I’m being date raped!

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 11, 2008

Oil Prices Reach New High Above $109 a Barrel As Report Suggests Demand Will Remain Brisk

VIENNA, Austria (AP) — Oil prices briefly are surging above $109 a barrel for the first time.
The rise comes as International Energy Agency is warning that there is unlikely to be much relief from current high oil prices because of brisk demand in China and other emerging markets.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled news program showing the latest “news” (wink, wink) about Hillary and Obama trading barbs.  Oh and psssst, the Iraq war rages on….

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hiding in the open

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  1. RSmitty says:

    …and in other economic news, the FED may be cutting rates a full point over the course of the next few meetings. You are expected to believe this is great news as it will encourage spending!!!

    Don’t pay any attention to my other hand warning you that it will lead to further erosion of your dollar, meaning severely higher prices of anything imported. Do not pay attention that it includes crude and all byproducts. $4/gal gas? No worries, you can charge it with your cheaper rates! YEE HAW!

  2. jason330 says:

    I was talking with the supermarket checker last night who said, “I can’t afford to drive my vehicle to work anymore. I have to get a ride.”

    So I asked what he drove and he said an 8 cylider Jeep Cherokee. My first thought was, “What the hell were you thinking when you bought it?”

  3. RSmitty says:

    Dude, that was me. Making fun of me?

  4. anon says:

    Considering they stopped making the Jeep Cherokee in 2001, he was probably thinking “$1.1o per gallon.”

    Remember though, low-wage people view the world differently from middle/upper income folks. You can buy a used Cherokee today for $2500 or less . If you fill up every 2 weeks for $50 ($1300/yr), you can drive it for the next five years or so and you are still doing better than if you bought a used Honda Civic of the same age, and way better than if you bought a new small car.

  5. jason330 says:

    Good point. But even used why pay a premium for for the extra two cylinders?

    At any point between 2001 and today – it was a bad move.

  6. disbelief says:

    Not if you have three kids.

  7. anon says:

    But even used why pay a premium for for the extra two cylinders?

    Bigger engines are at a discount now, not a premium.

  8. RSmitty says:

    Considering they stopped making the Jeep Cherokee in 2001

    Technically, correct, but the Grand Cherokee is still in production. I know of a few hopeless souls that own one and they don’t make the distinction of “Grand” when they describe it. Maybe they save that for describing their monthly gas bill.

    Good job on that dollar, Bush and Co.!!!

  9. anon says:

    You can always use your Grand Cherokee for an extra bedroom.

  10. donviti says:

    oh and you are leaving out the repair costs on an 8 year old american car…

    come on people

  11. anon says:

    People who can’t afford a new car don’t factor in repair costs; they just cross their fingers.

    You can buy six used Jeep Cherokees for less than the cost of a new car.

    You can always tell when the economy is hurting because there are more cars on the road with one headlight out.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Do you Bu$hCo voters feel hoodwinked yet?

    Wow! Hiring oil men to run the country – this is what you get – and don’t even go to the “India and Chinese consumption is causing it” baloney, not when Jabberjaw Fucknut , and the rest are pulling insane profits – but go ahead an rationalize away….

  13. Steve Newton says:

    Here’s the other thing people are missing: no matter who gets elected President, oil prices are NOT coming back down below about $95/barrel.

    Yes, the last eight years have hurt, but the competition from China, India, and Brazil for available oil is not something that was caused by Bushco.

    The era of cheap oil is officially over and not coming back.

  14. anonymousrumor says:

    Hey, I thought DP&L made their price predictions for the cost comparison between wind and otehr forms of energy based on a 2.5 % increase in oil and gas. I think oil and gas went up that much in a day, not over 25 years.

  15. donviti says:

    good point arumor…