Have you forgotten? 8/15 @ Twin Lakes Charity event “Miles for Melonoma”

Filed in Delaware by on July 15, 2009

jamesdayIt has been a while since we made mention of the event.  Well, guess what?  We have a band people.

This aint no half steppen event either.  This will be 5 hours of summer fun.

I hope you can join us for the first ever DL Summer Concert Charity Event.

wha?  the band?  DRUMROLLLLLLLLLL

James Day and the Fish Fry

If you are curious about their sound head over to the link. They are a blues, Americana and Roots Music style group.  These guys rock and the better the turnout the more likely we can get them to stick around for a 3rd set!

Watch these guys rock!


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hiding in the open

Comments (14)

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  1. Bill Dunn says:

    Details, details, details…..
    We need details….. we got the who, what and when (roughly)…. now we need the where and how much????

  2. sillypoorperson says:

    I know I’m dumb because I’m poor but does the @ Twin Lakes mean


    Twin Lakes?

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    5 HOURS??? WHAAATTT? You told me 2-6pm on 8/15!!!! When’s Geek gonna start printing those tickets? There’s only so much room…..

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Hey an edit button showed up–thanks Santa!

  5. JC,

    I work with the people that run a brewery what do you want from me.

    Fyi 12-4 are the new hours 🙂

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Do NOT mess with Joanne. She’s the designated grape juice carrier. Or so I’ve heard.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    Hef–When were you going to share that goody? I got people too……

  8. I will share whenever! and I’m not kidding 😉

    need 4 volunteers too! They get in free

  9. Eustance McGoogle says:

    Oh boy!!!!!!!! blues w/ a swing…LOVE IT!

  10. Suzanne says:

    thats the day after my son’s birthday – give me more details, i’d love to be there 🙂

  11. Art Downs says:

    Nice cause. Don’t take any tanning salons as sponsors.