Live Blogging The Dem Debate

Filed in National by on January 21, 2008

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The tea leaves say that this is going to get rough.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (130)

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  1. R Smitty says:

    I can’t join you for Democratic fun tonight, Jason. I burned the brownies. I am so ashamed. Must be my right-wing conspiracy kicking in again. I still dislike chimpy, though.

  2. jason330 says:

    Now why does that come so easy for you, but is impossible for your party mates to admit?

  3. John Feroce says:

    I’m in.

    Why is Obama acting like he’s behind and coming out all defensive? I think he’s making a mistake.

    ooohhh…getting down and dirty very quickly!

  4. George says:

    what channel is the debate?

  5. John Feroce says:


  6. jason330 says:

    I have CNN.

  7. jason330 says:

    I’m joining late and I don’t think I;m going to make it long tonoght.

    Q: is sub-prime mess racial

    A: yes

  8. jason330 says:

    Edwards can’t understand why he is running third.

  9. jason330 says:

    Greenspan says the bubble needs to pop naturally. I wonder why he thought it was such a good idea to pump the bubble up?

  10. jason330 says:

    Obama: Banks have dominated policy in washington. Bancrupcy bill sucks. Clinton voted for it thinking it wouldn;t pass.

  11. John Feroce says:

    Count me in as one of those Republicans smiling ear to ear watching this slugfest.

  12. donviti says:

    wife has the remote!

  13. jason330 says:

    I don’t blame you. Your guy is going to need a lot of help.

  14. cassandra m says:

    I had to switch to IE to see the CNN stream. Ick.

    Hillary is not especially good at the misinformation, is she? Her body language is pretty revealing.

    And none of them have voted on anything for months.

  15. donviti says:

    wohoo have it on sirius

  16. John Feroce says:

    Edwards just punched Obama in the mouth.

    If you saw that exchange, the only honest assessment is Obama = pussy

    Voted PRESENT 100 times instead of yes or no?

  17. donviti says:

    Obama, jab to the gut, I didn’t vote for the war.

    I haven’t followed I have led

  18. jason330 says:

    here to. I catching a bit here and there.

  19. donviti says:

    Hillary Lie, my health care will cover everyone…

  20. donviti says:

    give comprehensive health care to everyone? Can I get that in writing?

    I believe Romeny before her.

    Get prices down and bargain with the health care companies? HELLO the lobbyist are giving her money

  21. jason330 says:

    I just don;t get the Dems who like her.

  22. donviti says:

    PUKE!!!! Don’t you love how they raise their tone to signal to the crowd. CLAP DOGGIES. so annoying.

    sound bite politicians

  23. donviti says:

    why doesn’t your plan cover illegals?

    what the fuck kind of question is that?

  24. jason330 says:

    Obama gets high marks on thise health care respnse from the wife. Very High.

  25. cassandra m says:

    I just don;t get the Dems who like her.

    John Kerry Syndrome, I think.

  26. donviti says:

    uh oh, Obama jabbing on the “corportate bullies”….

    who’s looking out for who Obama? House insurance? interesting analogy.

    Why is blitzer asking if illegals are going to be covered? sounds kind of like Republican baiting to me

  27. donviti says:

    why don’t people vote for fucking Edwards?

  28. John Feroce says:

    Does Edwards want to be VP again?

    what’s with the “I love Hill tonight”?

  29. donviti says:


    Edwards KNOCK OUT SHOTS!!!!

  30. donviti says:

    Obama taking shots on specifics on Hillary’s plan.

    Lets see how she triangulates out of this one.

  31. jason330 says:

    Hillary should know about failed health care. plans. Why does she think she is going to get it done this time?

  32. donviti says:

    uh she said she is going to the matt? is that by herself or with Bill? an Evolution…uh oh, shot at Obama for changing his votes.

    She is hitting him low on his voting record.

    No band aids?

  33. donviti says:


    I don’t think edwards is running for VP as much as he is trying to become part of the group and not the step brother

  34. jason330 says:

    This gang up could backfire on Clinton and help Obama alot.

  35. donviti says:

    ruh roh, back to Iraq

  36. jason330 says:

    That was a Republican frame question. “win it” my ass.

