Delaware Dem Bringing the Heat !

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008



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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    The action is now in the House, so we get to find out where Castle stands.

    The House is currently considering a 21-day FISA extension which would put off the need to consider the Senate bill (containing immunity).

    As I write this the House is involved in a series of procedural votes leading up to the actual vote on the extension (live on CSPAN stream).

    Republicans are pissed about this and are trying all sorts of moves, including motions to adjourn, to avoid voting on the 21-day extension. They want to vote on the Senate bill as is.

    Right now the best outcome pro-Constitution forces can hope for is to pass the 21-day FISA extension, and let the Senate bill die in conference or try to strip the immunity provision.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Pink? Is this because I brought the heat, thus making Delaware Liberal blush?

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Valentines Day (or as Smitty would say, The day of Jason’s triumphant return from his self-imposed exile)

  4. anon says:

    Chuck Shumer put a front-page diary on Daily Kos today asking for support for the DSCC.

    DAMN did he pick a bad day.

    You see, Senate Dems just sent the telecom immunity bill over to the House, and dKos was pissed. And not feeling very good about the Senate.

    But there was Chuck, sticking his bare forearm into the hornet’s nest, saying “we have to keep working to build on our majority in the Senate.

    (See, Chuck sees all that netroots money going to Obama, and he wants a piece.)

    I don’t think he got any donations today. What he DID get was an earful. It was pretty civil up until Chuck himself cluelessly posted this comment:

    We have opposed President Bush on just about every issue of importance. But, as you know, we need 60 votes to pass anything in the Senate…

    Well, after that the gloves were off.

    Here are some sample comments:

    I think a lot of people are going to be reluctant to give to the DSCC this year because of what happened yesterday on FISA.

    We were sold down the river by the Senate yesterday.

    stop “negotiating”…start playing political hardball.

    we would need 90 Democrates to hold on to a 60 of them.

    why did Reid bring Immunity to the floor? why didn’t anyone stop him? what good are more Dems when the leadership does stuff like that?

    You won’t see a dime from me until Harry Reid is replaced as Speaker.

    I cannot in good conscience contribute to the DSCC until they get their chamber in order.

    The Mukasey nomination which you pushed for isn’t working out so well, Senator. Torture is being committed in all of our names…

    Two words: Mukasey confirmation…Nobody who okayed that lying bastard will ever see dime one from me again.

    NOT. ANOTHER. DIME…. For Mukasey (it’s on you), for FISA, and for blindly supporting Harry Reid.

    Can Schumer be primaried?

    the DSCC gets NO MONEY from me ever again until you resign as the head.

    I’m not giving a red cent to the DSCC until our elected democratic officials start acting like DEMOCRATS. I’m really disappointed in you Senator Schumer. You come to this site hat-in-hand and kissing our butt and praising our good work, but you want us to support DINOS that don’t listen to what we have to say? No way!

    Yeah Chuck, give me a good reason why I shouldn’t just tell you to FUCK OFF right now.


    Get the picture?

  5. oh, music to my ears. Good on the kos crowd.

    Atrios has posted that Pelosi is holding on. I can’t stand it. That Carper is one evil Fuck.