Valero…friend of the environment

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008

Valero refinery still emitting air pollutants
Open-air flares can release tons of sulfur dioxide

I hope we NEVER get wind power in delaware. You see if I paid $50 more a year for anything I’d rather it be on….

Asthma medicine

“Last weekend, it was miserable,” John Nickle, a Delaware City native and chemist, said late Sunday. “I noticed last night that they were running some flares, the north flare especially. But we don’t have the odor problem now that we had. Last weekend was certainly one for the records.”

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hiding in the open

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  1. FSP says:

    I don’t usually do this, but I remember how Alan Muller and all of the green lobby said Delaware would be destroyed if my father were elected Governor.

    This NEVER would have been permitted if he had won.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Oh? And how is that, Dave? What steps would he have taken?