  37. jason330 says:

    She sounds like McCain. I think Edwards and Obama should slam her.

  38. donviti says:

    De ba’athification…big benchmark? what is this fucking guy talking about? The BA’athist disagreed with the laws that were supposed to get them back in….

    oh christ what is with these questions.

    NOW hillary is bringing them home in 6 months?

    Lets see if she talks about political? Yes, very good Billary.

    Slip, she is saying the Iraqi Govt is motivated? No, they aren’t. Mistake, she shouldn’t have alluded to iraq improving. Repubs are going to be all over that.

  39. John Feroce says:

    I’m glad Hillary thinks she’s responsible for the surge’s progress…what was that earlier..PUKE!

  40. donviti says:

    Go Johnny!

    “If bush recognizes it. It really has to be out there”

    that will get some votes.

    Here he goes about what he will do. Force them Johnny! Force them

  41. jason330 says:

    Lots of military in SC. They have to like that Obama line. Careful vs careless.

  42. cassandra m says:

    She gave herself a big hedge with all of the yada yada about American citizens still there.

  43. John Feroce says:

    Your guys are not only scary, they’re dangerous.

  44. jason330 says:

    AQ is going to be sad sad sad to see Bush go.

  45. donviti says:

    Obama is stammering on Iraq. Not good if indi’s are watching.

    Turned it around to slam a Republican FINALLY hit McCain on his 100 year plan. Finally talk about the $$$$ jesus christ what takes these guys so long to talk about the cost.

    Finally talking about AQ. Jesus how long does it take these guys to talk about the failures and make them sound different from the Republicans.

  46. jason330 says:

    ohhh…Giovanni wants us to be scared of Saddams WMDs.

    Go figure.

  47. cassandra m says:

    Haliburton and Blackwater are going to be sad sad sad to see Bush go.

    Unless Hillary wins, I think.

  48. donviti says:

    is it me or have they forgotten how to talk about what is wrong with this country and then talk about how it needs to change.

    Wolf Shitzer is an idiot

  49. jason330 says:

    Blitzer is a moron.

  50. jason330 says:

    Oh this “clean coal” commerical kills me.

  51. donviti says:

    oh, a clean coal commercial. uh huh. Just don’t mind the fish with more mercury in them while we burn the stuff

  52. donviti says:

    we think alike mr. nipple

  53. John Feroce says:


    Your team sounds retarded. You can’t move troops and equipment in 60 days…you are ignoring their ignorance.

    Hate the GOP, but don’t fall in love with idiots,

  54. jason330 says:

    Chelsea. Poor thing. Snarter than the Bush girls though. Didn’t one of those Bush girls het knocled up?

    Your liberal media is all over that.

  55. jason330 says:

    I think the voters will differ, when the choice is 60 days vs. 100 years.

  56. donviti says:

    start moving in 60 days paisona. can’t you hear? she didn’t say all out in 60days. come now, clean out your ears Rush

  57. rob foraker says:

    Its funny to see so much of the public so concentrated on national junkies. I we had more or as much interest in local politics we,d probably solve a few more problems at home.

  58. donviti says:

    so lets see during the break.

    Foreign car commercials

    Coal Commercials

    Drug Company commercials

  59. John Feroce says:

    Edwards was your only hope…you missed the boat.

    Far left pushed him to policies viewed as extreme in order to get a seat at the table with Obama and Hill over the last year. Media caught on and he was ignored.

    He would have been your best bet in the general.

    Hillary will pull it out.

  60. donviti says:

    rob stick around this blog is pretty heavy into local politics.

  61. donviti says:

    does Obama’s head always lean to his right?

  62. donviti says:

    wait a fucking minute?

    Obama is black?

  63. John Feroce says:

    previous format was better…what are we on Oprah now?

  64. John Feroce says:

    No he’s bi-racial

  65. donviti says:

    “I have spoken with a lot of black people this week”

    what the fuck is that? What is a lot. 5, 10, 20. Your liberal Media people.

  66. Rob Foraker says:

    Its funny to see so much of the public concentrated on national elections.(Political junkies) If we had more or as much interest in local politics we,d probably solve a few more problems at home.

