duuuuude, Canada is so awesome!

Filed in National by on February 14, 2008

The smoke filling it up can no longer be deemed a reason for arrest in Canada:

“The smell alone can’t constitute the grounds because the smell of burnt marijuana – as opposed to raw marijuana – gives an inference that the material is gone, it’s dissipated into the atmosphere. So how can you say you’re in possession of something that doesn’t exist?” said Ronald Piche, Janvier’s lawyer.

h/t Dorian Gray (from Andrewsullivan)

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    If the government wants to play a game, so can the lawyers!

    A constitutional law professor once told me that if you want to determine the validity of law, you must first find out why (the reasoning) it became a law in the first place.

    Cannabis was legal in this country up to Prohibition. It was basically rolled into the same ‘evil’ group as alcohol. The ones who lobbied for its banishment were uptight, Victorian prudes, white-male land owners from the south, and cotton farmers. The reasoning? Well, the prudes are easy – all roads lead to the Devil (or you can substitute any other mythical creature). The cotton farmers obviously did not want hemp to become the dynamic cash crop here – its many uses, from clothing to medicine cannot be denied. And finally, the white southern land owners, of which, most on Mexican border-states wanted a very easy way to hold the hammer over Mexican immigrants and Native Americans, since it has been part of their cultures for years. Just watch the movie Reefer Madness and you’ll see what I mean….in a nutshell, pot makes people, especially Latinos, want to assault and rape white folk….come on now!

    So 80 years ago, our so-called leaders created a law based on greed, religious wackery, and straight-up racism. Now the question begs, based on the mal-intent of this law…Is it not our moral obligation to ignore this law?

  2. Mat Marshall says:

    Is it not our moral obligation to ignore this law?


    (cough, cough, cough)


  3. Jason420 says:

    Just remember that there’s no actual law against being high, only for possession of what got you that way.