of confidence. Oy.

  19. jason330 says:

    the rope a dope.

  20. jason330 says:

    Dang. clinton 40% Obama 36%


    Thanks for the compliment.

  21. RSmitty says:

    Got a break from class, so I came by here to get the update. Just thought I’d inflate your ego with that admission.

    J – you told me you shaved for your event today. LIAR! You could have at least carved the RS in all that hair.

  22. RSmitty says:

    Are you serious….Clinton over Obama so far? Shocking (seriously).

  23. jason330 says:

    It is all photoshop. I never left the house.

  24. RSmitty says:

    The modern day moon landing.

  25. jason330 says:

    After hearing McCain read his remarks, New Hampshire is saying “what did we just do?” in unison.

  26. John Feroce says:

    “After hearing McCain read his remarks, New Hampshire is saying “what did we just do?” in unison.”

    and the DEMS are saying what do we do now that Clinton won?

  27. jason330 says:

    I have to admit I was hoping that we’d be done with Clinton after tonight.

  28. cassandra m says:

    You were never going to be done with Clinton tonite, no matter the outcome. Her date is 5 February.

  29. John Feroce says:

    Sorry to keep using the football analogy, but you guys are the AFC.

    Very competitive and fun to watch.

  30. jason330 says:

    WTF? McCain’s remarks were Bushian.

  31. jason330 says:

    “Every advisor he ever had gave him one sentence and he read them all”

  32. jason330 says:

    He just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

  33. FSP says:

    Did anybody else think that McCain had a LOT of trouble reading his speech?

  34. jason330 says:

    Yes. America did.

  35. jason330 says:

    God. Tweety loves McCain.

  36. cassandra m says:

    No TV in this house, but I heard McCain on the radio. He sounded incredibly old and doddering. I was hoping that he was distracted by waving his 7 kids on stage.

  37. jason330 says:

    It was so halting because his head was down and he was reading. Unreal.

  38. Al Mascitti says:

    Maybe it’s just his eyesight. Remember the story of George Washington preventing a coup by officers who wanted to march on the capital? He defused it by putting on his glasses.

    What worries me is Hillary’s comeback might set off an outpouring of “real emotions” by other candidates (I think we can rule out crying, but aides are trying to find subjects over which their guys can choke up a bit).

  39. John Feroce says:

    I’d like to acknowledge that Romney will finish near the high mark he set in early December.

    This is clearly a McCain consolidation of all of the “Others” vote (i.e Giuliani, Paul, Thompson). Huckabee received his token bounce from Iowa and not much else.

    Romney ultimately held.

  40. liberalgeek says:

    What did I miss? Just got home…

  41. John Feroce says:

    “What did I miss? Just got home…”

    Duncan Hunter is President…go to sleep now 🙂

  42. jason330 says:

    Paul is the anti-McCain. He does not like the idea of going to war with Iran.

  43. liberalgeek says:

    I have to admit also, that I was hoping that Hill would be disgraced today.

  44. liberalgeek says:

    Good one JF.

    Wes Clarke on MSNBC.

  45. jason330 says:

    Oh… Clark is with Clinton. I was wondering why he was suckign up so crazily.

  46. John Feroce says:

    Is Edwards done now? Doesn’t look like he’s gonna break 20%.

    His message should have been “I was you’re friggin Vice President candidate, where’s the love?”

    On the bright side maybe people will finally take Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers off

  47. jason330 says:


    I somehow missed Senator clinton’s “real emmotions” but what ever she did it is working like gangbusters.

  48. liberalgeek says:

    He’ll stay in for a while longer. Duncan Hunter and Bill Richardson should drop soon, though.

  49. cassandra m says:

    If Edwards can manage the finances, he ought to stay in. In the Rasmussen tracking poll, he is the only one of the top three that is gaining poll numbers.

  50. liberalgeek says:

    I was watching MSNBC and noticed that the CNN screen in Andrea Mitchell’s background was showing a breakdown of towns outstanding. So I switched. Good job MSNBC.

  51. John Feroce says:

    Did the Ds not put out the memo about who’s left in the race? glad these voters are on your side

    Dodd 389 0%

    Biden 348 0%

    Gravel 212 0%

  52. cassandra m says:

    Talking to a buddy just know, I discovered that MSNBC is live streaming their TV coverage. Keith Olbermann looks like he wants to put Tweety in a straightjacket.

  53. jason330 says:

    I liked the first hour better when all the chit chat was about the meltdown of the Republican party.

  54. jason330 says:

    Pat & Rachael are dating.