  67. jason330 says:

    Should black people vote for a black guy because he is black?

    What a stupid question. Should a white person vote for a white person becuase he is white ?

  68. John Feroce says:

    will someone answer Rob please 🙂

  69. donviti says:

    my name is John Edwards and I have black friends.

    My name is hillary and I’m married to a black man.

    my name is Obama and I’m black.

    You’re black who do you vote for?

    Christ. Why don’t they just give the black people buckets of fried chicken while they sit up there and pander to them and make it out right obvious.

    Hillary referencing her husband….priceless

  70. Rob Foraker says:

    Sorry didn’t realise how fast site was going.

  71. John Feroce says:

    I think Obama should just answer the next question by saying “Present”

  72. Rob Foraker says:

    John I saw your site..

  73. donviti says:

    My name is Huckabee and I don’t care about your flag. State Rights people.

  74. donviti says:

    it’s ok Rob your slow, we get it.

  75. donviti says:

    you must be new here to make a comment about local politics. jason has been eating, sleeping and breathing local stuff for the past week.

  76. John Feroce says:

    I’m going to lead the homeless military and storm the palace!

    200k living under bridges…are you F!@#$ serious.

  77. donviti says:

    john edwards just told a great story.

    The right however thinks that people should live like that. So how do you combat that thinking.

  78. cassandra m says:

    Oh no. Not the Toni Morrison quote. This is my biggest Clinton pet peeve.

  79. donviti says:

    ok, what kind of question is this? Did I not just say 5 minutes ago the same thing? Christ! your biased liberal media

  80. jason330 says:

    What a great response by Obama to a stuoid question.

    Home run.

  81. John Feroce says:

    Where’s the punchline?

  82. donviti says:


    yes, 200000 homeless vets. You should be ashamed, but then again you are a jarhead first rate

  83. cassandra m says:

    People always misuse that damn quote. I saw Toni Morrison in Philly on her last book tour and she was asked about it and she was Annoyed.

  84. John Feroce says:

    Great response…I need to study moreto see if Bill Clinton’s a brother?

  85. jason330 says:

    Clinton: “One of my heros…Fredrick Douglas…”

    Oh jeez.

  86. cassandra m says:

    Obama did great. Respect to Bill, dis the question.

  87. donviti says:

    i’m a g.w. carver guy myself.

    Dubois too

  88. jason330 says:

    I wish she had said, “Tuskgeegee Airmen.”

  89. cassandra m says:

    Ah. A Talented Tenth fan.

  90. cassandra m says:

    That was for the Donviti @89.

  91. donviti says:

    Personally I was looking for a juneteenth reference!

    Hillary should just say she is willing to adobt a negro baby and be done with it

  92. jason330 says:

    Clinton is good at this. Move onto going after the Republicans.

    Obama needs to learn that.

  93. donviti says:

    John Edwards should cry right now!

  94. John Feroce says:

    I stopped at a rest stop once in South Carolina, should I run for President?

  95. donviti says:

    I think he welled up a bit

  96. donviti says:

    you are a carpetbagger giovanni is that a rhetorical question?

  97. John Feroce says:

    “Hillary should just say she is willing to adobt a negro baby and be done with it”

    too late, Bill has his eyes/heart set on a 16 year old Korean girl….relax, anybody see Tom Hanks, Bachelor Party, when he was asked about children

  98. donviti says:

    this campaign is not about our spouses. Mine just happens to be a brother, that was president and everyone loves that SOB so suck this nipple bitches!

  99. John Feroce says:


    Leave it up to you to hit below the belt all the time

  100. donviti says:

    when is this shit over? I can’t take much more of these people

  101. donviti says:

    um it’s true paisano. If you are going to call him out you better think twice chump.

    if speaking the truth is considered below the belt to you then I suggest you think before you speak.

  102. jason330 says:

    He is a surley drunk Giovanni.

  103. Rob Foraker says:

    John Feroce // Jan 21, 2008 at 9:39 pm

    I stopped at a rest stop once in South Carolina, should I run for President
    Rob says, No I saw your videos

  104. John Feroce says:

    Your a fucking loser DV…that’s the truth. Happy?

  105. cassandra m says:

    Go Obama!

