um, Proof the NJ prefers assholes to elbows

Filed in National by on February 11, 2008

Take a look over his shoulder.

Oh and speaking of assholes, Aetna pulls full sedation coverage for colonoscopies. So the next time you get something rammed up your asshole at the doctors office, plan on being awake for it.

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Our great health care system. Dont pay for sedation – so you can pay further down the line for cancer treatments.


  2. donviti says:

    how many people will pass on this because they won’t be out cold for it? gee I wonder if that was in their cost calculation

  3. disbelief says:

    Just amazed enough to remark that the picture shows one super-clean colon! Kind of reminds me of Hillary after a long bath.

  4. donviti says:

    it reminds me of VC or Nemski to be honest

  5. meatball says:

    I haven’t done the research, but I’m pretty sure the vast majority of these procedures are already done under conscious sedation rather than general anesthesia.

    General anesthesia, in addition to requiring a second MD be present (anesthesiologist), requires a much greater recovery time and has a great deal more risk ASSociated with it.

    It still sucks that they take away the paying customer’s choice.

  6. liz allen says:

    And this is permitted to go on, because Jack Markell and John Carney refused to be leaders and end the “for profit insurance company brokered sick system”!

    This is a sample of what is to come with these insurance companies, instead of supporting our SB 177, Universal single payer health care bill, some of you “so called progressives” and your go along to get along “labor” movements must be held accountable.

    We had a real opportunity here, to do something to protect our workers, and our citizens, but because one person decided to protect corporate america and the insurance company interests…and many of you went along with that “corporate protectionism”, you can only blame yourselves.

  7. disbelief says:

    liz, sweet Jesus its just general vs. really good local anesthesia. Read meatball’s comment.

    fuck woman; if Carney or Markell does lead the health care reforms their first actions will be to ban you from caffeine.

  8. disbelief says:

    By the way, did you guys or the NJ get permission to put someone’s asshole on the blog? Isn’t that copywright infringement or something?

  9. donviti says:


    that could be any asshole for all we know

  10. disbelief says:

    Remember? We’re from Delaware. We probably know that asshole.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    It’s Colon Powell.

    OK, it’s been a long day…

  12. anon says:

    It’s Goatse Man.

    (if you have to ask you don’t want to know).

  13. meatball says:

    Quick clarification….
    local anesthesia are things like lidocaine, novocaine, cocaine. These are applied topically or injected locally into the sub-skin tissues to be “worked on”. Think dentistry, think suturing a laceration in the ER. Don’t think inserting a large but flexible camera into your bum. It just won’t work.

    Conscious sedation are IV drugs injected into your blood stream. Some common agents include versed, valium, and some times narcotics like demerol. Usually it is a happy blend of several. The goal is to keep the customer calm, cooperative, and comfortable while also allowing them to continue to breath on their own.

    General anesthesia is administered by an MD and is usually a combination of inhaled gases and IV drugs. The pt is usually artificially paralyzed and requires mechanical ventilation to “breath.”

    Also, spinals, epidurals, and blocks not really appropriate (or needed) for this procedure.

  14. disbelief says:

    I had demerol once for a broken nose. Coulda’ taken off my arm and I wouldn’t of cared.

  15. liz allen says:

    Disbelief: get some facts please. The problem is that when an anesthesiolgist does the procedure, he bills for his assistant and a registered nurse…I call that triple dipping! We need regulations on what they can or cannot bill, after all the bulk of the health care dollars come right out of our pockets. Meatball and Disbelief obviously don’t know “their pockets are being picked”.

  16. Ray K says:

    Only two possible reasons for Meatball and Disbeliefs comments. They profit from our horribly overpriced health care system or they are politicians who rely on same for “donations”.

  17. disbelief says:

    Is anyone else hearing looney-tune music?

  18. 14th Senate District says:

    Looks like Dave Burris after the election, no wait a minute, he’s more of a horses ass!

  19. Ray K says:

    Hay disbelief, I could use another good laugh.lets hear some more good things about our health care system.

  20. Ray K says:

    wheres meatball we need to talk. your post was totally bogus.

  21. meatball says:


  22. meatball says:

    Actually, I’m a chicken farmer. All I’m sayin’ is if you want professional services you’re gonna have to pay for it.

    If you want me to do your oscopy, well I suppose I could knock a few dollars off what the MDs charge, but you’ll have to sign these waivers. Oh, wait you have to sign waivers for the MDs, too.

    Botttom line Liz, is I actually sort of agree with you. It is the insurance companies that are gouging the system not the professionals.

  23. liz allen says:

    meatball, I am glad you at least understand who is gouging who….and now they want to gouge us without anesthesia! Its too bad these doctors go through so much expense to get themselves educated and then when ready to practice have to take another course….how to lie looking your patient right in the face, while the Doc is forced to “face off” with a beancounter who is not a medical person, but getting big bonus’s to convince your doctor, you really dont need that treatment, or that medication.

  24. liz allen says:

    For anyone who wants to know how the nations’ doctors feel about the interference by beancounters into the doctor patient relationship….go to…the fastest growing doctors group in the nation…wanting to rid our health care system of the for profit insurance companies/hmos, who are really determinng the health care you will get. If you’re poor you get the generic drugs, and “hospitalists” in hospitals who are now taking your “doctors place” when you go to the hospital…establish whether you get the best of care or less than basic care.

  25. meatball says:

    I’m not really sure why an anesthesiologist is required to administer this drug, propofol? Maybe regional Board of Nursing rules. Why can’t a nurse monitor vital signs and adjust an IV?

  26. donviti says:

    everyone knows nurses are as smart as doctors. Just ask a doctor