Irony Watch: Castle Gets Socked While Carper Smirks

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 22, 2009

There is a huge irony to the Georgetown wingnut fuster-cluck that shoved Mike Castle into the national spotlight. Aside from the crazy birther lady, the Delawareans present and booing at Castle (yes I said Delawareans) were booing over his vote to help reduce greenhouse effect producing carbon emissions. That is the surface irony. The global warming deniers booed the birther deniers onto America’s front page.

The deeper irony is that Mike Castle might not have bothered stirring up the the freakshow with his vote. Senate Republicans (including Tom Carper) have vowed to move that legislation far to the right by the time it leaves the Senate.

Maybe unhinged wingnut dumbasses who yelled invectives at Castle should consider throwing some “atta boys” at their Congressional kindred spirit?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Seriously, I don’t know how much room you have to make the bill worse before it’s completely nothing. It’s a big giveaway to businesses right now.

  2. Isotope, don’t hang yourself but we agree on the premise it is a big giveaway to big business.

    85% of the permits had to be ‘comped’ to assuage all of the varied parts of the Dems. That is what happens when a worthy goal gets wrapped in bad execution.

    The videos we did include a spot on cap and trade and we have a better proposal.

    Like so many things the Obama has punted control to the Congress which is why the wheels are coming off of the Obama White House.


    Mike Protack

  3. jason330 says:

    More irony. If the Republicans had managed to do away with the filibuster – insurance executive loving Carper would not matter right now.