  106. jason330 says:

    DV – he was talking about the carpet bagger stuff.

  107. donviti says:

    you called him a carpet bagger

    and you my friend are one

    so shut the fuck up hypocrite if you don’t want to hear it, then keep your gun totting, RI mouth shut about someone else’s residential issues

  108. donviti says:

    I guess I don’t understand how it is below the belt

  109. jason330 says:

    I’m out

    Thanks for the comments John, Cassandra, Rob, DV.


  110. John Feroce says:


    What are you talking about? I was goofing on him pushing I was born in SC, grew up here…blah blah was a joke, the rest stops in SC are the worst in the country.

    Typical of you to take it into another direction.

  111. John Feroce says:

    Later Jason, Thanks.

  112. donviti says:

    my apologies, the power of the internet.

    I wasn’t aware their rest rooms are the worst

  113. John Feroce says:

    Thanks DV…no harm, no foul.

    I’ll try to be easier on the trigger back too.


  114. donviti says:

    edwards slamming lobbyists and clinton fighting back.

    but she won’t say no of course.

  115. donviti says:

    he isn’t letting go and she isn’t either. interesting though she isn’t backing off and christ almighty this is horrible.

  116. donviti says:

    man none of these guys can talk about lobbyists and Obama knows it. He moved away smartly should be interesting to read about tomorrow.

  117. cassandra m says:

    Entrenched interests are hard to dis when you are part of the entrenchment.

    But I am all for getting rid of the politics of fear.

  118. donviti says:

    boy he moved away from that lobbyist thing. pathetic. Wouldn’t it have been nice if they had ALL agreed to not have any lobbyist associated At ALL with their campaigns?

    so sad, so sad.

  119. cassandra m says:

    Going to have to turn in now. See you guys!

  120. donviti says:

    CNN loves the “slow zoom in” don’t they?

  121. donviti says:

    thanks for playing

  122. Von Cracker says:

    Have to say that the Dems put up 3 really good candidates, even Hillary!! – Though she’s still the 3rd choice.

    Though Edwards did the best and it was good to see Obama fight back against the conservative DLC.

    Many moderate-to-conservative voters forgot that they were on the boat to the far right during the Reagan years…it must have been that bait and switch tactic which worked so well, which was a authoritarian populist view (Morning in America tripe). For if you think that the Dems positions are far left, you truly don’t know about leftist politics.

  123. anon says:

    Dems abandoning Edwards are no smarter than Dems who abandoned Dean in 2004.

  124. Rob Foraker says:

    Barack and Pastor Wright may be closer than we originally thought….be carefull

  125. liberalgeek says:

    Oh My Freakin’ God.

    Rob, this thread is dead. It died on January 22 at 11:05AM. What the hell are you doing? If you want to comment, please, please, please try to do it on something that is an active discussion, make sure it’s on-topic and try to do it sober.

    I’m starting to feel bad about hatin’ on you. It’s like booing at the Special Olympics.

  126. Rob Foraker says:

    liberalgeek, I saw your pic….thought you were a little more intellegent than you write….

  127. Rob Foraker says:

    “5000 of our children in the city of Wilmington live in poverty” Lets do the math…at 3 children per family this comes to over 1600 families living below poverty.

    Terry Schooley, Project Director for KIDS COUNT Delaware, and member of the State House of Representatives, released the 5th Edition of the Wilmington KIDS COUNT Fact Book.

    Schooley says the numbers show there’s still a way to go to give the city’s kids what they need, but a lot has been accomplished.

    Schooley says while infant mortality stabilizes, the percentage of low birth weight babies remains on the rise, and 34% of the city’s 20,000 children live in poverty…Something that just starts the ball rolling

  128. liberalgeek says:

    Rob, please get a clue. First, I am certain that you have not seen my picture. Second, this particular conversation is dead…still. Your inability to grasp these things are the reason that you are a joke.

    You are acting like an old man that randomly shouts something like “Nixon Lied!” in a nursing home. We get it, but you are not speaking in context.

    Feel free to comment on any of our active conversations, and delete the bookmark for this particular conversation.

    The correct link for the main page is here.

    And unfortunately for you, the comments on this post are now closed, you moron.