Republicans Already Claiming Voter Fraud In New Jersey Race

Filed in National by on November 3, 2009

Hmm… wonder what will happen to this baseless accusation should Christie win?

TPM has it all – and it’s growing.ย  Republicans are ridiculous.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. I don’t find Chris Christie physically attractive, therefore I think he should lose the governor’s race.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Christie could use a session with those What Not To Wear People. It’s New Jersey people! If you can’t dress then stay in your law office.

  3. Brooke says:

    I dunno. He has those sad puppy-dog eyes. I used to think Corzine was kinda hot, like a liberal econ prof, but now he’s looking a little too Jerry Garcia for my taste.

  4. There’s really no hot-looking candidate in NJ-Gov.

  5. Is Corzine that big of a failure that this is all that you three have?

  6. Scott P says:

    Give him another chance, UI. You want he should maybe turn and clench for you? (Sorry. Hope you’ve already had lunch.)

  7. Brooke says:

    David, I haven’t seen your picture, so I can’t comment on your hotness yet. :*-(

  8. a.price says:

    The Repukes are getting so moronic…. so transparent in their tactics it makes me want to scream. but worse are the droves of slobbering idiots who take their flat out hardly concealed lies as gospel.
    Mike, David, et all…. are ya really that dumb or is it that you force down every bite of this under cooked shit sandwich because it is your party and you’ll drink the kool-aid of you want to?
    You lose and election… VOTER FRAUD!!!!! you BARELY win OVERWHELMING MANDATE!!!!! It is the tired same shit year after year after year, and whats worse your horde of bible thumping gay bashing klansmen keep coming back for more. arent you even the slightest bit ashamed? It is simply pathetic… have fun as a historical footnote.

  9. Scott,

    That doesn’t help his looks all that much.

    Perhaps Corzine could go to a goatee or something? Maybe he can shave completely bald a go with the tough-guy look.

  10. Geezer says:

    David will appeal to you if you like the Cro-Magnon look.

    BTW, David, it’s snark. Look it up.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Corzine could show you his scars… That does it for some women…

    Personally, I don’t think that there has been a remotely hot NJ Gubernatorial candidate since Whitman, that even that is a stretch of the imagination.


  12. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, I think Corzine should accentuate his greatest assets. Perhaps a suit made of cash.

  13. That’s true, Delaware has much hotter gubernatorial candidates.

  14. a.price says:

    you mean like Ruth Ann? i know this is a super feminazi blog (protects manhood from UI’s foot)… who only sees inner beauty, but Ruth Ann is birth control ugly!

  15. cassandra_m says:

    Actually, I think Corzine should accentuate his greatest assets. Perhaps a suit made of cash.

    Corzine’s money is definitely hot.

  16. I agree, Corzine should probably just roll the money out like a red carpet in front of him when he enters a room.

  17. That’s right a. price, we are a super blog thanks for saying so.

  18. Brooke says:

    LG, Corzine always wears a suit made out of cash. That’s a given. But his grooming has gone to hell. He’s gotten kind of grey and shaggy, and put on at least 30 pounds. NOT hot.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    Hey ladies — we know where a.price lives, right?

  20. Brooke says:

    Field Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. a.price says:

    i sure hope so. I’ll chill a bottle of chardonnay ๐Ÿ˜‰

  22. liberalgeek says:

    Grooming??? Seriously? For $100M you would look the gift horse in the gray, shaggy beard?

  23. Brooke says:

    Poor guys always think cash will fix everything, and rich guys take it as an article of faith. But there are HOT rich guys, and no reason not to go for them. Also, his track record for retaining women is poor… have to factor that in.

  24. I always wondered for all of Bill Gates’s riches why he couldn’t find someone to give him a decent haircut.

  25. Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic reports that GOP turnout in VA is good, but that the GOP is not happy with turnout in NJ. Turnout in Maine right now is very high right now, over 50% in Bangor which is good news for the “No on 1” folks.