  55. Von Cracker says:

    Good point by Chrissy-poo about the Old Woman vote for HRC. “It might be their last chance to vote for a woman president.”

  56. jason330 says:

    Oh Edwards getting ready to start,,

  57. jason330 says:


    Dodd got more votes than fred thompson.

  58. John Feroce says:

    Thompson didn’t announce his withdrawal from the race LAST thursday…come on

  59. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    Once again:

    My dream ticket Edwards/Obama, Doviti for Minister of Black Humor.

  60. liberalgeek says:

    I think Obama needs someone to match Huckabee’s Chuck Norris. I checked and found that Samuel L Jackson is an Obama contributor. What do you think?

    Mike Huckabee may be as good as punkin pie, but I wouldn’t know because I wouldn’t vote for the filthy M.Fer.

  61. cassandra m says:

    Well, hell, Thompson hasn’t really gotten IN this race….seriously.

  62. John Feroce says:

    “Dodd got more votes than fred thompson.”

    …and I don’t know why I didn’t check. ..sure enough that wasn’t the case

    Thompson 1,648 1%

  63. liberalgeek says:

    Edwards really needs to buckle down and come up with a different concession speech.

  64. liberalgeek says:

    The Desperate Housewives actor is behind him…

  65. jason330 says:

    Feel the Fred fever!

  66. jason330 says:

    D’oh. I was thinking the same thing when he got to the cleft pallet guy and I like Edwards.

  67. John Feroce says:

    “Feel the Fred fever!”

    You’re not drawing me in tonight Jason.

    Too much fun watching Hillary upset the apple cart.

  68. jason330 says:

    I think Chris mathews just guessed “St Elsewhere.” off mike.

  69. liberalgeek says:

    Kucinich got more votes than Fred. That’s gotta irk the Republicans.

  70. John Feroce says:

    “Kucinich got more votes than Fred. That’s gotta irk the Republicans.”

    No fair, Kucinich has been running for 6 years and Fred just got in..ha.

  71. jason330 says:

    How many votes are at stake in Hannover? I would have to be over 8,000 for Obama to have a chace..

  72. liberalgeek says:

    It’s the battle of the hot wives…

  73. liberalgeek says:

    Sam Jackson would help with the women vote, too…

  74. cassandra m says:

    Tim Russert, ugh. Now I remember why I don’t have TV.

    I’m out, guys, I’ve a really early morning tomorrow. But I am going to be surprised if the college town pulls it out by now.

  75. liberalgeek says:

    MSNBC calls it for Hill.

  76. liberalgeek says:

    Now you can go to bed Cass.

  77. liberalgeek says:

    We’re gonna fight through February 5th. – Clinton Campaign Guy.

  78. Jason O'Neill says:

    Kucinich got residual post-holiday votes – for the elf.

  79. liberalgeek says:


    You gotta admit that the elf beat the heck out of the oaf.

  80. jason330 says:

    Ugh. terry McCauliff. What a dope. If he is with Clinton she is doomed.

  81. FSP says:

    BREAKING: Denn, Markell, Blunt endorse Clinton.

    You know you’re thinking it…

  82. liberalgeek says:

    This is a test. Can he also give a concession speech that helps him.

  83. R Smitty says:

    Feroce #52 – those votes are probably in protest over the Iowa caucus process being such a vile nugget of crap that even the most emaciated of dogs would refuse to eat it.

  84. Von Cracker says:

    Samuel L Jackson would be a great choice, especially if he’s ‘in character’ until November.


  85. liberalgeek says:

    exactly. Give me my ballot, it’s the one that says “Bad Mother F’er”

  86. jason330 says:

    Stupid spit screen. What is MSNBC’s deal?

  87. R Smitty says:

    their screens spit?

  88. liberalgeek says:

    too long for a concession speech…

  89. liberalgeek says:

    I wonder if the votes for Dodd et al were absentee ballots…

  90. liberalgeek says:

    good line. all of the candidates are patriots.

  91. R Smitty says:

    viti is a patriot, too….grrrrrrr.

    or was that a pirate…gaaarrrrrr.

  92. R Smitty says:

    BTW, who did the photoshop of McCain and the Pirates of the Caribbean? That is classic.


  93. liberalgeek says:

    OK, I’m not staying up for Hillary. I’m tired and she irks me.

  94. liberalgeek says:

    Crap, I take it back. I’m watching…

  95. liberalgeek says:

    such melodrama…

  96. liberalgeek says:

    That woman in white looks thrilled to be there…

  97. jason330 says:

    She just seems to full of it to me.

