Serious QoTD

Filed in National by on October 15, 2009

How ya doing?

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (23)

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  1. anon says:

    Get a Twitter account.

  2. Duffy says:

    Not great but thanks for asking.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Tired, busy, and on allergy meds.

    Hello Duffy!

  4. Harvey Firestein says:

    Chillin’ and getting paid not to go to work!

  5. pandora says:

    Just finished re-doing the kitchen and moving onto the upstairs bathroom. Going to my daughter’s soccer games (I’m so happy it’s raining today), organizing my son’s trip to Italy, and getting a meatloaf together for dinner tonight. Obnoxiously normal.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Can you put figs in meatloaf?


  7. pandora says:

    Fig season is over. *sigh*

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Oh wow. That didn’t last long.

    EDIT — I had a meatloaf once wrapped in bacon. It was fantastic, but not something you would want to do every day.

  9. RSmitty says:

    I had a meatloaf once wrapped in bacon…

    Someone said BACON! Where? Bacon bacon bacon bacon!!!!!

    Actually, Cass, so did I. It was freaking delicious, TOO delicious. I was 150lbs before dinner that night and have never been under 210 since.

  10. Scott P says:

    I hope we’re not jumping the gun on tomorrow, but in my experience, there are not many meats that can’t be made better by wrapping them in bacon.

  11. pandora says:

    Ah, Smitty, Cassandra had my figs stuffed with goat cheese and toasted pecans and then wrapped in bacon… and broiled. Guess I owe you.

    Meatloaf wrapped in bacon. Mr. Pandora would love it. Right now he’s hooked on my pork tenderloin with balsamic vinegar and maple syrup. He’s so spoiled! 😉

  12. cassandra_m says:

    You definitely need a real meatloaf pan for this — one that is a pan within a pan to let the meat drain.

  13. Scott P says:

    A meatloaf pan? I thought that was just a bad review of Bat Out of Hell. Now checking, I see what it is. Must get one for the wife. Hers are often a bit on the greasy side. Thanks for the (inadvertant) tip, Cass!

  14. cassandra_m says:

    If you are like me, any excuse to visit Williams Sonoma will do!

  15. pandora says:

    I am like you. 🙂

  16. cassandra_m says:

    I LOVE that place — just got the Thanksgiving catalog and I want stuff!

  17. Progressive Mom says:

    Ohmigosh—how did I land on a board with foodies…karma, baby, karma.

    My mother is already calling with the pre-t-day questions: which pies, who’s making what, should she get a ham, too, what soup, pancetta and chestnuts in the dressing,please …

  18. pandora says:

    Ooh, I have a great recipe for pumpkin mushroom soup. EASY and delicious. Let me know if you want it. Also the pork tenderloin with balsamic vinegar and maple syrup is to die for!

  19. Kilroy says:

    Don’t eat yellow snow

  20. Joanne Christian says:

    My mother’s meatloaf was ALWAYS topped with bacon.

  21. Mark H says:

    Williams Sonoma, one of the websites I’ve blocked at the firewall at my house due to overspending by the wife 🙂