  26. lizard says:

    this thread took a wierd turn

  27. pandora says:

    I don’t think this thread is weird. It’s pertinent. BTW, what’s with Christie’s mortician suits? And, you’re right, Brooke, Corzine needs a new stylist. The grunge look doesn’t inspire confidence.

  28. MJ says:

    Heh, heh, heh, UI said Bangor.

  29. Yeah, I think the grunge look is for young guys. Corzine needs something more distinguished. I can’t believe that NJ is so close to fashion capital NY and Christie can’t get better suits.

  30. Scott P says:

    There you go, liz. When you’re not cutting and pasting, you can make accurate observations. Maybe I’ll go check out a conservative blog. Their women certainly don’t carry on this way. They’re probably at home getting dinner ready and figuring out how to look pertier for the menfolk.

  31. cassandra_m says:


    I think he looks professorial (pace, Free Radical!) and he pulls it off. A really smart guy with money — what’s not to like?

  32. Geezer says:

    Christie is shopping on a government salary.

  33. Geezer says:

    “A really smart guy with money โ€” whatโ€™s not to like?”

    Um…he made it on Wall Street?

  34. pandora says:

    Hello??? I’m sure he only stopped by Wall Street on his way to 5th Avenue.

  35. Brooke says:

    Professorial is okay, and all pols dress down for voters. But he’s really let himself go.

  36. Yes, why go to Wall Street when you can go to 5th Avenue?

  37. pandora says:

    Cassandra FTW!

  38. Brooke says:

    Naw, Christie started out behind the buffet. Corzine had more potential, that’s all I’m saying.

  39. You know, it’s really unflattering to be photographed from below the chin up the face.

  40. Brooke says:

    If they photographed him from any other angle, you couldn’t find a chin, at all. I’ll bet his official photos were done in a headstand.

  41. anon says:

    Looks like Mike Matthews circa 2008.

  42. Scott P says:

    I’m not sure anyone short of a fashion mag Photoshopper could find a good angle for him.

  43. I agree, a good angle for Christie would be a challenge. Perhaps he should try turtlenecks.

  44. Scott P says:

    Have to be a pretty damn big turtle.

  45. arthur says:

    No Delawarean has any right to complain about the attractiveness of another states governor or governor candidate. We Had RAM.

  46. pandora says:

    I don’t know, UI. Christie’s a Republican, and turtlenecks might be a little too Alan Alda-ish.

    Was just over at DP (I know, my bad) and Evan Q is pretending he came up with the “fraud” meme all by himself. Meanwhile, he’s also accusing David A. for not being a real conservative – David committed the cardinal sin of saying he’d support Castle if Castle won the primary. Oh, oh my. They’re splitting like atoms, or given the brain trust, perhaps they’re splitting like Twinkies.

  47. Brooke says:

    Arthur, I have no idea who you are, or what you look like. But if “We Had RAM.” implies you had ANY chance with that woman, I figure you for delusional, at best.

  48. Wow, David A. is a commie lib. I think we’re seeing the fight to see who is the one, true perfect wingnut – the wingularity.

    Perhaps you’re right about the turtleneck. I was trying to think of a way to disguise Christie’s chin but perhaps he could follow the idea of emphasizing the good parts of his physique. I’m not sure what parts those are…

  49. pandora says:

    He might consider a burka and a winning smile.

  50. Scott P says:

    The wingularity. I like that. The single most conservative point in the universe. So conservative that nothing, not even logic and good ideas can escape. If it were to come into contact with sound, logical policy, they would annihilate each other in a tremendous explosion.

    Oh, and if Christie has some hidden “good parts of his physique”, I really don’t want to know.

  51. I think he might consider something more fitted. Do they have spanx for men?

  52. Brooke says:

    I think he could go with something more simple…like the Corvest.

  53. lizard says:

    Are democrats cheating in New Jersey?

    Democratic strategist Pat Caddell accused democrats of dirty tricks in the New Jersey Governorโ€™s race today. There have been 15 times more absentee ballots turned in this year in Camden, New Jersey than last year when Barack Obama was running for president.