Clinton Supporters Are as Horrible as Clinton

Filed in National by on February 16, 2008

I find sickening that Senator Clinton’s supporters are so eager to adopt bullshit GOP spin about Obama, especially the nonsense that he is all charisma and no policies. It is utter nonsense. All his policies are laid out in detail on his campaign site. It is a laughable line of attack really.

But, they have nothing and seem to be in full freak out mode. I think they’ve picked up the “scorched earth” vibe that Clinton is throwing down and just want to ensure Obama is mortally wounded in the event that he wins the nomination.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Accept Him before he destroys you. Drink!! Touch the hem of His garment!!!

  2. Joe M says:

    What Clinton and her thugs need to remember is that the world does not end when she loses the nomination. There will still be a democratic candidate that will need support, even if it is not her. Her campaign has gone well past the line of “aggressive campaign now, full support when we lose”.

    The need for this election is to get someone in there who can heal the government, whether or not it’s Clinton.

  3. Pandora says:

    Here’s the difference:

    When you speak with a Clinton supporter they trash Obama — he’s inexperienced, he’s vague on the issues, the GOP will destroy him, etc.

    When you speak to Obama supporters they speak of Obama — his vision, his issues, and why they support him.

    Big difference.

  4. nemski says:

    A good article today from the NYT,

    The article talks of how Obama his speeches slightly to add the detail, to show his inner wonk.

    The long-distance message — “My opponent gives speeches; I offer solutions” — clearly was heard here in Wisconsin. Barely hours after Mrs. Clinton introduced the line in Ohio, Mr. Obama had woven the words into his speech as a new punch line. (By contrast, he did not acknowledge the criticism from Mr. McCain, who said Mr. Obama’s speeches had been “singularly lacking in specifics.”)

    Here in Eau Claire on Saturday, as Mr. Obama spoke to more than 3,000 people, he devoted several minutes to addressing Mrs. Clinton’s criticism. The response, advisers said, was designed to crystallize support among those who had already made up their minds in the race and were choosing Mr. Obama.

    Why else would a candidate repeat the attack lines used against him? Except, of course, it allowed him to address the criticism at campaign stops in Oshkosh, Green Bay and Eau Claire.

    “Part of what I think Senator Clinton doesn’t seem to understand,” Mr. Obama said, “is that the way you get things done is not just having a bunch of bullet points and position papers. Every candidate has them.”

  5. Rebecca says:

    Obama is looking at a much bigger picture, how to heal the nation and bring us together. Clinton wants to do the bullet points. The thing is, presidents never do the bullet points they promise — fate intervenes, the nation responds to changes, the bullet points evaporate.

    An inspirational leader who can call on the grassroots for work and sacrifice might be in a better position to respond to fate than a wonky one who wants to solve everything in Washington.

    Obama might short-circut some of the criticism he’s taking for lack of experience by starting to leak word of who might serve in his cabinet. If he recruited a deep bench it would go a long way to spike this attack. That’s not an original idea on my part; I heard it the other day in conversation with one of our unpledged Super Delegates. — You guess who.

  6. Fuck All This Hype says:

    “An inspirational leader who can call on the grassroots for work and sacrifice might be in a better position to respond to fate”

    This is exactly the kind of meaningless bullshit that is the hallmark of the Obama ecstasies.Who are the “grassroots” and what do you mean by “work and sacrifice”. Is Obama’s message that workaday people should be even more beholden to Washington? People across America are working and sacrificing themselves plenty just to survive.

    It is a fucking insult that we should follow this pied piper to DC where he is going to make everything all better with more “work and sacrifice” from already battered middle and lower income people. Obama’s hackneyed catch phrases reek of national socialism in a country way too diverse to be forced into grandiose cumbayas as the answer to all our problems.

    Obama is already racking up a laundry list of new federal programs that will only mean more deficits waste and failure. He wants to solve everything from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue not the “grassroots”. He is as much about DC as Hillary or any of them except he is far more clueless. He has nothing to back up any of his rhetoric except a pretty face, a commendable but hardly singular personal success story, and throngs of pie eyed devotees.

    The guy is a slick politician no savior. There will definitely be an Obama epiphany in the public mind. Except it won’t be the one he and his worshipers hope for. It will be a realization that the cult of personality around him is as creepy as his rhetoric is meaningless. The public doesn’t want to be “brought together” they want to be left the fuck alone by DC politicians and their big ass appetites for squandering our resources. Obama will change nothing.

    Plus he is peaking way too early. Revulsion from Obama hangover will arrive just in time for November. If he even makes it that far.

  7. nemski says:

    @Fuck All This Hype

    You tongue your mother with that mouth.

  8. Fuck All This Hype says:


    Actually your mother. How do you think it got so dirty.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    F.A.T.H is just mad that Ron Paul didn’t get the nomination.

  10. Fuck All This Hype says:

    Please. The Ron Paul cult is just as scary as Obama’s.

  11. jason330 says:

    I’m starting to warm up to F.A.T.

    I mean what we really need is a deeply unpopular Democratic President. That will even out the karma after 8 years of Bush.