Friday Open Thread
Here is a good way to start your weekend – a hilarious post called the “Balloon Juice Lexicon.” It’s really a dictionary of sorts of leftie blogosphere terms, some specific to Balloon Juice. Here’s a couple of my favorites:
Center-right nation – A frequent refrain among right-leaning commenters that successfully penetrated mainstream opinion leaders (see ‘serious people’) after the 2008 election, this was an attempt to mitigate the repudiation of the GOP by the electorate. Despite getting hammered in the Presidential election, the House, and the Senate, right wing pundits would insist that regardless of the massive Democratic gains and the shift to the left, this is still a “center-right nation.” To this day, we have no knowledge of any of the stenographers in the media refuting this ludicrous assertion. A final point of irony- the folks insisting the nation was still center-right to diminish the magnitude of Obama’s win were frequently the people who trumpeted Bush’s razor-thin wins as “clear mandates.” See also, puke funnel and stenographers.
Glibertarian – a portmanteau of glib and libertarian, a person who affects libertarianism when it’s convenient. Used by those not ready to admit that all libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to “I got mine, fuck you”, or by those attempting to be polite to libertarians.
Shrill – Telling the unpopular truth. The polar opposite of a pundit whose slavish devotion to mainstream approval leads him or her to frequently wrong conclusions (see ‘serious person’). Someone dubbed ‘shrill’ can be reliably accurate but nonetheless ignored for steeping outside the “acceptable” range of political opinion (see ‘Overton Window’). Particularly hated by Villagers, Beltway insiders, and ‘serious people’ because their example makes it impossible to claim that everyone believed a point that turned out to be wrong (e.g., WMDs in Iraq). Notable shrill people include Howard Dean, Al Gore, and Paul Krugman. The correct usage takes the form of “Paul Krugman is shrill.” It should be noted, however, that Michael Moore is not shrill, but rather, Michael Moore is fat.
Tags: Open Thread
“Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country’s economy number one again!”
“Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country’s economy number one again!”
“Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country’s economy number one again!”
Keep saying it over and over…eventually you’ll actually start to believe it!
Notice how none of our usual right wingnuts are talking about how Obama is “keeping us safe” despite all the recent arrests of terrorist suspects? And isn’t it odd that they were able to make these arrests without torturing anybody (that we know of)?
In 2001 at this time, the country was in the middle of the anthrax attack – another Bush failure.
We should also note that Bush knew about the secret Iranian nuclear plant, but said and did nothing.
Obama has “kept us safe” longer than Bush ever did.
19 days to be exact.
“Chewbacca defense- attempting to win an argument by confusing the issues with completely irrelevant details. ”
My favorite, and Protack has half of the facial hair
So almost eight years ago I bought a new range. Last week I received a recall notice that it could malfunction and set the house on fire. I guess somebody finally showed up to work at the Consumer Protection Agency, ’cause ya know they never turned on the lights there while Bush was in office. Anyway it’s been fixed, and I was one of the lucky ones whose house didn’t burn down by Bush fiddled. Of course, I’m sure all of his worthless appointees drew a paycheck while they were not protecting me.
Obama Admits Bush Was Right on Detentions ^
Remember when the Left scoffed at the argument from George W. Bush that claimed the authorization to use military force allowed the executive branch to hold captured terrorists indefinitely, without criminal trial? Bush’s opponents screamed about human rights and due process, and claimed that Bush had abused his power. Those critics included Barack Obama, who regularly castigated the Bush administration for its failure to provide his idea of due process to detainees at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere, as well as blasting Bush for his argument that he didn’t require Congress to act to maintain that power. Now? Change you can…
Obama: “We must never stop until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth.”
Sarkozy: “We live in the real world, not the virtual world. And the real world expects us to take decisions.”
Palin: “Every time i turn the lights out, russia disappears!”
Sarkozy: “President Obama dreams of a world without weapons … but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite. Iran since 2005 has flouted five security council resolutions. North Korea has been defying council resolutions since 1993. I support the extended hand of the Americans, but what good has proposals for dialogue brought the international community? More uranium enrichment and declarations by the leaders of Iran to wipe a UN member state off the map,” he continued, referring to Israel.
Barack Obama: President Pantywaist Restores the Satellite States to Their Former Owner
The Telegraph ^ | Gerlad Warner
Barack Obama’s chances of re-election in three and a half years’ time may be evaporating at unprecedented speed, but his presidential ambitions could still be realised in another direction. He would be a shoo-in to win the next Russian presidential election, so high is his popularity now running in the land of the bear and the knout. Obama has done more to restore Russia’s hegemonial potential in Eastern and Central Europe than even Vladimir Putin.
His latest achievement has been to restore the former satellite states to dependency on Moscow, by wimping out of the missile defence shield plan. This follows on his surrender last July when he voluntarily sacrificed around a third of America’s nuclear capability for no perceptible benefit beyond a grim smile from Putin. If there is one thing that fans the fires of aggression it is appeasement.
Just remember — POWs don’t get trials unless they committed a specific war crime. They get held until the end of the conflict. So once the Islamists quit attacking the US, the captured terrorists can be released.
AP: Guantanamo Might Not Close by January (Friday Night News Dump)
9/25/2009 | ap
The White House is acknowledging for the first time that it might not be able to meet President Obama’s January deadline for closing the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay.
Hope and Change