Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 5, 2008

Well for all of her bluster last night, Hillary didn’t have much to show for it. According to the Obama Campaign:

Our projections show the most likely outcome of yesterday’s elections will be that Hillary Clinton gained 187 delegates, and we gained 183.

That’s a net gain of 4 delegates out of more than 370 delegates available from all the states that voted.

For comparison, that’s less than half our net gain of 9 delegates from the District of Columbia alone. It’s also less than our net gain of 8 from Nebraska, or 12 from Washington State. And it’s considerably less than our net gain of 33 delegates from Georgia.

I wonder if this will even be a bone of contention in the MSM in the next few days. Obama was down by huge margins just a month ago and closed the gap significantly, despite Clinton’s best efforts. I just wish she would hang it up.  If she wants a do over in MI and FL, I think she will be soundly whipped.

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Howard Dean was just on NPR getting grilled over what to do about FL and MI. I swear, I am so very proud of him. He is standing by the rules that everyone signed onto — states and candidates. He also explained that there were ways for delegates to be seated, and still stays open to real primaries by these states when they are ready.

    Thing is, I have not yet seen the math for Obama and am not sure if it is possible for him to get the right numbers to wrap up the nomination, either.

  2. Pandora says:

    I have seen the math. Looks like the both will need super-delegates.

    Also, the Clinton campaign is talking non-stop about seating FL and MI. Haven’t they realized there is an election in November? Hillary’s solely Dem base isn’t enough to beat McCain. She desperately needs Obama’s youth vote, independents, and Obamakins. Seating FL and MI will cost her these groups.

    Someone should send her a memo!

  3. cassandra m says:

    The audio of Howard Dean’s interview on NPR this evening is up.

    Hillary may be making noises about seating these delegates, but I think Howard has other plans.

  4. X Stryker says:

    I called it! If you look at the median delegate projecction I made, it works out a gain of about 5 delegates for Hillary. I’ll put up a post around lunchtime declaring how awesome my projections were.

  5. Brian says:

    Howard has other plans.