this may be a dumb question

Filed in National by on January 28, 2008

As I was lying awake last night staring at the full moon that shined on my full moon I thought to myself when Chimply McFlightsuit wants to cut taxes how is that helping me. 

So I thought for a while and realized it fucking doesn’t? 

So please tell me the last time a tax cut directly affected me?  Because when these Aholes tell me they are going to cut taxes I never here of an example that  makes me run home to the Mrs. Viti and say, honey lets go out to dinner!  Bush just cut our XYZ tax no we can buy that steak we always wanted!

I really would have expected some wing nut to have answered this by now…interesting that this post hasn’t recieved a comment…

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dana says:

    When one of my commenters said that I must be a millionaire because I said that the Bush tax cuts directly benefitted me, I said that no, I wasn’t — and then I went and plugged my 2006 tax information into a 2000 Form 1040. With an income just barely into six figures (but still below the Alternative Minumum Tax), my family saved $5,703 in income taxes in tax year 2006 alone. I didn’t do the years 2001-2005, but I’d guess that I had substantial savings those years as well.

    The saddest thing about the last seven years is that they didn’t make the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent.

  2. donviti says:

    just barely into six figures….save $5k

    i rest my case

  3. Dana says:

    That makes me working class, dude! I run a concrete plant, which includes all sorts of blue-collar work; shoveling under conveyor belts, running the loader, cleaning cement filter baghouses and greasing the plant. My wife is a registered nurse.

    Y’all think that the tax cuts were just for the rich; we ain’t rich, but actually work for a living.

  4. anon says:

    my family saved $5,703 in income taxes in tax year 2006 alone

    LOL… try calculating tax year 2016, you’ll be paying it all back with interest, probably while living in a smaller house.

  5. donviti says:

    I don’t care where you work bro. It makes upper class. go take a lookeylou at where your total household income lies on the economic ladder of life man.

    Congrats you work hard for a living, so do poor people

  6. Dogless says:

    The middle class is shrinking. They are all moving into Mr. DV’s upper class. Of course it takes two earners to get there….

    If Mr. Dana got divorced, he and his wife would – presto chango! – become middle class again.

    God damned middle class is just too rich in this country.

  7. donviti says:

    so someone that is making over $100k as an individual to you is middle class?

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    Donviti is right (for once)! What kind of douche bag says that “just into the 6 figures” is middle class. Our concept of wealth is really fucked up. How much more square footage in Middletown do you need? Do you own two cars and a flat screen? Where did you go on your last vacation?

    What a delusional scumbag.

  9. anon says:

    “Just barely into 6 figures”

    US median household income is $48K (as of 2006).

    Just goes to show, middle class is a state of mind.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    If you look at the census bureau data, the median is +78,321(+/- $4,287) for a family of 4 in Delaware. So, there is an argument to be made that Dana makes 25% more than the median. Also, it doesn’t reflect where Dana is in his life. If he is 50 with 2 kids in college, it is different than if he is 30 with 2 kids in diapers.

  11. anon says:

    Not to mention the defining thing that separates the middle class from the upper class is security, not income.

    Dana (or just about any 2-income household) is just one layoff away from joining the lower middle class. From there, it’s just a few missed paychecks until foreclosure.

  12. donviti says:

    that arguement can be used for anyone anon

  13. liberalgeek says:

    I started looking for what the definition of middle-class is, and it is pretty amorphous. The best description I could find was that the person is economically independent, but without social or political power. That is a pretty broad range.

    I am not sure it makes Dana “working class,” but he can reasonably call himself “middle class.” I certainly don’t think his response makes him a scumbag.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    That argument can’t be used for people that make 200K for 20 years. But a guy that has been working his way up the ladder or started a small business and gone into debt and just breaks 100K as a family, isn’t secure.

  15. jason330 says:

    To further complicate things – if you look at income from a more global perspective, we are all closer to Paris Hilton than we are to most of the rest of the world.

  16. anon says:

    that arguement can be used for anyone anon

    Nope… a two-income family at $75K or more each won’t drop through the DE median even after one layoff. Not that it wouldn’t suck, but they’d be able to buy groceries and keep the house. Not true for lower earners.

  17. Dogless says:

    We are all closer to Paris Hilton than we are to most of the rest of the world.

    I assume everyone commenting here has a computer and a place to hook up to the internet. Every one of you is rich beyond your own realization. If you don’t think so, go almost ANYWHERE in Africa and send us a note.

  18. donviti says:

    personally I find this thread amusing. Amusing because no one could tell me which specific taxes were cut

  19. meatball says:

    I got a couple hundred for raising two kids. But then I lost it when the dog tax, car tax, school tax, parking tax, and now the fishing tax all went up in Delaware :{