  98. liberalgeek says:

    I’m glad she kicked out Bill and the wax museum tableau and put supporters in the background.

  99. liberalgeek says:

    Now she doing Edwards’ speech.

  100. liberalgeek says:

    She just seems so angry.

  101. liberalgeek says:

    Now Obama’s speech.

  102. liberalgeek says:

    🙂 you crack me up.

  103. jason330 says:

    I wonder when you and I are going to be accused of misogyny?

  104. liberalgeek says:

    I’m crushing on the out-of-focus redhead in the background.

  105. John Feroce says:

    Amazing…a recent breakdown of Iowa referenced the people standing behind Hillary represented the past (older folks i.e Albright)…now look who’s behind her, all kids! Unbelievable.

  106. jason330 says:


    You are a big Hillary fan right?

  107. R Smitty says:

    Yup, just as you are a Castlite.

  108. jason330 says:

    You get the bookworm.

  109. liberalgeek says:

    JF, exactly. It looked like Madame Tousauds.

  110. liberalgeek says:

    I hate my role as wingman.

  111. Tyler Nixon says:

    Yay Hillary!!

  112. jason330 says:

    geek and I are on such the same page, it is sick.

  113. John Feroce says:

    I don’t think Obama read from a speech either…what a difference in style.

  114. liberalgeek says:

    That’s all Gracie. Night all, this was fun.

  115. jason330 says:

    I hate that they are making Clinton into some fiesty outsider.

  116. John Feroce says:

    Over and out

  117. Tyler Nixon says:

    I knew the Dems couldn’t resist the HillBilly juggernaut, instead of that “fairy tale”.

    You guys are in for an ugly ride…and you royally f***ed up by ignoring Edwards (not to mention Biden).

  118. R Smitty says:

    She is a fiesty outsider! She is all about 16 or 50 years of change! Only an outsider!

  119. jason330 says:

    ‘Night geek.

    Goodnight John Boy.

  120. R Smitty says:

    Tyler…blame Iowa for Biden. The Iowa Dem caucus makes our State Senate look more open than Jason’s shirt today…and there was a whole helluva lot of open on that one!

  121. R Smitty says:

    Jason with the disrespect. Shame!

  122. jason330 says:

    tyler check your email.

  123. Tyler Nixon says:

    This is all such bogus theater. What a way to elect our leaders. We are all screwed.

  124. Tyler Nixon says:

    nothing there, J. (?)

  125. Von Cracker says:

    Did Brian Williams just say that HRC’s victory tonight just made ‘modern political history’???

    Whaa? Rusty just backed Williams up!

    The talking heads either are a bunch of morons or they just like to make shit up.

    24-Hour News has ruined politics.

  126. R Smitty says:

    and blogging will save it! GAAARRRRR!!!!

  127. Tyler Nixon says:

    I have to say it was beyond laughable to hear Chris Matthews’ grumbling that the other talking heads were jumping McCain too much for giving a botched victory speech. I remember Matthews savaging Howard Dean for his infamous scream in ’04 before Dean’s speech was even finished…and not letting up for days.

  128. Tyler Nixon says:

    My old classmate Norah O’Donnell just said that Biden voters gave Hilly the margin of victory. Jesus…poor Joe.

  129. jason330 says:

    I just heard that …D’oh. Biden threw it to Clinton!!

  130. jason330 says:

    Mathews !!!!!!! What a dumb fuck.

    Brokaw…makes sense.

  131. Von Cracker says:

    Hopefully, the tubes will destroy it instead, RS! 🙂

  132. R Smitty says:

    the tubes will save politics…and kill the television star…queue The Buggles:

  133. Von Cracker says:

    ‘it’ being 24-news.’s getting late. But I do think the internet has, and will continue transform politics for the better (we need public financing for all elections!).

    The information filter is gone and wait until the tech generation becomes interested in politics.

  134. R Smitty says:

    I am tired, but I can’t sleep. That picture of Jason opening his government is seared into my brain.

    It hurts! Make it stop!

    P.S.: I hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane with the also searing image of Trevor Horn and those damned glasses.

  135. Von Cracker says:

    “In my mind and in my car, we can’t rewind we’ve gone to far”


  136. R Smitty says:

    Sheesh…I/you/we accidentally referenced an extremely applicable quote…and it belongs to the Buggles. We are all about to die.

  137. donviti says:

    uh, I was there in spirit

  138. jason330 says:

    Q: Why isn’t McCain’s speech being treated like Howard Dean’s?

    A: Liberal Media.

  139. donviti says:

    msnbc was bashing the living shit out his speach last night but I haven’t heard anything since